Thread: Bela Lugosi
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Old 26th February 2021, 05:40 PM
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A shipment of soon to be retired money is getting transfered to Washinton D.C by post. During the transfer there is wild and extreme flooding that hampers the delivery. There is 3 million dollar involved so there is a massive target on the shipment and not that it has to be moved during a flood its going to be even easier to steal.

This film is all over the place and i have read that there were a few different prints of the film after the film was lost so all we are left with is a 56 minute film. It takes about 40 minutes before anything really happens and that first 40 minutes is full of singing and really out of place comedy moments espcially in the post office where they have tons of gadgets that people mail ordered for hair growth and making a person taller and so on. Then suddenly the film goes into full on action mode with a speedboat chase through the flooded countryside which was pertty cool looking. Its a real shame they had to peice the film together like this it totally ruins the pacing of the film and it felt like some scenes cut off while there is still some dialogue left to be spoken. Bela Lugosi barely gets chance to shine really he is only in a few scenes and while he is head and shoulders above everyone else his appearances are few and far between.

To be honest the main thing that ruins the film is the singing it just pops up at the most random times

Its hard to rate the film the way it had to be put together but i can only review whats infront of me.

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