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Old 17th March 2021, 05:26 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012

I hope the owners of The New Vipco realise that people aren't going to purchase any film just because it's released by Vipco.

When the original Vipco was around, there wasn't much (If any) competition for the films they were putting out, now there's 88, 101, Eureka, Arrow and Shameless.

I am curious as to what titles are going in this Video Nastie and Shocking Cinema ranges, however if they have better titles, then surely they should have been released first.

After all when Shameless first showed up, their first 2 titles were New York Ripper and Phantom Of Death, which had credibility because it was a Ruggero Deodato Movie.

If those films that Vipco are releasing in April are the best they've got, then they aren't going to last long.
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