Thread: Bela Lugosi
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Old 2nd June 2021, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
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Sick of people scoffing at his ideas and inventions Dr. Alex Zorka plans to get revenge for dimissing him with a series of very dangerous discoveries and inventions. First off he has a devisualizer that makes him invisible plus hidden in a secret place within his secret lab he has fragments of a meteor that crashed to earth in Africa not like the one from The Invisible Ray of course. Zorka has found a way that he is the only one that can handle this dangerous rock which makes it even more dangerous to the world. Anyone would be happy having these dangerous weapons but not Zorka to top it off he has created an 8 foot robot that will carry out his every command. Zorka has a group of spies coming to buy his meteor fragments that when certain elements are extracted can induce suspended animation but they have other ideas and intend on stealing the meteor but Zorka has a back up plan for them. With all this going on Zorka fakes his own death to throw the G men off his trail but his wife is flown out to identify the body and knowing that she will recognise its not him so he hatches a plan to stop them that backfires and his wife ends up dying in the plane crash.

Yet another fast paced outing there is so much going on obviously it moves faster because its condensed from the series but it didnt need any padding its just action all the way and nothing is taken away from the story it all makes perfect scense so a great job was done triiming it all down and putting it together.The parts where Bela is invisible are really fun with a slight white glow so the audiance can see where he is and its looks great and the giant robot is awesome i love the look of this head but i thing the arms are a little weak they just looked too long and didnt fit the rest of the costume but he is still cool. The worst thing about the whole thing was the annoying news paper reporter she just keeps musceling her way into everything tagging along with the G-men everywhere they go and brough on top secret missions she is pretty pointless and she gets involed in the most stupid situations . She is just ever present and it feels like she is just there to have a female lead that was just shoe horned in its a shame but hows ever.

There is only one star here and its Bela he is in his element here playing a crazed scientist who wants to rule or destroy the world. His scenes are hilarious he is so crazed i always love mad scientists shouting about ruling the world. My favourite line hands down.

"One by one my enemies will be disposed of and then i will be MASTER OF THE UNNNNNIVERSE " His delievery of this line was amazing fist in the air and so diabolic

Really fun film i love to see Bela so happy in a role and given plenty of lines and screen time he is not there just to ride on his coat tails and get people to watch it which has been the case a few times before this.

There's an upgrade incoming for this one. 31/12/21 preorder on Am*
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