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Old 20th June 2021, 09:39 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post

A young woman investigates the disappearance of her friend whom is believed to of been killed by Bigfoot , she tricks her way into giving a ride to the last person to see her friend.

As the film goes on we soon learn that the woman whom last saw her friend appears to be far more dangerous than Bigfoot. A little slow and not really a Bigfoot movie I the usual sense. We have more lesbian love scenes than anything else.

Excellent, a deranged film director is making a film about zombies, when actual zombies start attacking but the director wants to keep shooting no matter what or does he?

As a lot of reviews say keep watching after 37 minutes , when you watch to will understand why. Well worth a watch.

Easily one of the best of not the best werewolf films since American werewolf . It's the story of two outsider sisters , in which one of the sisters is biting by a werewolf and becomes a sexed up vamp who begins to grow her and a tail and a taste for blood, her sister sets out too try and save her. Excellent.

Now watching.
Regarding One Cut Of The Dead, have you seen the sort of Sequel, it's over 50 minutes but it's really good?
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