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Old 3rd August 2021, 07:35 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


A young timid nurse has moved from working in a hospital to take on hospice care for a retired dancer going into her final days. Maudes obsessive new found faith has her head filled with the strangest ideas that she was sent by god to save the soul of her new patient Amanda. At first Amanda entertains Maudes ideas telling her she can feel the presence of god and so on until Maude tries to interfere in her personal life and things come boiling point and Maude is no longer welcome at Amanda's house.

I had no idea what this was about i didn't read anything about it i didn't watch any trailers i was just aware of its existence so when it showed up on Prime i gave it a shot just expecting the usual run of the mill jump scare bs but boy was i wrong. There is not one jump scare just a slow burn filled with tension and a real feeling of unease. I loved every second of this film seeing Maude deteriorate from scene to scene was fantastic going from a sweet timid young woman who just wants to help people to a woman who is so overcome by her faith that she loses all grip on reality. The actress that plays Maude is fantastic she even made me want to smack her and throw out of the house and board up the doors and windows

The whole thing is shot pretty gritty and dark there is nothing to perk you up just dark old fashioned houses and dingey dirty bed sits and the sort of pubs you go to get a sti and glassed in the face. But within those scenes there is plenty of brilliant sometimes beautiful imagery which adds more to the sense of unease.

Saint Maude really took me by surprise i expected it to just be another forgettable jump scare fest but instead i found a wonderful film.

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