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Old 22nd October 2021, 05:45 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Split Second. 1992.

In a flooded futuristic London Detective Stone hunts for a serial killer who murdered his partner 3 years earlier, teamed with another Detective, they believe the killer is not human.

The late great Rutger Hauer stars as the no nonsense chocolate and coffee binge (man after my own heart) Detective Stone, hunting the flooded streets looking for one guy who enjoys taking people's hearts, not for romance purposes but for lunch. Teamed with analyst Detective Dick Durkin (sounds like a porno name) who tries to figure out the serial killer and starts to believe in using astronomy.

Another late great actor Pete Postlethwaite stars as another detective who seems to get upset a lot about Stone being around and really doesn't enjoy being bossed around. Alun Armstrong stars as the Chief Detective who believes in nothing unless he sees it and has a somewhat of a meltdown.

This is a classic B movie with a post apocalyptic/biblical movie about the 40 days and nights of rain which gives it a good back drop to the movie, it does rely on some action, and some tense moments that plays out well with good make-up effects and if you hate rats well this might be another way of seeing it as a horror.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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