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Old 28th May 2008, 11:40 AM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

I think the turtle was thinking 'weres my body'.

I was only joking Jonny, us Belfast people have a way of putting things that on one else understands. but you gotta admit it took that thing a few moments to realise it was dead.

When I went hunting a swift blow to the back of a rabbits head and it never moved again. That turtle was watching itself get disembowled and thinking thank God thats not me, again joking.

Joking aside, death was that swift the body kept functioning for a while due to no 'body shock' caused by swift decapatation by a sharp straight blade
The same way you can be stabbed and not immediately releaise it, were as a gun shot wounds causes body shock and is immediately registered by the brain.

Dont worry im not a serial killer, I got medical training in my first place of work,many years ago.

The world is so PC its a joke.
Nobody ever complains of the 'executions' in Holocaust.
The fact that were having this debate proves Deodato was right in his point with Holocaust , as although the executions footage is archive its still human life being taken and nobody has yet mentioned it.
People suffer from the 'Disney effect' were animals are cute and cudley.
Animals are our main food source and can be pretty dangerous things.
It even says in The Bible that animals are food. Its human life thats precious and yet the scenes of human life being taken never seemed to bother anyone to much, , not even the BBFC.

I remember when I was young a local pub used to show these films on a big screen VHS thing and the landlord always let us in to watch em knowing we were under age.
I never heard as many head jokes as the night they showed Holocaust. I remember ordinary folk shouting rewind that bit then come off with some witty remark,
No body give a hoot about some turtle or monkey killed in the jungle, we were in Belfast, to us the jungle was a million miles away, we didn't care what happened there. We only cared about what happened in Belfast .

That might sound hash but its the way we looked at things back then. Some parts of Belfast have a very morbid sense of humour, especially were I live.

Last edited by vipco; 28th May 2008 at 03:26 PM.
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