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Old 10th October 2022, 10:14 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 10


Cemetery of Terror

Halloween night and a group of medical students head to a party but when they arrive there is no party just a creepy abandoned house. The girls are not best pleased when they discover there was never a party just a plan from the boys to lure the girls away and have their wicked way with them. One of the boys finds an ancient book containing incantations and they decide to get their own back on the moody girls by carrying out a fake ritual on a body they steal but unfortunately for them the incantations are real and the body they snatched was that of a serial killer and now he has returned from the grave thanks to their foolishness.

This story has been told many times over the years and while it's not new it didnt take away from my enjoyment. I loved the look and feel of the abandoned house it looks scuzzy filthy and nasty I could actually feel it on me I could almost smell the damp and the dust on me they really did a great job making it look realistic not like it was staged in any way. The whole film is bursting with atmosphere as I already said the house itself the thick fog everywhere and the cemetery is overgrown and the wooden crosses used for headstones are all broken and falling apart with the paint peeling off of them just like everything else everywhere else in the film.

The killer himself did just look it he was from a 70s prog rock band with some blusher in his cheeks but the kills are awesome slashing faces and ripping out people's guts with his claws his preferred weapon of choice. Usually a group of young kids would wreck my head in a film but these kids were really good they were scared and screaming but at no point was I annoyed by them they really did a great job with a special shout out the the little guy in the cool Michael Jackson jacket back when it was ok to like old MJ

After a little bit of a slow start and too much time spent on very long make out scenes the action really ramps up and gets more and more frantic right up to the end especially the kids in the cemetery is fantastic with so much going on no spoilers so you will have to see it yourself to find out what's happening . They even use the whole oh no the car won't start and the killer is closing in but here it gives a good reason why the car won't start not the sort of I have fallen over myself and can't get up type stupidity.

Great gore great atmosphere great setting and a great soundtrack absolutely loved this.

Last edited by Nordicdusk; 10th October 2022 at 10:40 PM.
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