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Old 20th April 2023, 06:29 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Taking a few months after the last movie the last movie the crew heading to earth to face the consequences of there action from the last movie, nearing earth they learn it's under attack by unknowing probe. To save the earth they need to find some humpback whales but they are extinct and so the crew set of for the past to save the future .

Probably still my favourite of all the Star Trek movies and it never takes its self seriously and is a lot of fun and appeals to none sci-fi /Trekkies as well . As has been mentioned before Gillian the marine biologist character was originally going to be written for Eddie Murphy.

Well that was shit , hell it's a insult to shit to call this shit. Gone and never mentioned are the characters from the first , what we get is a bunch of unlikable idiots . A dying scientist the guy from nightbreed with a bonkers accent gets hold of dracs body to cure his illness but that's about it nothing happens , the movie is so boring Dracula is vastly underpowered to what he was in the first and looks like a knock-off Spike from Buffy. Will give the third a try as no way it can be this bad, this made the first look like a movie of Casablanca quality .

Now watching

Off too see this tomorrow, but will have to go by myself as noone I know likes horrors , Renfield is about there limit.

Last edited by trebor8273; 20th April 2023 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Embedded the Trek trailer - No i haven't. That's odd. Even going to Youtube and starting again brings the same result.
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