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Old 3rd October 2023, 10:06 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland


The IMF are in a race against time to stop a new threat that will change the world forever if this new weapon falls into the wrong hands but with the power of this weapon there are no good hands for it to fall into.

I love the Mission Impossible series and I love everything Tom Cruise does he never leaves me down well that was the case until now that is.

First the good

The settings are amazing as always and there is some fantastic action scenes and crazy stunts all done by Tom himself which is always a highlight of his films. The story it's great with the new enemy definitely the scariest one they have faced it's hard to see a way of stopping it with so much on the line it gives a different feel of importance where any action no matter how small can have devastating results.

The bad

Only half the people put in a good performance some of it feels very low budget and almost fake with some of the characters feeling like they are trying to be funny and I'm left wondering are they the comic relief but I can't figure it out which leaves me thinking I must be wrong. There are a few scenes that could of been cut in half maybe even more they just felt bloated and overly long for no reason bringing very little to the film which made me thing they could of but the two parts into one film or even two shorter films. Without spoiling anything the Grace character really got on my tits I just couldn't handle her stupidity and constant ridiculous antics I can't say anymore.

Overall I couldn't help but feel let down after how excited the rest of the films made me feel. For me this one is the weakest in the series sadly I hope part two makes up for it next summer.

The biggest threat for me from this film was when my die hard Tom Cruise fan girlfriend threatened to send me to bed when I pointed out some flaws with the film
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