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Old 7th October 2023, 10:07 AM
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MuckyFunster MuckyFunster is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Oct 2014

6. Just Before Dawn

Been meaning to revisit Just Before Dawn for a while now as I couldn’t really remember any of it from the first viewing not long after the blu came out. I suppose I’ve seen so many of these ‘backwoods’ slashers that they’re starting to bleed into one another. The set up here is the usual type, but it’s done pretty well and the characters are likeable from the start. Some okay killings but mostly the usual kind of stuff.

7. Deadly Games - first time watch.

Oh man, what is this film? Is it a horror or a Hallmark? The character of Keegan does not shut up. Just rambles on and on, maybe trying to add a quirky or funny side to the character, but she is so annoying - watching her on the screen was like being locked in a room with one of my kids high on Fanta. Actor Sam Groom, playing Keegan’s love interest, just seemed to stare at her, barely speaking (not that he’d be able to get a word in) with a sort of soft smile on his face all the time. The ballad backed montage showing them falling for each other felt out of place for a slasher film. Then, when Keegan offers it to him on a plate - he wants to wait, cause she’s special [emoji3590] Awww [emoji3059] And that’s when she realises she’s fallen for him.

Honestly, if they toned down the already very tame killings I could almost picture my granny watching it on Channel 5 on a rainy afternoon. Still, it was a slasher so always worth a watch.

On a side note, when I was Wikipediaing the films earlier on today I saw that American football star turned actor Dick Butkus, who played diner owner Joe in Deadly Games, died on Thursday this week, 5/10/2023.

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