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Old 18th October 2023, 05:52 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Final Destination 3. 2006.

6 years after flight 180, another teen has a premonition of death this time on a roller coaster, when some of the teens leave the ride and it crashes, death comes back for them.

This one I always have a soft spot for, the kills during the premonition are a little bit brutal but not overaly OTT, yeah one dufus really needed a kick, or a punch, maybe even both for a being jackass and two BFF's that 'totally' need to change their talkative language.

This as atmospheric and stylish as its previous two films. The music has a haunting eeriness and James Wong does a more than competent job in the director's chair, showing a genuine understanding of the concept and the horror genre, breathing atmosphere, fun and freshness into a tried and tested formula and not losing what made his direction work in the first film. In between the death scenes there is a bit too much talky talky and some doubters do get their fill of seeing death happening. Tony Todd doesn't appear in this but lends his voice for the Devil of the roller coaster and the train driver towards the end that makes the finale a bit more of, oh crap something is about to go down.

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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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