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Old 2nd February 2024, 11:48 AM
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Nuno_Miranda Nuno_Miranda is offline
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

I actually own 1 UHD... It's Star Trek: The Motion Picture pretty box with lots of physical stuff and all the extras. I couldn't resist, it also included the BR, so it had to be done. So far, that's it, but I know there will be more, because it seems to be an unstoppable force.

I think it was in a The Digital Bits opinion piece that I read UHD was probably the last physical media we're going to have. That's pretty bleak, unless someone somewhere decides that 8K is the thing, and here we go again. I can almost see a point where they'll stop releasing BR. On the other hand, DVD is still being published, and I know so many people -- not exactly film geeks, but just regular people who buy a DVD once in a while because they like the movie -- that never upgraded to BR and never will. They're more likely to move irrevocably to streaming than to buy another player. Too many people are still under the illusion that "everything is on Netflix or Prime" (the two streamers we have here), which is so absurd. I keep having the same discussion with different/new people who see my film collection. It's just exhausting.
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