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Old 13th February 2024, 09:45 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

[REC]. 2007.

A television presenter for a show "While You're Asleep" and her cameraman follow the nightshift of the fire services, they get a call to attend a woman trapped in her flat and are confronted by something terrifying and a night of survival begins.

One of the decent Euro horror films to come out in 2007, what starts off as a happy night shift for people turns into a complete nightmare set around one building with nowhere to escape. What seems to be a infectious disease carried by a resident then being told it could come from a household pet then gives you another twist and turn to the end.

The acting is amazing, the directors never gave out the script to anyone until they are told what will happen on the day and certainly built up apprehension with the cast. The make-up effects for those that are infected are decent and scary when you see them up close. What helps the film is the sense of claustrophobia and having some place to run but can't really stay there too long with a bunch of people trying to kill you and you don't know the building itself for sanctuary.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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