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Old 6th May 2024, 12:46 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Default Unseen Movie 63

Spawn Of The Slithis. 1978.

A nuclear waste manages to create a monster that attacks a community in Venice Beach California.

So to be clear this monster doesn't care who it attacks, normal people, bums, hippies, animals, as long as it's slicing and dicing the monster seems happy. We got a man in some sort of rubber suit that is almost on the same par as Humanoids from the deep on a cheaper budget. The start does give it away that it's not to be taken seriously with the two boys throwing a frisbee with near comedic music in the background. The acting is certainly not the best and almost comical with the delivery of the dialogue, but the make-up for the kills almost saves the film from becoming a disaster.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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