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Old 13th May 2010, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Gojirosan View Post
OK, so I'm not in the business of producing DVDs, but I cannot see a Blu-Ray of The Beyond not being a success. There are all ready at least a handful of quality DVD releases around the world which I suspect most fans of the film all ready own (well, at least one of them).

But a the time the master has been done and the artwork sorted and so on and so on, Blu-Ray sales will be even higher and the price of players even lower. People might even buy a player just for The Beyond (I bought mine because of Suspiria, even though I had DVDs of the film).

To my view, it makes sense to release The Beyond On Blu-Ray. I reckon it would sell better than the BD of Inferno.

As I said before, I have no interest in buying another DVD of The Beyond, no matter how amazing the extras are (they're only extras after all), but a Blu-Ray, even with no extras, I would pre-order.
I think that's a very good point gojirosan.

My dvd player was pretty much coming to the end of its life , but the thing that actually made me decide on getting a blu ray player was Arrow's release of City Of The Living Dead. It just goes to show how one ( or more? ) particular film can convert us lot to buying a blu ray player and all the subsequent discs. So basically, it's all your fault, Almar...