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Old 5th June 2010, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Libretio View Post
Retaining that material with appropriate warnings sounds reasonable at first glance, but what that means in practice is that the animal has not only been abused and killed for the sake of 'entertainment', but that it's final moments will be exhibited for all eternity just so we can feel appropriately guilty about it.
Why would I feel guilt? I didn't harm the animal, so why should I feel ashamed? I don't buy films for the sole purpose of seeing animal cruelty - but if it's there, then there's not a lot anyone can do about that, except censor it.

I still think cutting horsefalls and cats eating mice is a pointless exercise. For the more extreme instances of cruelty, I can understand it. That's why I think the BBFC should have a scale of seriousness. After all, not all animal cruelty is obvious - what about grazing horses suddenly being forced to become workhorses, pulling wagons etc? I don't see anyone up in arms about that, but it's equally as cruel to the animal.

The point becomes even more absurd when they can pass Oldboy which features an unsimulated sequence of a man eating a live squid. That's right, he chews through this creature while it's alive, and obviously in incredible pain. But that's okay, say the BBFC. But not a cat eating a mouse.
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