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Old 29th August 2010, 09:20 PM
bgart13 bgart13 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Please don't tell me the original audio track isn't HD/uncompressed... Original audio tracks need to be preserved on blu-rays, studios need to understand that. Quite often I find myself switching to mono and orig stereo tracks over the remixed ones. Heck, I was watching GOD TOLD ME TO last weekend and had to switch to the mono cuz I couldn't hear what the heck the actors were saying on the 5.1. I should note, I don't have a 5.1 or whatever set-up. I use two speakers, plus my tv's speakers.

But, yes -- orig audio tracks are as important as the image! Audio remixes can be bad -- SUSPIRIA is a good example of screwed up audio mixes in the past.
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