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Demdike@Cult Labs 16th May 2018 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 575573)
. This week, following the suggestions by nosferatu42, the topic is going to be a bit easier and will hopefully, if you can put these characters (not the actors) in order, as interesting.


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 575690)
When we was told Horror icons, i was thinking more along the likes of iconic monster bad guys like Freddy, Myers and Voorhees and characters that had been in more than one film.

Didn't even think about individual one off creatures or horror stars, or good guys as some people have mentioned.

If i had Barbara Steele would have featured somewhere i'm sure.:loveeyes:

still it made narrowing stuff down a bit easier.;)

You were right though, nos. If you read the OP from Nos it says "you can put these characters (not the actors) in order, as interesting"

Don't know why Demoncrat listed Barbara Steele and Karloff.

Demoncrat 16th May 2018 06:02 PM

Replace Karloff with The Monster (as played by Karloff)

Steele with Katia Vadja :rolleyes:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 16th May 2018 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 575690)
When we was told Horror icons, i was thinking more along the likes of iconic monster bad guys like Freddy, Myers and Voorhees and characters that had been in more than one film.

Didn't even think about individual one off creatures or horror stars, or good guys as some people have mentioned.

If i had Barbara Steele would have featured somewhere i'm sure.:loveeyes:

still it made narrowing stuff down a bit easier.;)

Some people might consider Anthony Hopkins' Dr Van Helsing in Bram Stoker's Dracula to be a Horror Icon, others might like Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) from the Scream films, Frank (Sean Chapman and Oliver Smith) rather than Pinhead from Hellraiser, or Donald Pleasance as Dr Loomis in Halloween.

Usually, a horror icon is the film's antagonist, but these lists are all about your personal favourites and opinions rather than an objective list.

Make Them Die Slowly 17th May 2018 11:25 AM

I have been watching a lot of 80s US horror recently and wondered if a future topic could be a top 10 of 80s horror films that DON'T have a copy of Fangoria in them!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 17th May 2018 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 575734)
I have been watching a lot of 80s US horror recently and wondered if a future topic could be a top 10 of 80s horror films that DON'T have a copy of Fangoria in them!

Interesting idea which would probably be quite difficult if only because it's quite difficult to know whether the magazine is visible. It would be a bit like doing a top 10 gialli without a visible bottle of J&B! :lol:

One way around it would be to pick films which are not from the US!

keirarts 18th May 2018 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 575690)
When we was told Horror icons, i was thinking more along the likes of iconic monster bad guys like Freddy, Myers and Voorhees and characters that had been in more than one film.

Didn't even think about individual one off creatures or horror stars, or good guys as some people have mentioned.

If i had Barbara Steele would have featured somewhere i'm sure.:loveeyes:

still it made narrowing stuff down a bit easier.;)

It's arguable that Herbert west and Baron frankenstein are both monsters. I'm hesitant to apply that to Norman Bates as he's Ill but I suppose he could be seen as a tragic monster.

Susan Foreman 18th May 2018 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by keirarts (Post 575822)
It's arguable that Herbert west and Baron frankenstein are both monsters

I would suggest that, due to his actions, the Baron is a much bigger monster than his creation could ever be

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 18th May 2018 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by keirarts (Post 575822)
It's arguable that Herbert west and Baron frankenstein are both monsters. I'm hesitant to apply that to Norman Bates as he's Ill but I suppose he could be seen as a tragic monster.


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 575825)
I would suggest that, due to his actions, the Baron is a much bigger monster than his creation could ever be

I've always thought of Dr Frankenstein/Baron Frankenstein as the monster or villain of the films and the creature is a tragic victim.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 21st May 2018 10:21 PM


These are my favourite horror icons, the actors who played them, and my favourite films in which they appeared.
  1. Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)
  2. Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins, Psycho)
  3. Freddy Kruger (Robert Englund, A Nightmare on Elm Street)
  4. Regan McNeil (Linda Blair, Eileen Dietz, Ann Miles and Mercedes McCambridge, The Exorcist)
  5. Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson, The Shining)
  6. Michael Myers (Nick Castle, Halloween)
  7. Pinhead (Doug Bradley, Hellraiser)
  8. The Creature (Boris Karloff, Bride of Frankenstein)
  9. Dr Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins, The Silence of the Lambs)
  10. count Orlok (Max Shreck, Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horrors)

Nearly making it, but not quite:
  • Dracula (Christopher Lee, Dracula, 1958)
  • Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell, Evil Dead II)
  • Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver, Alien)
  • Father Merrin (Max von Sydow, The Exorcist)
  • Sadako (Rie Ino, Ringu)

J Harker 22nd May 2018 08:13 AM

Horror Icons

Max Shreck as Nosferatu
Karloff as Frankensteins Monster
Lon Chaney Jr. as The Wolf Man
Ricou Browning and Ben Chapman as The Creature From the Black Lagoon in the film of the same name.
Christopher Lee as Dracula. Ideally in the first Hammer Dracula although he's superb in them all.
Peter Cushing as Baron Frankenstein in Curse of Frankenstein
Nick Castle as Michael Myers in Halloween
Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in The Shining.
Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger
Brad Dourif as Chucky in Child's Play
Doug Bradley as Pinhead in Hellraiser

There are plenty of others that are admittedly iconic such as Regan from The Exorcist, or Bela Lugosi's turn as Dracula. But while being synonymous with the genre they are not my favourite films or performances. Given more space I would have added Donald Pleasance as Dr.Loomis, Colin Clive as Frankenstein and probably a few others.

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