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Demoncrat 23rd April 2019 08:59 PM

And this was successful?? A more sick and disturbing film I haven't seen since whenever. Truly Cannon fodder :nod:. The story pretends to be winsome and charming, be fooled not by musical numbers ... after all The Apple has musical numbers :laugh:. Ahem. Kim Cattrall double bill .....

Sex & The City 2
Sarah Jessica Parker has a massive boat doesn't she? Not quite Jack Taylor but still ....
If films narrated by a human null are your bag, sign right up. Not quite as appalling as I had hoped tbh. Until they go to ... foreign climes ... cough. Then we hit paydirt :pound:

Demoncrat 24th April 2019 09:02 AM

The Beast Must Die!
Amicus try and cash in on blaxploitation by casting Calvin Lockhart ... where say, Stewart Grainger might have been the choice before. A group of sorts congregate at a stately mansion. They all have the obligatory dirty little secrets etc. Will one guest regret their invitation?? I'm not sure as the murky print and endless day-for-night scenes began to bore me rigid. Lockhart's blouse being the standout ... and that says it all. Next!!!

Linbro 24th April 2019 01:32 PM

'The Domestics' - recent post apocalyptic nonsense. Less said the better.
Wife and I are watching the original 'The Twilight Zone'. Still on Season 1, loving it.

Hammer time 24th April 2019 02:09 PM

The Tale of the Dean's Wife 1970- Pure trash with a capital T.
Some college kids want to blackmail the dean by having a orgy at his house while he's spiked on LSD.
I laughed all the way through its 1 hour running time. The acting was terrible, the story was nonsense, the "roughie" scenes are hilarious,i highly recommend it

Demdike@Cult Labs 24th April 2019 05:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Carrie (2013)

More a remake of the De Palma film than a re-imagining of the Stephen King book, Kimberly Pierce's film contains all the stand out scenes you'll expect but some updated social media content and gore brings the film kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Although it's not as captivating as the original, Chloe Grace Moretz as Carrie and Julianne Moore as her mother are both terrific, yet two things bothered me. The fact that Carrie gains control of her telekinetic powers and uses them to exact hell breaking loose at the school prom meaning the film lacks some of the shock value, and the fact that Grace Moretz is by far the prettiest girl at the prom which makes you wonder why she was chosen for the role.

On the whole, Carrie is a good film but it's De Palma homage kind of makes it redundant compared to a new back to basics King adaptation.

Demdike@Cult Labs 24th April 2019 06:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Monsters (2010)

Gareth Evans debut film is a bit of a masterpiece in making a five hundred thousand dollars budget seem like it's on the scale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, convincing us that the Mexican / US border is a no go area patrolled by the military as towering squid like creatures stalk the earth.

A mix of road movie, romance and sci-fi is a bit unlikely yet Evans, along with great performances from Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able, who share good chemistry,has produced an affecting and suspenseful sci-fi character drama

Demdike@Cult Labs 24th April 2019 06:30 PM

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Stung (2015)

A posh garden party soon goes to shit when mutated killer wasps go on the rampage stinging the party goers to death or incubating them with more giant mutant killer wasps.

Anyone who likes giant mutant killer wasp flicks is going to love this German made, American set, monster mash. The wasps are lovingly created using gooey practical effects as well as the usual CGI and there's gore galore for exploitation lovers.

But, for a horror comedy it's not that scary nor indeed that funny, the two leads don't have much in the way of chemistry but Lance Henriksen as the local mayor brings a certain style to proceedings. However i think there are enough giant mutant killer wasps on show to overlook any faults and i recommend this to lovers of creature features.

MrBarlow 24th April 2019 07:32 PM

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The Time Machine 1960.

A scientist invents a time travelling machine and uses it to glimpse at what the future will be like but goes further than he anticipated.

This was a brilliant take on the novel by H.G. Wells that was a great read, Rod Taylor stars as George who nobody believed in his theory or time travel.

It does have some fantastic effects and stop motion that actually work than other movies from the 60s but are a bit daft and laughable. Alan Young plays Filby in a dual role of present and future friend who may understand George's story and Yvette Mimieux plays Weena of the Eloi people. From start to finish this is entertaining and never gets dull with age. 10+

Demdike@Cult Labs 24th April 2019 08:07 PM

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Nails (2017)

A woman paralyzed following a car accident desperately tries to get her family and doctors to believe that she is being terrorized by a malevolent presence in her hospital room.

Classy little British horror film with a great central performance from The Descent's Shauna Macdonald. At first it seems she could be so traumatized that it may all be in her imagination but as the film continues we get back story regarding the hospital and former patients and things become a little clearer. The Nails character is a beautifully realized grotesque creation that is quite creepy especially when it carves words into Macdonald's body using it's er' nails.

Although the plot is fairly slight and there's not an awful lot of action - what can you do when your main character is paralyzed in bed? - Nails is a disturbing and deft little thriller that i really enjoyed.

trebor8273 24th April 2019 09:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Doctor at Sea.

Taking place some months after Doctor in the House, Simon Sparrow disillusioned with his small practice and the unwanted advances of his landlords daughter ( Joan Simms who looks like Olive from on the buses here) decide too become a ships doctor , love is soon in the air which is welcomed and wanted by Sparrow who has eyes for Brigitte Bardot and unwanted for the ships captain (James Robertson Justice) 7.5/10

Now watching Animal Crackers.

Demoncrat 24th April 2019 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 602276)
Nails (2017)

A woman paralyzed following a car accident desperately tries to get her family and doctors to believe that she is being terrorized by a malevolent presence in her hospital room.

Classy little British horror film with a great central performance from The Descent's Shauna Macdonald. At first it seems she could be so traumatized that it may all be in her imagination but as the film continues we get back story regarding the hospital and former patients and things become a little clearer. The Nails character is a beautifully realized grotesque creation that is quite creepy especially when it carves words into Macdonald's body using it's er' nails.

Although the plot is fairly slight and there's not an awful lot of action - what can you do when your main character is paralyzed in bed? - Nails is a
and deft little thriller that i really enjoyed.

Noted. Trailer for Carrie made me weep internally etc.

Demdike@Cult Labs 24th April 2019 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 602289)
Noted. Trailer for Carrie made me weep internally etc.

Damn! It wasn't that bad.

Demoncrat 24th April 2019 10:38 PM

A lot of trailers made me sad tbh. That's why I stopped watching them ...

MrBarlow 24th April 2019 11:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Last House on The Left 1972.

Two girls heading to a concert are kidnapped and brutality attacked by a gang.

The 70s gave us some shocking films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Clockwork Orange, The Exorcist, first time film director West Craven decided to go one step further and show how a warped mind of a criminal works.

I think the unknown cast at the time help make it work especially from David Hess the gang's leader Krug who shows no mercy and seems to enjoy inflicting pain onto others and seems to have a hold on those around him. Yeah it may have had its disturbing moments back then but it's still entertaining to watch and how parents exact revenge on them. Is the movie over rated or under rated by today's standards??

Paul Zombie 25th April 2019 12:39 PM

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The Boss(1973)

A hitman(henry Silva) blows up a bunch of gangsters whilst theyre watching a porno at the cinema. and ends up mixed up in a rival war between the mob.

Another of those gritty style euro crime type films from fernando Di Leo. With Silva giving one of his usual ruthless performances. although, he does manage to show his soft side a bit when he falls for the slutty daughter of a gangster after he rescues her from some kidnappers. even if he does treat her like crap at first. :lol:

pretty entertaining, with lots of twists and turns, and some brutal violence between a lot of the talky parts. recommended 71 out of 100.

Demdike@Cult Labs 25th April 2019 04:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Deadly Blessing (1981)

Classic Wes Craven horror chiller and one of his most underrated films. Maren Jensen, Sharon Stone and Susan Buckner are three young women terrorized by what appear to be their deeply religious Hittite in-laws led by a stern Ernest Borgnine.

However as the film rumbles on weirder things occur leading to a convoluted over plotted finale. The film isn't likely to win any best film awards but it's nicely photographed, has a memorable score by James Horner and one or two shock sequences that will stay with you long after the movie finishes.

Demoncrat 25th April 2019 05:40 PM

Prime Target
Angie Dickinson stars as a cop with a mission. An odd thing this. The constant references to her being "hot stuff" for a start :rolleyes:
A fellow female plod is killed during a bombing ... so Police Woman leaps into action cough. Nothing is as it seemzzzzzzz. One of the stranger films I have seen this year. But I would rather watch they bints-in-the-desert tosh again.

Dave Boy 25th April 2019 08:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 214482
13 Chapter Serial

Based on the 1940's comic strip.
Brenda Starr reporter for The Daily Flash, receives a coded message from a mobster after she and her photographer cover a house fire.
The message gives the location of a quarter of a million dollars..

Fun serial that was once thought lost. Chapters 3 and 4 are incomplete/damaged but it is easy to pick the story up.
Most cliff hangers involve Brenda being gassed, falling off a roof or crushed etc.

Demdike@Cult Labs 25th April 2019 10:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Professionals (1966)

The Professionals is one of those films you just know Quentin Tarantino would kill to have made. Clever dialogue overflows and the influence this film had on Quentin was probably huge. From the men on a mission that doesn't go to plan plot line to choice snippets of chat - 'Let's go to work' says Marvin as he, Burt Lancaster, Woody Strode and Robert Ryan, finalize their plan to break Claudia Cardinale out of a Mexican stronghold. "I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan" says Michael Madsen to Harvey Keitel following a bust up in Reservoir Dogs. No wonder, because he's excellent in this. Laconic coolness personified, although perhaps not quite at Walker levels.

Anyway that's almost besides the point. The Professionals is one of the great westerns. It's beautifully filmed with a haunting score from Maurice Jarre, Director Richard Brooks gets the best out of a fantastic ensemble cast, which also includes Jack Palance and Ralph Bellamy, and everything from the sweltering desert to the fantastic action scenes tie in to make this a genuinely great film for all film fans not just western genre specific.

Deadite 26th April 2019 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 602262)
Monsters (2010)

Gareth Evans debut film is a bit of a masterpiece in making a five hundred thousand dollars budget seem like it's on the scale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, convincing us that the Mexican / US border is a no go area patrolled by the military as towering squid like creatures stalk the earth.

A mix of road movie, romance and sci-fi is a bit unlikely yet Evans, along with great performances from Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able, who share good chemistry,has produced an affecting and suspenseful sci-fi character drama

I didn't get on with this film. Both leads kinda annoyed me.

Linbro 26th April 2019 09:51 AM

Cronenberg's 'Shivers'. Yeah, it's rough around the edges, but I still love it.

J Harker 26th April 2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 602262)
Monsters (2010)

Gareth Evans debut film is a bit of a masterpiece in making a five hundred thousand dollars budget seem like it's on the scale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, convincing us that the Mexican / US border is a no go area patrolled by the military as towering squid like creatures stalk the earth.

A mix of road movie, romance and sci-fi is a bit unlikely yet Evans, along with great performances from Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able, who share good chemistry,has produced an affecting and suspenseful sci-fi character drama

I only watched half of this and took it back to cex the next day. Absolute toss I thought.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

trebor8273 26th April 2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by J Harker (Post 602374)
I only watched half of this and took it back to cex the next day. Absolute toss I thought.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Yep, a right old steaming like of poo! Also mentioned really annoying lead characters

John Matrix 26th April 2019 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 602362)
The Professionals (1966)

The Professionals is one of those films you just know Quentin Tarantino would kill to have made. Clever dialogue overflows and the influence this film had on Quentin was probably huge. From the men on a mission that doesn't go to plan plot line to choice snippets of chat - 'Let's go to work' says Marvin as he, Burt Lancaster, Woody Strode and Robert Ryan, finalize their plan to break Claudia Cardinale out of a Mexican stronghold. "I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan" says Michael Madsen to Harvey Keitel following a bust up in Reservoir Dogs. No wonder, because he's excellent in this. Laconic coolness personified, although perhaps not quite at Walker levels.

Anyway that's almost besides the point. The Professionals is one of the great westerns. It's beautifully filmed with a haunting score from Maurice Jarre, Director Richard Brooks gets the best out of a fantastic ensemble cast, which also includes Jack Palance and Ralph Bellamy, and everything from the sweltering desert to the fantastic action scenes tie in to make this a genuinely great film for all film fans not just western genre specific.

Going to add this to my to watch list. Love Lee Marvin but somehow never seen this one and it seems to have many a great in it.

Demdike@Cult Labs 26th April 2019 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by John Matrix (Post 602378)
Going to add this to my to watch list. Love Lee Marvin but somehow never seen this one and it seems to have many a great in it.

If you're a Marvin fan then i'm sure you'll love this. He carries a gun the size of a small cannon half the time.

Demdike@Cult Labs 26th April 2019 02:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Dead 2: India (2013)

Whilst okay this felt like a re-tread of the first film, albeit on a bigger budget.

Joseph Millson, who i only knew as Maria's dad from The Sarah Jane Adventures, makes for a suitable action type, and there's some stunning aerial photography and decent moments of suspense throughout, but when all said and done it's just the first film remade in India.

Rik 26th April 2019 02:42 PM

Avengers: Endgame

Loved it, didn’t feel like a 3 hour film at all 5/5

Demdike@Cult Labs 26th April 2019 10:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Batman: Year One (2011)

Basically the series Gotham in overdrive as Jim Gordon (Voiced perfectly by Bryan Cranston) moves to Gotham P.D. and a certain Bruce Wayne moves back to the city following 12 years abroad training to become the dark knight we know and love.

This was superb. From the beautiful animation to the voice acting, i really enjoyed it. It's not a superhero film as such, in fact just like Gotham, it's set in the real world, a world of bad men and women rather than cosmic beings, in short it's adult entertainment dealing with dodgy commissioners such as Loeb and an even dodgier crime boss in Carmine Falcone (Must admit i missed John Doman's portrayal of Carmine in this though). Eliza Dushku makes for an excellent Catwoman and Ben McKenzie an excellent Bruce Wayne. (Gotham fans will smile at the casting of McKenzie considering who he plays in that show).

Action packed and suspenseful throughout, this was terrific.

Demdike@Cult Labs 26th April 2019 10:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Catwoman (2011)

A fifteen minute short film which comes as an extra on the Batman: Year One dvd.

Made by the same team behind the main feature this was just as good. Eliza Dushku again plays Catwoman who attempts to bring an end to crime boss, Rough Cut, and his smuggling ring.

Again this is adult entertainment, dark and gritty but beautifully animated. The smuggling ring deal in girls for prostitution rackets and the violence is upped as well - in one scene Catwoman kicks a thugs teeth out...although they are diamonds. There's even a scene where Catwoman does a pole dance at a strip club, it's all rather seedy even with obscured nudity , but we like seedy round here don't we?

For a fifteen minute short this was remarkably good.

Demoncrat 27th April 2019 10:55 AM

Noted D.


Frankie Teardrop 27th April 2019 11:38 AM

LURKERS – Mid-eighties scuzz from Roberta Findlay featuring a woman who is haunted by the ghosts of a traumatic childhood and, well, some actual ghosts. Shows promise in places with its depictions of gnarly rubber-faced spirits, but I’d have liked it more if it had been slimier. As it stands, will probably appeal to those who get cheap thrills from depictions of knackered eighties NYC and can take a hit or two of boredom.

HORROR EXPRESS – First viewing – can’t believe it’d passed me by till now. Cushing and Lee are on a transcontinental express train along with a revived prehistoric ape-man thing who later turns out to be a vessel for alien life. There’s a bit of gore and a lot of groovy weirdness – although it’s set in the early 20th cent, it’s very definitely a product of a psychedelic Euro mentality. Keeper for sure.

DELIRIUM – Speaking of psychedelic Euro mentalities – well, it’s not very mind-expanding, but it tries to throw in a few wacky visuals now and again to make up for its obvious lack of anything interesting to say. I do however quite like this effort from a slumming-it Lamberto Bava (not really recognisable here as the maker of turbo-powered thrash horror ‘Demons’ from a year or two before); it plays a bit like a lame soap set in the world of soft-porn, ‘cos, thinking about it, that’s basically what it is. There’s a gialloesque main plotline and some tits along with actually pretty great scenes like the photo-shoot where models do a strip with some mummies. Genuine plastic rubbish.

SHAKMA – Mmm, quite liked although it is basically a very formula nineties pot-boiler whose only boast is a properly furious actual real-life baboon. Otherwise get ready for a lot of my fave genre time-filler, the old ‘panicked and running down corridors…endlessly… endlessly’ routine so relentlessly employed by much bottom of slush-pile product from around the time (and before, and since). To be fair, you would be panicked if Shakma was on your ass. That baboon sure has a creepy face… rigid, blank, yet hate-filled. The other thing I like about it is how effortlessly it shoehorns fake biological research disaster into a plot-device about playing computer-guided live D&D in an abandoned office block. The nineties, huh?

Demdike@Cult Labs 27th April 2019 02:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Funnyman (1994)

Unfunny, Slapstick comedy horror film - imagine Freddy on crack - with one or two standout gruesome sequences, but totally lacks any suspense whatsoever, in fact now i think back it also has a complete lack of story beyond the first ten minutes. Why Christopher Lee took part in this film is beyond me.

For anyone interested, the Screenbound dvd pictured below looks and sounds fantastic...shame about the content.

bleakshaun 27th April 2019 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop (Post 602452)
LURKERS – Mid-eighties scuzz from Roberta Findlay featuring a woman who is haunted by the ghosts of a traumatic childhood and, well, some actual ghosts. Shows promise in places with its depictions of gnarly rubber-faced spirits, but I’d have liked it more if it had been slimier. As it stands, will probably appeal to those who get cheap thrills from depictions of knackered eighties NYC and can take a hit or two of boredom.

HORROR EXPRESS – First viewing – can’t believe it’d passed me by till now. Cushing and Lee are on a transcontinental express train along with a revived prehistoric ape-man thing who later turns out to be a vessel for alien life. There’s a bit of gore and a lot of groovy weirdness – although it’s set in the early 20th cent, it’s very definitely a product of a psychedelic Euro mentality. Keeper for sure.

DELIRIUM – Speaking of psychedelic Euro mentalities – well, it’s not very mind-expanding, but it tries to throw in a few wacky visuals now and again to make up for its obvious lack of anything interesting to say. I do however quite like this effort from a slumming-it Lamberto Bava (not really recognisable here as the maker of turbo-powered thrash horror ‘Demons’ from a year or two before); it plays a bit like a lame soap set in the world of soft-porn, ‘cos, thinking about it, that’s basically what it is. There’s a gialloesque main plotline and some tits along with actually pretty great scenes like the photo-shoot where models do a strip with some mummies. Genuine plastic rubbish.

SHAKMA – Mmm, quite liked although it is basically a very formula nineties pot-boiler whose only boast is a properly furious actual real-life baboon. Otherwise get ready for a lot of my fave genre time-filler, the old ‘panicked and running down corridors…endlessly… endlessly’ routine so relentlessly employed by much bottom of slush-pile product from around the time (and before, and since). To be fair, you would be panicked if Shakma was on your ass. That baboon sure has a creepy face… rigid, blank, yet hate-filled. The other thing I like about it is how effortlessly it shoehorns fake biological research disaster into a plot-device about playing computer-guided live D&D in an abandoned office block. The nineties, huh?

Shakma has a great trailer and the monkey is cute

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

Demoncrat 27th April 2019 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop (Post 602452)
LURKERS – Mid-eighties scuzz from Roberta Findlay featuring a woman who is haunted by the ghosts of a traumatic childhood and, well, some actual ghosts. Shows promise in places with its depictions of gnarly rubber-faced spirits, but I’d have liked it more if it had been slimier. As it stands, will probably appeal to those who get cheap thrills from depictions of knackered eighties NYC and can take a hit or two of boredom.

HORROR EXPRESS – First viewing – can’t believe it’d passed me by till now. Cushing and Lee are on a transcontinental express train along with a revived prehistoric ape-man thing who later turns out to be a vessel for alien life. There’s a bit of gore and a lot of groovy weirdness – although it’s set in the early 20th cent, it’s very definitely a product of a psychedelic Euro mentality. Keeper for sure.

DELIRIUM – Speaking of psychedelic Euro mentalities – well, it’s not very mind-expanding, but it tries to throw in a few wacky visuals now and again to make up for its obvious lack of anything interesting to say. I do however quite like this effort from a slumming-it Lamberto Bava (not really recognisable here as the maker of turbo-powered thrash horror ‘Demons’ from a year or two before); it plays a bit like a lame soap set in the world of soft-porn, ‘cos, thinking about it, that’s basically what it is. There’s a gialloesque main plotline and some tits along with actually pretty great scenes like the photo-shoot where models do a strip with some mummies. Genuine plastic rubbish.

SHAKMA – Mmm, quite liked although it is basically a very formula nineties pot-boiler whose only boast is a properly furious actual real-life baboon. Otherwise get ready for a lot of my fave genre time-filler, the old ‘panicked and running down corridors…endlessly… endlessly’ routine so relentlessly employed by much bottom of slush-pile product from around the time (and before, and since). To be fair, you would be panicked if Shakma was on your ass. That baboon sure has a creepy face… rigid, blank, yet hate-filled. The other thing I like about it is how effortlessly it shoehorns fake biological research disaster into a plot-device about playing computer-guided live D&D in an abandoned office block. The nineties, huh?


Demoncrat 27th April 2019 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 602460)
Funnyman (1994)

Unfunny, Slapstick comedy horror film - imagine Freddy on crack - with one or two standout gruesome sequences, but totally lacks any suspense whatsoever, in fact now i think back it also has a complete lack of story beyond the first ten minutes. Why Christopher Lee took part in this film is beyond me.

For anyone interested, the Screenbound dvd pictured below looks and sounds fantastic...shame about the content.

I love its every creaking foot of film. But then I would :laugh:

trebor8273 27th April 2019 08:38 PM

Excellent a fitting and poignant ending to the saga, the three hour run time flies by the charcters each get a decent amount of screen time and development. Gripping , funny and sad . At it's heart for most of its run time it's a heist movie more than a typical superhero outing.10/10

Demoncrat 27th April 2019 09:30 PM

The Patriot (Dean Selmer)
Evil militia types infect themselves in order to spread a deadly new disease. Guess whose daughter has the antidote? Only our local doctor, or Steven Seagal as we know him :laugh:
He still looks quite 'normal' :lol: in this, so it's reasonably sane ... well :rolleyes:. He also cooks ;) but that red scarf is a faux paus dear :nono:

Demdike@Cult Labs 27th April 2019 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 602485)
The Patriot (Dean Selmer)
Evil militia types infect themselves in order to spread a deadly new disease. Guess whose daughter has the antidote? Only our local doctor, or Steven Seagal as we know him :laugh:
He still looks quite 'normal' :lol: in this, so it's reasonably sane ... well :rolleyes:. He also cooks ;) but that red scarf is a faux paus dear :nono:

I remember when this first came out, it was a Sky exclusive premier. You could tell why. It sucked!

Although over time i've grown slightly more fond of it. :lol:

Demoncrat 28th April 2019 10:38 AM

Sin City
A man and a woman kiss under moonlight .... then the violence begins. About as hard-boiled as you can get (even if it reminds me of Brute! ... ) this tale of regret and smoking still takes the breath away imho.

bleakshaun 28th April 2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 602497)
Sin City

A man and a woman kiss under moonlight .... then the violence begins. About as hard-boiled as you can get (even if it reminds me of Brute! ... ) this tale of regret and smoking still takes the breath away imho.

Isn't it just the smoking that takes your breath away [emoji28]
Sorry I'll get me coat

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

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