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Gigantor 9th July 2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by iluvdvds (Post 91074)

- Search For The Beast - The single worst Bigfoot EVER. Actually, scratch that. It's one of the worst FILMS I've ever seen. Just terrible in every single way - boring, annoying and utterly talentless. RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha ha yeah that shot on video stinker is so bad,The funniest is the Sasquatch costume which looks like it was bought at Walmart for $8.44

iluvdvds@Cult Labs 9th July 2010 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gigantor (Post 91127)
Ha ha yeah that shot on video stinker is so bad,The funniest is the Sasquatch costume which looks like it was bought at Walmart for $8.44

:laugh: Tell me about it! It was just lame - and what the hell was up with it's face?!

Aurora75 9th July 2010 12:57 PM

Watched 'Footprints' at last. Great film as expected.

BioZombie 9th July 2010 02:20 PM

I watched footprints a few days ago and enjoyed it as well.

I liked the atmosphere of suspense and mystery that builds up as the film goes along. I also really liked the space man/moon scenes very cool. I think this is on par with Flavia the Heritic as my favourite Shamless so far, still a lot of others to go though.

re.form 9th July 2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Phats (Post 91116)
I watched Children of the Corn II & III last night. The 3rd instalment is dreadful and seemed to be the token ghetto movie you get in horror franchises like this - Leprechaun in the hood, the black woman in Phantasm III, etc. - and this time it was just appalling and cringeworthy. The 2nd movie wasn't great either but it had its moments. The character of Micah was quite good and the lorry sending the old woman in a wheelchair flying through the window was quite funny. "Bingo?"

I also saw Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out! which was pretty standard stuff and didn't really have as many classic moments as the first two. I did laugh at one part though: "Hey vegetable! Who's your favourite singer? Perry Coma?" :laugh:

Just gonna show my love for Children of the Corn III at this juncture. I love the effects at the end of the movie by Screaming Mad George. I love those 80's practical rubber monster effects. I think its one of the better films in a very poor franchise.

I havent seen the remake from last year yet.

gag 9th July 2010 08:41 PM

Trust me you dont want to see COTC remake its dire
almost identical and scene from scene. most of the acting is wooden and cardboard as 4 the kid who plays isac he terrible not even remotly frightning or convincing 1 bit dont waste you time
Very very poor in many ways

mbv 9th July 2010 09:37 PM

watched Zombie Flesh eaters last night and I'm embarressed that I only noticed Fulci's cameo now.:o

Nobody does eye violence like fulci!!

Inspector Tanzi 9th July 2010 10:33 PM

Watched Johnnie To's VENGEANCE tonight, great stuff, well worth a watch.

stephan73 10th July 2010 07:41 PM

Just watched No Holds Barred (the Hulk Hogan movie), which was hilarious!
Now I'm gonna watch The Losers (1970)... Can't go wrong with a biker-movie set in Vietnam. :)

eNoize 10th July 2010 07:53 PM

The Losers is definitely a fun feature.

And I thought Suburban Commando and Mr. Nanny were bad enough, now I'm reminded of No Holds Barred. :laugh:

re.form 10th July 2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 91237)
Trust me you dont want to see COTC remake its dire
almost identical and scene from scene. most of the acting is wooden and cardboard as 4 the kid who plays isac he terrible not even remotly frightning or convincing 1 bit dont waste you time
Very very poor in many ways

Cheers for the heads up. It's very likely I will check it out at some point. Like many people, as soon as someone says 'dont watch it' it makes it more likely that I will!!

Watched 'Chanbara Beauty' last night - really lazy Japanese video game cash in. Pretty terrible - even when judging it next to other modern, cheap zombie films that have pixelated CGI blood spray and no care or attention paid to anything else.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 11th July 2010 05:15 PM

So far today,I've watched;
3 Episodes of Callan

May well end of the day with EDEN LAKE Blu Ray to complete a day of violenza!:happy:

mbv 11th July 2010 08:14 PM

Torso Loved this! Some of the FX are a bit rough(the dude's head getting hit by the car was quite funny) but in all I enjoyed it. Also enjoyd the over the top nudity, added to the atmosphere.:laugh:

Alice in wonderland BD Think I need to watch this again as it was very 'meh'. Didn't help I suppose with the kids asking me questions every 2 minutes.

The lovely bones BD Really enjoyed this, didn't think I would but it had some fantastic scenes in it and didn't give in to the cliche'd ending I was expecting.
Looked amazing on BD by the way

BioZombie 11th July 2010 11:09 PM

I just watched both the hard revenge milly films. The first is only 40 mins and is a simple revenge tale set in post apcolyptic japan. Milly wants revenge for the death of her family in a brutal attack that left here vitually dead. Lucky for her a doctor is able to save her and turn her into a cyborg with a shot gun leg.

Its a bit slow at times but the action is bloody and well executed and despite a low budget the film looks really good.

The second film runs a bit longer and continues Millys story. A woman comes to ask if Milly can help her get revenge for her killed lover. There is loads more gore and bloody violence in the seond film and imho it is shot with some real style.

The best thing about the both of them is that there is little to no cgi. All of the blood and guts are pratical unlike alot of other recent Japanese films I've seen.

If you like stylishly shot blood and gore (though its not quite Tokyo Gore Police or Braindead gory, but what is?) with a simple but effective plot then you can do a lot worse than Hard Revenge Milly and Hard Revenge Milly: Bloody Battle.

nekromantik 12th July 2010 01:37 AM

Right.....I just seen A Serbian Film :eek:
This movie is seriously messed up, gotta give it to the director as he has balls.
Its not quite as in your face as say Guinea Pig or August Underground but it is still shocking in one or two scenes. I have heard a lot of people say this movie is the most disturbing film they have seen. I would not go that far but it has its moments. Especially towards the end. Those of you who have not heard anything it contains the following:

* new born baby been raped (although the baby is quite fake looking and if he did not pull his pants down you would have no idea what he was going because of the camera angle)

* woman who's teeth been pulled out has a penis shoved down her throat till she suffocates

* guy having sex with a woman while he been made to hit her and then chop her head off

* guy having anal sex with 2 people lying faced down covered faces and then he finds out he has raped his wife and young son as they were the ones he was raping.

Now I dont know what to make of it but one things for sure, London's Frightfest will be the only place to see this uncut in the UK as with the sexual violence and scene with a young girl watching as guy gets sucked off would not do down well with the BBFC :lol:. Not so sure if they would cut or ban it, be interesting to see what happens.

Everyone needs to see this though. Ending is kinda :crazy: too.

wayfarer 12th July 2010 07:51 AM

I watched The Losers (2010) on Friday night. Entertaining but the movie felt like the writers didn't know what genre, or even sub-genre, to put it in. It's not a mega budget movie so the CGI shows up quite a bit, which is distracting. I like a good old fashioned fireball explosion not one ehanced with a digital paintbrush.

I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan but he mumbled his way through this role more than normal. Chris Evans was good again, and soon to be in The First Avenger: Captain America. I do hope they shorten that title.

Sargento 12th July 2010 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by mbv (Post 91558)
Torso Loved this! Some of the FX are a bit rough(the dude's head getting hit by the car was quite funny) but in all I enjoyed it. Also enjoyd the over the top nudity, added to the atmosphere.:laugh:

After you comment I decided to put the Torso DVD in today .. you are right about the FX being a little ropey! They look either papier-mache or wax ... well amusing. I don't remember them looking that bad ... but as you say, they add to the character of the film. Martino certainly likes to parade his nude ladies! The film isn't the greatest Giallo, but the last quarter really cranks up the atmosphere!


Sargento 12th July 2010 04:56 PM

Had a visit to Tesco today and they were giving demos of the new 3D TVs. Has anyone had a try yet? I was rather impressed with the 3D effect through the shutter glasses. However if you move your vision away from the screen and look at something else, the shuttering effect kinda made me feel a little sick! After a few minutes watching, I took the specs off and carried on shopping and feel well and truely nauseous! Hmm, didn't feel like this at the cinema, so I am not sure if I will get used to the shutter glasses. Oh and each lense takes a CR2032 button battery that apparantly runs down real quick! Hmmmm wadda ya all think??


Daemonia 12th July 2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sargento (Post 91650)
After you comment I decided to put the Torso DVD in today .. you are right about the FX being a little ropey! They look either papier-mache or wax ... well amusing. I don't remember them looking that bad ... but as you say, they add to the character of the film. Martino certainly likes to parade his nude ladies! The film isn't the greatest Giallo, but the last quarter really cranks up the atmosphere!


I'm pretty sure that those cheapo FX weren't in the original cut of the film but were initially reinstated for the Anchor Bay US DVD release and has since become the version everyone is familiar with. For once, this is an instance where perhaps the deleted footage should have remained deleted. I think it would have been better to have tham as an extra feature as deleted scenes.

Sargento 12th July 2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Daemonia (Post 91672)
I'm pretty sure that those cheapo FX weren't in the original cut of the film but were initially reinstated for the Anchor Bay US DVD release and has since become the version everyone is familiar with. For once, this is an instance where perhaps the deleted footage should have remained deleted. I think it would have been better to have tham as an extra feature as deleted scenes.

Oh good Lord D ... don't sound much like you mate :lol:

The FX are a bit grim, but had me chuckling along. :lol:

iluvdvds@Cult Labs 12th July 2010 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 91575)
Right.....I just seen A Serbian Film :eek:
This movie is seriously messed up, gotta give it to the director as he has balls.
Its not quite as in your face as say Guinea Pig or August Underground but it is still shocking in one or two scenes. I have heard a lot of people say this movie is the most disturbing film they have seen. I would not go that far but it has its moments. Especially towards the end. Those of you who have not heard anything it contains the following:

* new born baby been raped (altho the baby is quite fake looking and if he did not pull his pants down you would have no idea what he was going because of the camera angle)

* woman who's teeth been pulled out as a penis shoved down her throat till she suffocates

* guy having sex with a woman while he been made to hit her and then chop her head off

* guy having anal sex with 2 people lying faced down covered faces and then he finds out he has raped his wife and young son.

Now I dont know what to make of it but one things for sure, London's Frightfest will be the only place to see this uncut in the UK as witg the sexual violence and scene with a young girl watching as guy gets sucked off would make them cut it. Not so sure if they would cut or ban it, Be interesting to see what happens.

Everyone needs to see this though. Ending is kinda :crazy: too.

Sounds great!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 12th July 2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sargento (Post 91651)
Had a visit to Tesco today and they were giving demos of the new 3D TVs. Has anyone had a try yet? I was rather impressed with the 3D effect through the shutter glasses. However if you move your vision away from the screen and look at something else, the shuttering effect kinda made me feel a little sick! After a few minutes watching, I took the specs off and carried on shopping and feel well and truely nauseous! Hmm, didn't feel like this at the cinema, so I am not sure if I will get used to the shutter glasses. Oh and each lense takes a CR2032 button battery that apparantly runs down real quick! Hmmmm wadda ya all think??


I'm yet to be convinced by 3D at the cinema, let alone at home! I haven't seen a single film in 2D where I thought "That film looks too flat -- if only it were made in 3D".

When my plasma need replacing I imagine it will be replaced by one with 3D technology but it won't be used as, just like you, the stereoscopic format gives me eyestrain and has, and on more than one occasion, led to a migraine.

nekromantik 12th July 2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by iluvdvds (Post 91681)
Sounds great!


edited it as my spelling was a bit off ha ha

re.form 12th July 2010 08:31 PM

Brooklyn's Finest. Good performance by Richard Gere. Ok NYC cop story.

Sam 12th July 2010 09:29 PM

Just finished Satan's Blood - fairly intruiging but my interest was flagging a bit in the middle section. The ending was effective turned things around and was the best part of the film for my money. Worth the 2 quid I paid for it in any case...

antmumford 12th July 2010 10:20 PM

I watched Satans Blood tonight too, had some good moments. Well worth £1.99.

I also watched Paris Je T'aime which I thought was wonderful, loved all 16 shorts but my fav was most probably the Coen Brothers one

pedromonkey 12th July 2010 10:36 PM

last night i watched the first of a two part movie, MESRINE: KILLER INSTINCT, it was an outstanding gangster film and had an amazing performance by Vincent Cassel, highly recommended...

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 13th July 2010 09:12 AM

Watched the two Mesrine films back to back a while ago after seeing the first one at the cinema (the local arthouse one, not a multiplex).

Recently, I've seen films including:
Micmacs which is a wonderful comedy/fantasy by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and, whilst it's not his best work, is still eminently watchable.

Donnie Darko really makes you wonder what happened to Richard Kelly’s career as he was a genius in the making with this movie.

Chloe, which is a really interesting erotic thriller with Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried

Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff -- a terrific documentary about one of the unsung heroes of modern cinema.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 13th July 2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 91707)
Just finished Satan's Blood - fairly intruiging but my interest was flagging a bit in the middle section. The ending was effective turned things around and was the best part of the film for my money. Worth the 2 quid I paid for it in any case...


Originally Posted by antmumford (Post 91710)
I watched Satans Blood tonight too, had some good moments. Well worth £1.99.

I love Satan's Blood. An essential slice of eurosleaze, that mixes the sexual side and the horror aspects perfectly.

Daemonia 13th July 2010 12:08 PM

I think I probably posted some of these in the wrong thread, so I'll re-post here and add a couple...

Sherlock Holmes (2009) - Robert Downey Jr is Holmes and Jude Law is Watson in Guy Ritchie's lavish re-imagining of the Holmes character. Holmes and Watson are on the trail of a group of occultists who have evil plans afoot. Obviously, they save the day and all is not lost.

As extravagant as this was, I felt it lacked...something. There was no real depth to the characters and the script spent too much time on the sub-plot of Watson's romance with Mary (that Holmes is trying to ruin). It just felt awkward and Downey Jr was too obviously trying to mimic Basil Rathbone in some of his mannerisms. Still, not unenjoyable, I just felt it could have been better. At least it shows that Ritchie is capable of making films outside the cockney gangster genre.

The Firm (2009) - Nick Love remakes the Oldman film and puts his own spin on it. It's basically Bex's story, the leader of a violent London football 'firm' and how he is idolised by a younger member of the group. Things quickly turn sour as the violence escalates and things get out of hand. Nicely done with some good observations on life in the 80's. Worth a look - and thankfully here's a Love film that doesn't star Mockney Danny Dyer.

Giallo (2009) - Dario...stop. Please, just stop. Enough already. This was truly awful, even worse than the Third Mother. And why does everyone have big noses? And what's Brody doing in this? FFS he was in the oscar winning, The Pianist - and goes from that to this...and in this he just shuffles about non-commitedly, not making any sense and rubbing his chin thoughtfully (more like trying to work out the f*cking script).

The Italian courts should place an injunction on Argento preventing him from going anywhere near filmmaking equipment. The man has gone from genius to z-movie hack.

Aaaaarggh! My eyes! I can't take anymore!!!!! Someone make Argento stop!!

Changeling (2009) - Angeline Jolie is Christine Collins, a single mother living in Los Angeles in the 20's. When her son, Walter, goes missing, she obviously asks the police to find her missing son. 5 months later, with the police coming under increasing pressure to deliver, and with charges of corruption levelled against them, they produce a child. But it's not her son - even though the police insist it is. When she persists with the claim that it's not her son, they have her committed. A local reverend and broadcaster (John Malkovich), who is also committed to exposing police corruption in the city, intervenes. Gradually, as events unfold, the police are shown to have orchestrated this terrible affair of givng her someone else's son and when a serial killer of children is captured, things reach an explosive peak. Even more shocking is that this is based on a true story! Unbelievable! A surprisingly good turn form Jolie here who actually puts in some acting and pulls it off remarkably well, showing that she is capable of a fine performance when she chooses to put in the work. Brilliantly realised by director Clint Eastwood this is a superb film and well worth a look - I rented this on Blu-ray and I'm glad I gave it a watch.

Out From the Clouds (1955) - Another fine offering from Brit studio Ealing which takes a look at life in a London airport. At its heart there's a love story between two passengers who meet each other whilst waiting for flights to separate destinations. The film really does capture the randomness of meeting people whilst travelling. I had to laugh at the airport (which was shot on location, I believe) which consisted of a few desks to buy tickets and a complete lack of security screening. How times have changed. Although it did manage to squeeze in a tiny plot about drug smuggling, so Ealing certainly were a little ahead of their time on that score. A wonderful little film, but probably not up there with the likes of The Lavender Hill Mob or The Man in the White Suit, but it's a gem nevertheless. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

'Can't get a drink out of hours? Now I know we're in England!'


Sargento 13th July 2010 01:34 PM

Just watched ....

Kevin S Tenney's

Night Of The Demons

I have always been a fan of this little gem of an 80s movie. Yeah it is full of dire acting, questionable dialogue, horrid music, and yet another "interesting performance" from Linnea Quigley! But it is a movie that has obviously been made from the heart, and I recognise that. Steve Johnson's make-up FX still stand-up terrifically today .. none of that CGI crap here thanks.


Not seen any of the sequels, but I hear 2 is very high on splatter .. anyone seen it.

wayfarer 13th July 2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sargento (Post 91797)
Just watched ....

Kevin S Tenney's

Night Of The Demons

I have always been a fan of this little gem of an 80s movie. Yeah it is full of dire acting, questionable dialogue, horrid music, and yet another "interesting performance" from Linnea Quigley! But it is a movie that has obviously been made from the heart, and I recognise that. Steve Johnson's make-up FX still stand-up terrifically today .. none of that CGI crap here thanks.


Not seen any of the sequels, but I hear 2 is very high on splatter .. anyone seen it.

Linnea Quigley and the lipstick:pound:

I couldn't see the appeal of that "actress" at all. She was as rough as rough can be, yet fanboys at the time drooled over her in magazines like "Femme Fatales".

I preferred one of the other lead actresses in it; Cathy Podewell;the "all American girl" Judy going out with the idiot. Lovely!

wayfarer 13th July 2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Daemonia (Post 91779)

Changeling (2009) - Angeline Jolie is Christine Collins, a single mother living in Los Angeles in the 20's. When her son, Walter, goes missing, she obviously asks the police to find her missing son. 5 months later, with the police coming under increasing pressure to deliver, and with charges of corruption levelled against them, they produce a child. But it's not her son - even though the police insist it is. When she persists with the claim that it's not her son, they have her committed. A local reverend and broadcaster (John Malkovich), who is also committed to exposing police corruption in the city, intervenes. Gradually, as events unfold, the police are shown to have orchestrated this terrible affair of givng her someone else's son and when a serial killer of children is captured, things reach an explosive peak. Even more shocking is that this is based on a true story! Unbelievable! A surprisingly good turn form Jolie here who actually puts in some acting and pulls it off remarkably well, showing that she is capable of a fine performance when she chooses to put in the work. Brilliantly realised by director Clint Eastwood this is a superb film and well worth a look - I rented this on Blu-ray and I'm glad I gave it a watch.

A remarkable film. J Michael Stracynski researched the story whilst waiting for another project to come along. He'd got disillusioned with television after the treatment of Babylon 5 and it's spin-offs and went into full creative mode. Only about 5% of the movie is inaccurate. They changed the emphasis of some characters and couldn't have known, for sure, what happened in the asylum.

It took me a while to get around to watching it because I got bored of the whole Brangelina B.S but its well worth watching..

Daemonia 14th July 2010 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sargento (Post 91797)
Not seen any of the sequels, but I hear 2 is very high on splatter .. anyone seen it.

Part 2 (Angela's Revenge) is actually pretty decent and does what it says on the tin. It's got Angela and she gets some bloody revenge (though revenge for what I'm not entirely sure...). The third one, Demon House, ain't too shabby either.

Gigantor 14th July 2010 02:56 AM

yes NIGHT OF THE DEMON series is very decent .Its one of the few horror series that wasn't run into the ground or hurt by stinky sequeals.All 3 movies in the series are very entertaining fiulms.Not a stinker in the bunch

pedromonkey 14th July 2010 10:11 AM

watched BATTLE ROYALE last night, i haven't seen it in years and it's still an awesome film. i forgot they put up the bodycount...

Phats 14th July 2010 11:04 AM

I watched the Omen sequels and the remake over the last few days. The worst of the bunch is definitely Omen IV and I didn't care much for II or III but the remake wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Julia Stiles was terrible and changing the trike for a scooter was lunacy but some of the deaths were done well and it was scary at times. The little kid is no match for the original Damien though.

Kyle 14th July 2010 02:23 PM

today i watched harpoon(thanks kyle) and ebola syndrome

re.form 14th July 2010 06:30 PM

Critters 3

Sargento 14th July 2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Gigantor (Post 91909)
yes NIGHT OF THE DEMON series is very decent .Its one of the few horror series that wasn't run into the ground or hurt by stinky sequeals.All 3 movies in the series are very entertaining fiulms.Not a stinker in the bunch

Damn! wish I'd known! Could have got the whole collection on R1 quite cheap but plumpted for part 1 only! Bah!!


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