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Hawkmonger 14th October 2012 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Rik (Post 281909)
I watched Murder Party via Netflix a few months back, reeks of no budget but not a total pile of wank as MTDS would say!

'Prepares for eventual fist fight' :behindsofa:

keirarts 14th October 2012 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Crimson Blade (Post 281872)
Watched the Blu yesterday of the original Halloween.
Can't understand why there was a bit of criticism about this release, as i found the pq absolutely stunning.

I had no issue with the PQ, My issue was the lack of extras compared to the (numerous) Dvd releases.

James Morton 14th October 2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by keirarts (Post 281919)
I had no issue with the PQ, My issue was the lack of extras compared to the (numerous) Dvd releases.

its a great shame that countless blu rays are released with no extras at all
main reason why i would only buy my faves w/extras

keirarts 14th October 2012 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by James Morton (Post 281922)
its a great shame that countless blu rays are released with no extras at all
main reason why i would only buy my faves w/extras

I just look at those bare-bones discs and I know there will be another special edition around the corner.

Gojirosan 14th October 2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hawkmonger (Post 281888)
Eric Robert's as the Master is truely horrible.

This makes no sense.

Eric Roberts is amazing and was the only halfway decent thing in that tedious effort!

re.form 14th October 2012 07:27 PM

Twelve Monkeys on blu. Mindblowing movie that I hadn't see since the 90's. Looking forward to the feature length making of that I haven't seen.

The Men who stare at Goats. Really quirky and fun.

bdc 14th October 2012 07:46 PM

Watched Haunted Mansion (1998) which was a pleasant surprise.
I was expecting this late 90's Wong Jing produced horror to be shot on video (not!) and to be mainly funny (not really though there are some fun dialogues) so I went in with fairly low expectations...

The movie slowly builds to a climax but luckily Anthony Wong keeps us entertained for a while until things really start to get creepy and even a bit nasty (think Possessed series and even The Rape After).
Overall it's not bad at all (even pretty good for such a late 90's effort) but I wouldn't recommend it for a first excursion into HK horror. ;)

Btw it seems the Universe dvd has an encoding error which stretches the image to 16:9 but I managed to correct this with the tv settings as this is a 4:3 presentation.

I looked for a trailer but could only find this Japanese? tv? spot:

香港悪霊マãƒÂ³Ã£‚·ãƒÂ§Ã£ƒÂ³Ã¯Â¼ˆÃ ©Â¦™Ã¦Â¸Â¯Ã§Â¬Â¬Ã¤Â¸€Ã¥‡Â¶Ã¥Â®…) - YouTube

Frankie Teardrop 14th October 2012 08:56 PM

Flattened by bastard ear infection. Anti-biotics not working, therefore only remaining course of action is to watch a massive pile of DVDs. Here are some I tried earlier:
THE INNKEEPERS - Enjoyed, though perhaps not as much as HOTD. Similar approach, though - slow pile up of nuance and mood. As much a study of human loneliness as anything else - ghosts spring up as stand-ins for central character's terror of life. I liked the cryptic, off key exchanges between the players more than the jump scares, which felt a bit perfunctory. And that bit with the garbage bag - was that quite zen or do I need to get my temperature down?
ZOMBIE DRILLER KILLER - Blind buy based on title alone. Why, though? Anything called 'Zombie Driller Killer' is bound to disappoint, surely? Not in this case, which is all the more gratifying given that the title is sort of accurate and yet the film itself is kind of opposite to what one might expect... OK, basically some killer in an orange jumpsuit is drilling people's heads and turning them into black tar spewing zombies. The father of one of the victims does some detective work and finds sinister weirdness going on in a chemical plant. Sounds like the same film you got bored of watching about five years ago? It's not at all - far from being yet another in the seemingly endless procession of zombies-by-numbers, this owes much more to the approach of eg 'I, Zombie'... it's grim, downbeat and serious. Well actually there's quite a bit of black humour, but never at the expense of a pervasive feeling of bleakness and sadness: a good portion of the movie is given to the father's efforts to support his zombiefied daughter, who is less a shuffling flesh eater than someone who seems desperately ill (well, 'cos they are). Disturbing, pretty original and well worth a viewing, probably better served by its former title 'Dark Souls'. The polar opposite of 'Zombie 108', this year's other interesting zombie flick.
NIGHTMARE CITY - I always think this never gets enough credit. But I'm biased, it's one of my favourite ever Italian exploitation movies. I'm sure most people here have seen it or know about it so I won't go on about it except to say it never fails to entertain me with its eighties TV dance troupe routines, non-stop apocalyptic carnage, frequently perverse gore and frazzled zombies who just look like they're complete arseholes. I mean look at them, they're not just driven by instinct or a need for braaaiiinnnss, OK they drink a bit of blood but mainly they just seem to get off on chasing and murdering people. Anyway, hats off to Umberto for a movie I will likely never tire of. Now I must let my ear gently weep.

bdc 14th October 2012 09:04 PM

Get well soon Frankie! ;)

Rik 14th October 2012 09:22 PM

Hate ear infections, get well soon mate!

Just finished watching disc number 2 of the Universal Monsters BD set, Frankenstein(1931), another fine looking and sounding film, they really don't make 'em like this anymore, an absolute classic that deserves a place in anybodies collection, be it in SD or HD.
Debating whether or not to watch The Mummy next or skip right on ahead to Bride of Frankenstein :decision:

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