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PaulD 20th October 2012 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 284345)
Death Tube (2010)

For half an hour this was my new favoutite film. Well acted, full of suspense and intrigue, and i was interested, nay impatient to see how it would play out.

Then all of a sudden we get some protagonists dressed as teddy bears, the plot goes up its own backside, the characterization seems to be lost and i was willing the thing to end. I don't recall my enjoyment of a film changing so quickly ever before. From loving it to pulling my hair out.

Oddly enough, last nights viewing was between Alone With Her and this, both being Poundland purchases

Demdike@Cult Labs 20th October 2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 284348)
Oddly enough, last nights viewing was between Alone With Her and this, both being Poundland purchases

I also bought Alone With Her.

I think we can safely say neither of us will be watching the others film from last night in a hurry. :lol:

Nordicdusk 20th October 2012 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 284345)
Death Tube (2010)

For half an hour this was my new favoutite film. Well acted, full of suspense and intrigue, and i was interested, nay impatient to see how it would play out.

Then all of a sudden we get some protagonists dressed as teddy bears, the plot goes up its own backside, the characterization seems to be lost and i was willing the thing to end. I don't recall my enjoyment of a film changing so quickly ever before. From loving it to pulling my hair out.

I watched this myself last night and i felt the exact same. I had high hopes at the start but once the all left the first room that was it all down hill.

Nagaman 20th October 2012 08:08 PM

Currently watching Evil Dead 2 (the US BD). Hard to believe that I've never seen this film before...
Lined up next is the BD of Mothers Day. The original of course, although I will say, I do have the remake too, to watch yet at some point... :)

SShaw 20th October 2012 10:01 PM

Went to see Oliver Stone's latest film "Savages" at the Kino today. I really enjoyed it even if it felt a little derivative (Stone's own Natural Born Killers, Scott's True Romance, Tarantino's Jackie Brown) Benicio Del Toro was excellent as the bad guy, Travolta was largely under control as a corrupt DEA agent and Salma Hayek provided a surprisingly good performance as a mexican drug baron (although I was constantly reminded of Demi Moore every time she appeared on screen). Even Taylor Kitsch manages not to be too offensive.

Nordicdusk 20th October 2012 10:08 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Attachment 87374

Attachment 87375

Attachment 87376

Attachment 87377

I was in an 80s action mood tonight

Frankie Teardrop 20th October 2012 10:25 PM

S&M HUNTER - Mid eighties Pinku starring a guy with a whip and a skull and crossbones eye patch who thinks all women long to be dominated via his rope bondage techniques. Includes something to offend just about everyone ie. a gay man is kidnapped by an all girl criminal gang and basically held captive and raped. Much of this isn't explicitly rendered and has about as much edge as an episode of Benny Hill. In fact it plays pretty much like a sadistic Japanese version of same. Whilst I didn't identify with its sexual politics, I did find myself chuckling from time to time, mostly at the beguiling figure at the centre of it all, this Indiana Jones type with a really harsh downer on women. I couldn't decide whether the humourous angle made it even harder to take than the really gratingly nasty approach of some J-Horror-Porn.

THE EVIL DEAD - Yeah, not very original I know. But I do like it when I revisit these old numbers and find the magic hasn't quite gone. In fact, TED is a film I never tire of. Each time I see it it feels kind of closer to the older, more mean spirited days of 70s indie horror than the 80s horror boom which it partly spawned. On the other hand, tried to re-watch 'Reanimator' recently and just couldn't get into it.

Make Them Die Slowly 20th October 2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop (Post 284403)
S&M HUNTER - Mid eighties Pinku starring a guy with a whip and a skull and crossbones eye patch who thinks all women long to be dominated via his rope bondage techniques. Includes something to offend just about everyone ie. a gay man is kidnapped by an all girl criminal gang and basically held captive and raped. Much of this isn't explicitly rendered and has about as much edge as an episode of Benny Hill. In fact it plays pretty much like a sadistic Japanese version of same. Whilst I didn't identify with its sexual politics, I did find myself chuckling from time to time, mostly at the beguiling figure at the centre of it all, this Indiana Jones type with a really harsh downer on women. I couldn't decide whether the humourous angle made it even harder to take than the really gratingly nasty approach of some J-Horror-Porn.

THE EVIL DEAD - Yeah, not very original I know. But I do like it when I revisit these old numbers and find the magic hasn't quite gone. In fact, TED is a film I never tire of. Each time I see it it feels kind of closer to the older, more mean spirited days of 70s indie horror than the 80s horror boom which it partly spawned. On the other hand, tried to re-watch 'Reanimator' recently and just couldn't get into it.

I enjoyed "S&M Hunter" and also recently watched "Reanimator" which is, gore and special effects aside, truly awful. I like cheap, badly acted films but found it a painful viewing experience.

fuzzymctiger 20th October 2012 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda (Post 284347)

...only kidding, your choice. :)

Sent from my I9100 Galaxy S II via Tapatalk 2

For me the snake and spider bits were no problem as I've come across dead snakes before and I hate spiders!

Frankie Teardrop 20th October 2012 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 284405)
I enjoyed "S&M Hunter" and also recently watched "Reanimator" which is, gore and special effects aside, truly awful. I like cheap, badly acted films but found it a painful viewing experience.

I don't know what it is, but it's a film I feel I've left behind. Shame really, because I really like Jeff Combs and of course am a big Lovecraft fan, notwithstanding that 'Reanimator' is about as Lovecraftian as a vole with a hernia. If I find I've grown bored of 'From Beyond' I'll be really pissed off, considering how much I paid for it.

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