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nekromantik 2nd September 2011 04:25 PM

really wanna see skin i live in!!

and Nos yeah its a very nice lookin steely! it dont have english subs and im not sure if it has forced german subs or not.

enterthehero 2nd September 2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 178470)
Stage Fright
I’m not a slasher fan by any means, but this was enjoyable enough. The debut of Michele Soavi, you can clearly sense the influence of Argento in some stylish camera shots and outlandish murders. That said, I don’t think Soavi exploited his creepy old theatre set to the full – you can imagine the fun Argento would’ve had in the same space (like Opera on a smaller scale). A very cool looking slasher villain, with his giant owl mask and eclectic assortment of weapons (I sense a new art project coming on...). Wasn’t keen on the score, a very dated 80’s jazzy pop kind of thing – no movie score needs a saxophone unless it’s Taxi Driver! But good predictable fun, I’m happy with my £3 purchase.

I like the sound of this where did you get it for £3

I am here:,-0.327969

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd September 2011 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 178471)
Went to see The Skin I Live In last night. Not what I was expecting at all, hard to really talk about it without ruining it. Really good and worth a watch though

The title really bugs me just because it's grammatically incorrect and should, to avoid ending on a preposition, be The Skin in Which I Live!

nekromantik 2nd September 2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 178530)
The title really bugs me just because it's grammatically incorrect and should, to avoid ending on a preposition, be The Skin in Which I Live!

when your watching it I doubt bad grammer will affect your views on it though.

PaulD 2nd September 2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 178550)
when your watching it I doubt bad grammer will affect your views on it though.

It was certainly the last thing on my mind last night!

nekromantik 2nd September 2011 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 178556)
It was certainly the last thing on my mind last night!

ha ha!
its either that or kill list that I will try and see next week!
doubt I can see both tho as I also wanna see apollo 18

Sam 2nd September 2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by pedromonkey (Post 178317)
just finished Attack The Block, brilliant british sci-fi comedy, maybe not in the same league as Shaun of the Dead but very very close. Some nice little nods and references to films like The Thing, E.T and Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
Highly Recommend it.

Is that out to rent Pedro? I intended to go to see it at the cinema but never got 'round to it.

PaulD 2nd September 2011 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 178559)
ha ha!
its either that or kill list that I will try and see next week!
doubt I can see both tho as I also wanna see apollo 18

Yeah, going to see Kill List later this week. Not fussed about that Apollo 18 though. Bit bored of the found footage stuff to be honest.

Bit more on-topic - I just watched Hot Fuzz with the Edgar Wright/Quentin Tarantino commentary. Great commentary, they spend less time talking about the film and more about films in general but it was a funny and informative track by two people insanely knowledgable about film trivia. Me and the missus seemed to watch it on 2 different levels - me watching it concentrating on and laughing at the commentary and her watching the film with the subtitles on. Odd experience watching the same thing and laughing at completely different pieces.

enterthehero 2nd September 2011 11:12 PM

Just finished watching hatchet 2. This film is so badass it has some of the coolest and funniest kills in any movie I have ever seen. It's right up there with hobo with a shotgun in being one of the best movies I have seen this year.

I am here:,-0.268936

Baseball Fury 3rd September 2011 12:01 AM

Fist of Fury on TV. Banging.

mark meakin 3rd September 2011 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Baseball Fury (Post 178568)
Fist of Fury on TV. Banging.

Looked cut on Movies24 though.I don't seeing recall the shot of Bruce hitting a man on the head with his nunchaku drawing blood being present.The Big Boss was definitely trimmed when I watched a bit of that.

Baseball Fury 3rd September 2011 10:14 AM

It was cut, they were the old UK VHS cuts with the English dub. was alright to watch in the background though!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 3rd September 2011 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 178560)
Is that out to rent Pedro? I intended to go to see it at the cinema but never got 'round to it.

I don't know if Pedro has been naughty or whether Blockbuster have some advanced stock because it isn't released until the 12th. I saw it a week or so ago for review and thought it was really good, though it could have been funnier and scarier in order to press all the right buttons and be a top-notch horror-comedy.

platostotal 3rd September 2011 12:01 PM

Watched FINAL CUT last night on film4, Robin Williams excellent as the unlikeable anti-hero(despite the title it's a sci-fi, not a slasher) in the near future "cutters" can access an implant after you die and edit your memories so the family have a condensed visual keepsake of their loved ones. Protesters accuse it of wiping the real person and replacing the bad things with good, making false memories. Great concept, and no real SFX make it interesting(and William's character being a bit of a wimpy git, helps) I thought it a nice change of pace for a U.S. sci-fi(endings a bit weak tho). Check it out if you tire of 300 million dollar CGI-a-thons. I was in the mood for this so I'd give a solid 4/5, less if action's your bag.

Demdike@Cult Labs 3rd September 2011 01:26 PM

Watched Sea of Love last night. First viewing in fifteen years or so.

Still an excellent film, well acted, tightly plotted, full of humour, mystery and sensuality. Pacino is his usual great self, John Goodman fills the roll of his partner brilliantly and has all the best lines, and Ellen Barkin simply smoulders each time she graces the screen.

mercury 3rd September 2011 01:43 PM

Wallstreet Money never Sleeps.
I thought this film was a boring waste of time. Liked the first film but this just didn't get going:(

gag 3rd September 2011 03:07 PM

recently watched
city heat
streets of fire

and ive come to conclusion no matter how good films of today are they just dont quite make them as good as they use to and older films are defo the best

nekromantik 3rd September 2011 05:08 PM

just seen The Caller.
Interesting premise and quite creepy at times but the 2nd half kinda looses it.
this could have been great but ended up being ok.

pedromonkey 3rd September 2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 178597)
I don't know if Pedro has been naughty or whether Blockbuster have some advanced stock because it isn't released until the 12th. I saw it a week or so ago for review and thought it was really good, though it could have been funnier and scarier in order to press all the right buttons and be a top-notch horror-comedy.

nope Nos, i've not been naughty, we have it as an exclusive rental from the 9th and the stock came in early. It's actually released on 19th so we get for the 10 days before.

Beyond72 3rd September 2011 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 178615)
Watched Sea of Love last night. First viewing in fifteen years or so.

Still an excellent film, well acted, tightly plotted, full of humour, mystery and sensuality. Pacino is his usual great self, John Goodman fills the roll of his partner brilliantly and has all the best lines, and Ellen Barkin simply smoulders each time she graces the screen.

I've recently re-watched it too, the Samuel L Jackson cameo was one thing but Glazer from The Burning showing up was something else..*Where do I recognize that voice from?* :happy:

platostotal 3rd September 2011 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 178630)
recently watched
city heat
streets of fire

and ive come to conclusion no matter how good films of today are they just dont quite make them as good as they use to and older films are defo the best

Same with people (I'm older at 51 than any of the above)they just don't make us like they used to, now if only I had my hair, good eyesight and good knees back... um...never mind, heh heh.

pedromonkey 3rd September 2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 178630)
recently watched
streets of fire

and ive come to conclusion no matter how good films of today are they just dont quite make them as good as they use to and older films are defo the best

can't go wrong with a bit of Walter Hill in my opinion. Good Choices, Streets Of Fire is a Personal fave.

Slippery Jack 3rd September 2011 06:58 PM

Of them, I've only seen The Driver, but that's one of the best damn films I've seen this year! Can't wait for Nic Winding Refn's Drive :cool: . . .

Gojirosan 3rd September 2011 11:35 PM

Primal - overwrought yet under-developed Australian wilderness splatter horror with uncomfortable comedy elements.

80 minutes might seem mercifully short, but it drags and doesn't hold the attention. It is riddled with annoying stylistic cinematographic tics and has awful music.

Not recommended.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 4th September 2011 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by pedromonkey (Post 178664)
nope Nos, i've not been naughty, we have it as an exclusive rental from the 9th and the stock came in early. It's actually released on 19th so we get for the 10 days before.

That's what I figured you'd done and I obviously have the wrong date on my review list so I'll move Attack the Block to the (much quieter) week after.

I've recently re-watched both discs of the Australian Grindhouse Releasing Cannibal Holocaust DVD as I wanted to get a 'fix' before the Shameless Blu-ray is released and also reviewed it.

Cannibal Holocaust DVD Review

Other recent viewings include:
the slightly stagey but still effective The Hound of the Baskervilles, starring Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Andre Morell

The Earth Dies Screaming, a surprisingly good horror/sci-fi film directed by Terrence Fisher and one which, at only 60 minutes, whizzes by (review here)

The BD of Once Upon a Time In America, which is still a superb epic gangster movie and never feels nearly 4 hours long

Robert Altman's The Long Goodbye, a very good film but not a patch on Raymond Chandler's novel of the same name

Ordinary People, the film which won the Best Picture Academy Award over Raging Bull and, though it's a good film, it's not better than Scorsese's engrossing biopic of Jake LaMotta

The theatrical version of Wolf Creek (on BD) which actually flows better than the extended/uncut version and features a star turn by John Jarratt as the antithesis of Crocodile Dundee

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th September 2011 10:53 AM

A well written, fair review of The Earth Dies Screaming Nos. :clap:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 4th September 2011 11:40 AM

Thanks Demdike!

James Morton 4th September 2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 178615)
Watched Sea of Love last night. First viewing in fifteen years or so.

Still an excellent film, well acted, tightly plotted, full of humour, mystery and sensuality. Pacino is his usual great self, John Goodman fills the roll of his partner brilliantly and has all the best lines, and Ellen Barkin simply smoulders each time she graces the screen.

I saw that on tv a long time ago and enjoyed it
wasn't that Pacinos' comeback film after the mega flop Revolution?

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th September 2011 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by James Morton (Post 178795)
I saw that on tv a long time ago and enjoyed it
wasn't that Pacinos' comeback film after the mega flop Revolution?

Yes, forgotten about that. Four years between the two films. His next big hit was Dick Tracy a year later, which at the time i loathed but now really like.

platostotal 4th September 2011 02:35 PM

Saw THE SHOOTIST with John Wayne on the tv, saw it at the cinema in the 70s, didn't like it when I was younger but now I really enjoyed seeing Wayne, Stewart and Bacall together for the Dukes last ride. His scenes with Bacall are quite touching with a hint of reality(His lines to her ring true more often than not) and Sheree North is great as his greedy ex, worth picking up at the right price.

Slippery Jack 4th September 2011 03:25 PM

Christened my newly inherited, room-dwarfing HD telly with a first viewing of The Beyond. While the sound and picture quality impressed, I was less than taken with the film itself. As I felt with City of the Living Dead, there were a few half decent set pieces but not a lot else - all a bit Suspiria-lite to me (CAN'T WAIT to try out the Blu Ray of that) . . .

Demoncrat 4th September 2011 03:37 PM

suspiria lite??? hmmmm.


MANIAC (1981) wow this was worth the wait. nasty nasty man! lovely print, great documentary on Mr Spinell. recommended!

Sucker Punch (2010) im sorry, ive tried but i am just not attracted to kids.:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: ahem.

TORSO...looked far better than my shitey Iver vhs, enjoyed it a lot more because of this, could have done with a Goblin score hahaha

Slippery Jack 4th September 2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by thehamish (Post 178817)
suspiria lite??? hmmmm.

Yup. That was my inital impression of both of those Fulci films. The nightmare-logic nonsensical plot and expressionistic lighting seemed to be reching in that direction, but fell far short in my opinion. Hoping to enjoy his Giallo stuff more when I get round to them . . .

Gojirosan 4th September 2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 178819)
Yup. That was my inital impression of both of those Fulci films. The nightmare-logic nonsensical plot and expressionistic lighting seemed to be reching in that direction, but fell far short in my opinion. Hoping to enjoy his Giallo stuff more when I get round to them . . .

Suspiria certainly was a big influence on the era that followed, but I reckon those early 80s surreal Fulci flicks have their own bleak charm - especially The Beyond and City.... Fulci's gialli, however, are a different league and are essential viewing - his best work.

enterthehero 4th September 2011 04:13 PM

Just watched the Hamiltons again, forgot how good this movie is.

I am here:,-0.269629

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th September 2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 178819)
Yup. That was my inital impression of both of those Fulci films. The nightmare-logic nonsensical plot and expressionistic lighting seemed to be reching in that direction, but fell far short in my opinion. Hoping to enjoy his Giallo stuff more when I get round to them . . .

Look forward to reading your views on Manhattan Baby. :lol:

nekromantik 4th September 2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by enterthehero (Post 178825)
Just watched the Hamiltons again, forgot how good this movie is.

I am here: Google Maps

i still need to buy that!

mercury 4th September 2011 07:38 PM

The Other Guys(again):lol: Love this film, it's so funny.
Hang 'em High. Good film but not in the same league as the Dollars trilogy.

zombifud 4th September 2011 07:49 PM

The Evil and Twice Dead. A Roger Corman double feature. Behind The Mask again.

The Evil was okay. A bit slow, and silly at the end but not a bad way to spent 90 min on a rainy day.

Twice Dead was much better. Starring Jill Whitlow from Night Of The Creeps among other things. Ghost story/teen gang film. Really strange paring but it worked quite well. The last twenty minutes really elevated the film.

enterthehero 4th September 2011 08:40 PM

Little miss sunshine followed by rocket science.

My second time seeing little miss sunshine, still really enjoy this movie great story and brilliant cast.

Rocket science was a great movie. I kept seeing the trailer for this on other films and it looked really good and it didn't disappoint me. Another funny movie. In some aspects it reminds me of Rushmore.

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