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Vipp 13th October 2014 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 421226)

Death line

A hidden gem. About people being taking on the London underground by a Cannibal. Very unnerving and disturbing with some good acting. The real highlight here is Donald Pleasence wondeful character inspector "get a hair cut" Calhoun, every scene with him is a joy to watch. Nether have the words " mind the doors" been so unnerving . 9/10

Tonight's viewings the exorcist 3 and shivers

Cannibal/London Underground/Donald Plesence - This, i have got to see!

Bringer Of Funerals 13th October 2014 06:20 PM

I shall be doing my Netflix list again very soon

keirarts 13th October 2014 07:17 PM


Ye gods! when you can't scare an audience by simply turning the sound up every so often that's when you know your in deep s***. I went to see anabelle because I like creepy doll movies, there you go I'm not ashamed. I was expecting a "quiet, quiet, quiet Boo!" film, hell I'm not as down on them as some. I don;t buy them on blu so much but they make good multiplex ghost train rides. This film doesn't work for around 90% of its running time. There's a couple of good scares, the main one stolen entirely from Mario Bava's SHOCK. Overall the film doesn't even work on a primitive level. Poor.

Demdike@Cult Labs 13th October 2014 07:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Black Swan (2010)

Darren Aronofsky's quite brilliant study of innocence, fragility and psychological breakdown. Disturbing and occasionally creepy, breathtaking and brutal. Brilliantly held together with a tremendous performance from Natalie Portman with excellent support from the ever reliable Vincent Cassel and Mila Kunis.

The film features sumptuous cinematography which energize's the dance footage with breathless urgency, practically forcing the viewer to feel Portman's exhaustion and pain. Added to this Black Swan features a beautiful score which wraps itself around you with care and attention before overwhelming you during Portman's swansong performance. The screenplay is also quite superb and it may well become one of those classic quotable films in years to come with many memorable lines, much of which is darkly comical.

Aronofsky's greatest achievement is in creating a strong psychological horror / thriller which is easy to follow, it's not a complicated storyline nor is it predictable, even though it seemed obvious how the Portman / Kunis relationship would turn out. It's this strength which makes it ever more watchable and should elevate Black Swan to a higher plane making it one of the 21st centuries classic films.

Finally a word of warning for those who don't like to see unnecessary scenes. This film contains several sequences of strong ballet.

Make Them Die Slowly 13th October 2014 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 421245)
Black Swan (2010)

Darren Aronofsky's quite brilliant study of innocence, fragility and psychological breakdown. Disturbing and occasionally creepy, breathtaking and brutal. Brilliantly held together with a tremendous performance from Natalie Portman with excellent support from the ever reliable Vincent Cassel and Mila Kunis.

The film features sumptuous cinematography which energize's the dance footage with breathless urgency, practically forcing the viewer to feel Portman's exhaustion and pain. Added to this Black Swan features a beautiful score which wraps itself around you with care and attention before overwhelming you during Portman's swansong performance. The screenplay is also quite superb and it may well become one of those classic quotable films in years to come with many memorable lines, much of which is darkly comical.

Aronofsky's greatest achievement is in creating a strong psychological horror / thriller which is easy to follow, it's not a complicated storyline nor is it predictable, even though it seemed obvious how the Portman / Kunis relationship would turn out. It's this strength which makes it ever more watchable and should elevate Black Swan to a higher plane making it one of the 21st centuries classic films.

Finally a word of warning for those who don't like to see unnecessary scenes. This film contains several sequences of strong ballet.

Bored the f#ck out of me and I've got a lot of fuc...

Demdike@Cult Labs 13th October 2014 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 421247)
Bored the f#ck out of me and I've got a lot of fuc...

Gotta' admit if it does lack one thing it's shit blowing up. :nod:

Make Them Die Slowly 13th October 2014 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 421248)
Gotta' admit if it does lack one thing it's shit blowing up. :nod:

I have a kickstarter going to remake it with Craig Fairbrass and St. Daniel of Dyer. They have both signed on but are arguing over who should have the bigger tutu.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 13th October 2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 421226)
Are you there?

Dear god in heaven this has to be one of the worst piles of shite I have seen in a long time. Dreadful acting, poor script, direction and camerawork. Charcters with the personality of a plank of wood and as scary as a episode of scooby doo. 2.5/10

Lenient score then!

trebor8273 13th October 2014 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 421257)
Lenient score then!

give them film markers there due, i could see what they where trying to accomplish but it was executed so poorly. maybe with someone else it could of been a decent little film and to be honest its a hundred times better that i could do!

if you see it for a £1 give it a try. looking a reviews some people really enjoyed it

nosferatu42 13th October 2014 09:36 PM

Just watched Gotham on 5.
Was ok, liked the young catwoman,Penguin was good and Riddler/ivy cameo was ok.
Not really taken with Gordon yet, from 70's comics the Gordon i grew up with is more oldman to me. This seems like a problem seeing as the series is centred around his character.
Nice Production and Gotham setting, but i'm not really drawn in so far.
Will give it another go over the next few episodes but i'm not expecting that much really.
I'm not really a big fan of many new U.S drama series anyway, love Walking Dead and liked the new Battlestar but that's about it really, so i'm a difficult man to please in that regard. :pop2:

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