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Cinematic Shocks 30th December 2016 05:39 PM

The Burning (1981)

***1/2 out of *****

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

The best 80's slasher.

**** out of *****

Demdike@Cult Labs 30th December 2016 07:40 PM

So, er' what did the rest of you think of What?

iank 30th December 2016 08:37 PM

The Running Man. Framed for a massacre he actually refused to participate in, Ben Richards (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is forced to participate in the 21st century's most popular TV show, The Running Man, where convicted criminals must run for their lives while being hunted to the death by professional killers who are national celebrities. Needless to say however, this time they've picked the wrong man... I cackled at the realisation that this late 80s sci-fi satire and action flick is set in 2017, and it must be said, they didn't get too much wrong (there's internet shopping, disgraceful 'reality' TV shows (okay, so we don't have The Running Man but we've still got morally reprehensible %@%$ like The Seven Year Itch) and Arnie cynically noting that "The truth doesn't seem terribly popular these days". Yup, sounds about right to me.) This is still a great fun flick with real life game show host Richard Dawson all but stealing the film as Damon Killian, The Running Man's uber-slick and utterly callous host, who gets almost all the best lines. "I'll be back", Arnie warns him as he's sent off into the game. "Only in a re-run" he ripostes. Still great fun. :xmasnuts::xmasbanana:

Deadite 30th December 2016 10:36 PM

Just watched Captain America - Winter Soldier. Not too impressed to be honest. Then again, i've always thought CA was rather ridiculous and his outfit in the films just looks a bit 'Captain Dress-up' to me. Simplistic moralising is also something i can do without in a supers blockbuster.

I think i might be in a bad mood. That comes off a bit too harsh. It's not that bad, just not that good either.

Frankenhooker 31st December 2016 10:57 AM

Watched The Godfather on Blu-ray for the first time last night, breathtaking transfer.

I still consider it to be one of THE great American films, in fact it's very nearly flawless. I only just realised Sofia Coppola is also in Part One.

Part Two tomorrow.

Demdike@Cult Labs 31st December 2016 02:32 PM

Decemberdike # 25
1 Attachment(s)
Symptoms (1974)

Surely this is Vampyres director José Ramón Larraz's masterpiece. A beautifully made and told Gothic tale of madness, jealousy and murder with hints of the supernatural thrown in.

Atmospheric and slow burning, the film takes it's time to unfold, carried along by the brilliant performances of Angela Pleasence and Lorna Heilbron, as a sense of dread builds to almost suffocating levels before erupting in a malevolent mass of violence.

Simply superb!

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 31st December 2016 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 515424)
Symptoms (1974)

Simply superb!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Better than The Witch though...? ;)

Demdike@Cult Labs 31st December 2016 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 515425)
Glad you enjoyed it!

Better than The Witch though...? ;)


Second best new to me film this year though.

trebor8273 31st December 2016 06:35 PM

About to watch this classic which I find a perfect new years eve movie and a bit of tradition for me tonight.

trebor8273 31st December 2016 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Deadite (Post 515392)
Just watched Captain America - Winter Soldier. Not too impressed to be honest. Then again, i've always thought CA was rather ridiculous and his outfit in the films just looks a bit 'Captain Dress-up' to me. Simplistic moralising is also something i can do without in a supers blockbuster.

I think i might be in a bad mood. That comes off a bit too harsh. It's not that bad, just not that good either.

Its one he of the best marvel movies, the more Down to earth and gritty approach stands it out from the others. Its more of a spy/thriller than a superhero movie.

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