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Nosferatu@Cult Labs 31st July 2020 07:28 PM

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019) ★★★½


Jay and Silent Bob embark on a cross-country mission to stop Hollywood from rebooting the film based on their comic book counterparts Bluntman and Chronic.
Okay, so it's not the best film in the View Askewniverse, though Kevin Smith does a clever enough job to lampoon the same film he's created to generate enough laughs and touching moments with New Jersey's favourite marijuana enthusiasts to make this an enjoyable and engaging film.

Harley Quinn Smith will never be an A-list actress, but she has enough screen presence here to never seem out of her depth with Jason Mewes and her now-svelte father.

It's a which knows its target audience and has enough callbacks to the likes of Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (plus the recent Marvel and DC films) to make it a smart and engaging watch. I have a feeling I'll be giving all the films in the View Askewniverse another watch in the not too distant future.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 31st July 2020 07:40 PM

Waltz with Bashir (2008) ★★★★½


Director and Israeli army veteran Ari Folman interviews friends and former soldiers about their memories of the 1982 Lebanon war and especially the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Beirut. The usage of animation enabled Folman to illustrate their personal memories and dreams.
I've only seen this once, probably a decade ago, and I remember thinking it was a powerful and compelling film. This second viewing hasn't changed my opinion – it's probably underscored that initial reaction.

This is a very important film, one which doesn't shy away from the realities of the atrocities committed during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and the final few minutes are amongst the most powerful pieces of cinema ever made.

Please do not dismiss it if you do not usually watch animated films – it's an astonishing and unforgettable film, one which should reach as wide an audience as possible.

Blue Jasmine (2013) ★★★★


After experiencing a traumatic misfortune, Jasmine French, a wealthy woman from New York, moves to San Francisco to live with her foster sister Ginger and the firm purpose of getting a new life, but she will be haunted by anxiety and memories of the past.
This appears to be Woody Allen's version of A Streetcar Named Desire, and one which sees the auteur near top form. It's a brilliantly written and skilfully directed film, but the plaudits must go to Cate Blanchett, whose performance is probably the best of her long and distinguished career, and one of the finest by any actor this century.

Justin101 31st July 2020 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 631639)
Inland Empire (2006)

David Lynch's final film to date seems a more personal experience for him than it is to the viewer. Shot entirely digitally it never feels cinematic and the sound quality is often variable ranging from inaudible to ear shattering at times.

It's the only Lynch film I've not seen, it's too intimidating with the loose 'plot', the 3hr running time and the scuzzy digital video. I'm sure I'll watch it at some point but I'm going to have to be in a special place before I do :lol:

trebor8273 31st July 2020 09:06 PM

The movie that started the juggernaut and gave the world James Bond. Someone is trying to sabotage the American space program which leads Bond too the evil Doctor No. Has one of it not the most iconic scenes of the series with Honey Ryder coming out of the water. 8/10

Bond is sent to find the lektor a Russian decoding machine which could cause havoc for the world, these hands just happening to belong too S.P.E.C.T.E.R. 8/10

While it's not on the same level as King Kong and can be seeing a more kid friendly Kong, but it's still highly enjoyable thanks largely too Harryhausen amazing work with Joe who comes too life and feels like a member of the cast and was easily my favourite. 8/10

Now watching Demon Seed.

iank 31st July 2020 09:29 PM

The Conjuring 2. The Warren's head to Blighty to help an embattled family under siege from a malevolent spirit. This didn't really do it for me this time, to be honest. Maybe we've seen too much of this sort of stuff, or maybe it's just not very good, but while there's some scary stuff in the first half (principally before the Warren's actually arrive) it just gets very silly later on. I say again, the old man is scarier than the nun, which just looks comical to me. :lol:

Demdike@Cult Labs 31st July 2020 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 631684)
It's the only Lynch film I've not seen, it's too intimidating with the loose 'plot', the 3hr running time and the scuzzy digital video. I'm sure I'll watch it at some point but I'm going to have to be in a special place before I do :lol:

I first saw it when it was originally released on dvd and hated it. I just this week bought it again and did enjoy it more - mainly Laura Dern's performance - so i won't be getting rid of it a second time.

Justin101 31st July 2020 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 631690)
I first saw it when it was originally released on dvd and hated it. I just this week bought it again and did enjoy it more - mainly Laura Dern's performance - so i won't be getting rid of it a second time.

I must admit that Laura Dern is a selling point for me! I might pick up the DVD used and give it a spin.

Demdike@Cult Labs 31st July 2020 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 631692)
I must admit that Laura Dern is a selling point for me! I might pick up the DVD used and give it a spin.

It's in Music Magpie's 2 for £3 deal so no great loss if you hate it.

nicholasrope 31st July 2020 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 631541)
The Hidden (1987)

How on earth have I never seen this 80's sci-fi actioner? Kyle Maclachlan looking dashing as a young FBI agent searching for a guy with no previous criminal record but has just been on a 2 week long killing spree, something must be wrong, right? The cop assigned to work with him certainly thinks so.

I honestly had loads of fun with this, right from the start with the shoot-out in the bank and a high speed chase through LA in a Ferrari, right up the end with a crazy gun fight in the Police Station. I laughed out loud when Danny Trejo pops up on screen for roughly 3 seconds to spit some words and get shot in the chest - he gets a screen credit for it though!

It's been a good week for me discovering some 80's gems that everyone else already knows about with this and 10 to Midnight!

This one was a childhood favorite of mine, still entertaining

nicholasrope 31st July 2020 10:43 PM

Final Impact, A View To A Kill & Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
3 Attachment(s)
Final Impact

PM Entertainment Group film in which Lorenzo Lamas is a washed up ex Kickboxing Champion who trains an up and comer to defeat the man who sent him into retirement. Follows all the clichés but I enjoyed it.

A View To A Kill

Roger Moore is Bond where he's after industrialist (Christopher Walken) who plans to create a worldwide microchip monopoly by destroying California's Silicon Valley. Grace Jones is his henchwoman. One of the better Bond films with one of the best Theme Songs from Duran Duran.

BTW, what is with all the awful covers that the DVD's and Blu-Rays that the James Bond Collection Re-Releases had when the original covers were so muc better?

Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

Lucy and Edmund return to Narnia with their very annoying cousin Eustace (Played brilliantly by Nicholas Hoult) where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world in order to rescue missing villagers. If you liked the other installments then you'll enjoy this.

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