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Justin101 21st October 2020 09:06 PM

The First Purge (2018)

Probably the worst of the 4 films but an interesting delve into the backstory of The Purge. It is much more of an Action film than a Horror but it has plenty of creepy visuals and enough over the top violence. The contact lenses that they gave the participants are particularly spooky looking once it gets dark!

The political message is absolutely hammered home without any finesse, you couldn't watch this and not know what they were trying to say and it does hurt the film. However the likable cast of characters makes up for the shortcomings.

I liked it, but it is completely average.

MrBarlow 21st October 2020 10:30 PM

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Eaten Alive. 1976.

Local redneck Judd owns a run down hotel, when people upset him or mention anything towards his business he kills them and feeds their bodies to his pet crocodile.

Tobe Hooper teams up with Kim Henkel and brings us this little independent film, I will say it is not a masterpiece but still enjoyable to watch, the acting seems very amateurish even though Robert Englund appears in one of his early role and Kyle Richards who later appeared in Halloween two years later do try to keep things going with some suspense. Neville Brand gives out a decent performance as the deranged hotel owner with his scythe and pet. On the Arrow release there is a nice introduction from Tobe Hooper just a shame Carolyn Jones didn't have a longer screen time.

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John Matrix 22nd October 2020 10:09 AM





Big Chris was definitely the best Dracula.

Nordicdusk 22nd October 2020 02:54 PM

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30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 21

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Dr Bill Cortner is obsessed with his research into transplants but his father who is also a doctor is not happy with his experiments and the fact he is stealing limbs from the morgue trying to attach them to bodies. On a weekend off Bill gets a call that he must go to a house he has in the ciuntry away from everyone urgently with his girlfriend in tow he heads out in the dangerously winding roads at a dangerous and recless speed. When he loses controll and the car rolls down a steep embankment Jan is decapitated. Bill grabs the head and runs to his laboritory near by to try and save the head which he hopes to attach to a new body.

Right from the start i was all in with this one decent acting and a great idea i really liked the way this was heading but right in the middle there was a long scene with the head what ever was behind the bolted door and one of Bills test subjects and assisstants that just dragged on for ages it really halted the flow. I did enjoy this but i had hopped for a little bit more. Sadly the ending felt rushed as well as the search for the right body for the head the film runs at 90 minutes so there was plenty of time to fit in what was needed.

Enjoyable but lacking something


Inspector Abberline 22nd October 2020 03:21 PM

I ain't got

Enjoyable but lacking something
Well a body for a start.....

Nordicdusk 22nd October 2020 03:43 PM

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30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 22

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When their father goes missing two brothers reunite to pack up his old vhs store. Inside the locked office they find a vhs board game that they must play to find out what happened to their father.

Billed as an 80s throwback i didnt get any 80s vibe from this at all they tried to force it with an 80s synth soundtrack that didnt feels 80s at all and some neon pink lighting that again did nothing to add anything to the atmosphere. Most of the acting was pretty wooden and flat i get that the two brothers were estranged but they acted like two people that never met before and that really started to wear on me after awhile. One thing the film did get right was the gore it did look great with tons of blood and organs getting extracted with reckless abandon but that doesnt make up for the rest of the film which i honestly found boring.

Purley for the gore

Justin101 22nd October 2020 03:54 PM

I gave Beyond the Gates a 3 out of 5 so I must have enjoyed it. Apart from it starting in a video store and Barbara Crampton being on the tape I can't really remember what else happens :lol:

Nordicdusk 22nd October 2020 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638420)
I gave Beyond the Gates a 3 out of 5 so I must have enjoyed it. Apart from it starting in a video store and Barbara Crampton being on the tape I can't really remember what else happens :lol:

Thats almost as much as i remember i only just watched it :lol:

Frankie Teardrop 22nd October 2020 04:30 PM

THE COMEBACK – It was inevitable I’d raise my Hallowe’en goblet to Pete Walker, he’s been long due a visit round my neck of the woods. Or maybe a Comeback… in which crooner Jack Jones stages a career resurgence in dowdy-looking late seventies London whilst Pamela Stevenson and Compo lurk in the background and try to convince us they’re not mask-wearing giallo-esque killers. ‘The Comeback’ has steadily grown on me over the years. It’s true to say that it’s the least superficially impressive of Walker’s more well-known films in that it isn’t immediately exploitation-heavy in the way that ‘Frightmare’ and the McGillivray collaborations etc. might have been, but getting to know it is rewarding in the long run. Set against that earlier stuff, ‘The Comeback’ is a more considered, atmospheric work that still manages to make room for a bevy of nastiness, from the opening kill that freaked the hell out of me when I saw it on TV in the eighties, to mansion corridors that boom with witchy cackling, not to mention that maggoty head down the cellar. It might all go a bit scooby-do, but I liked the more supernatural / dream-like nods right up to the hastily delivered backstory at the end, and of course there is that trademark Walker feel of a grubby, down-at-heel England somehow reaching its last days. I’m certain he had more of these in him – shame this pretty much ended Walker’s run of gloriously bleak, cynical schlockers, but what’s there is plenty, QED ‘The Comeback’.

bleakshaun 22nd October 2020 04:48 PM

Hellbound Hellraiser II

After surviving the previous film, Kirsty finds herself in a psychiatric hospital, where coincidentally her doctor is fascinated in other dimensions. When a mute young girl opens the configuration; hell itself opens up and now kirsty must try and find her father.
Love it, simple as. Prefer the first film though.

Demdike@Cult Labs 22nd October 2020 05:26 PM

October 21st
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Son of Frankenstein (1939)

The third installment in Universal's Frankenstein saga and the final one to star the great Karloff as the imposing monster...this time wearing a natty sheepskin cut off shirt. Cast wise this is far superior to the two previous entries even though they are in the revered bracket whilst this generally isn't, although in my opinion it should be.

Basil Rathbone is excellent as Sherlo, er Baron Wolf Von Frankenstein whilst Bela Lugosi, who gives a fine performance and has a lot to do (interacts superbly with Karloff) as Ygor but Lionel Atwill almost steals the show with an eccentric turn as a police inspector with a noisy artificial arm.

In fact eccentric is the word that best describes this chiller. It's probably the only time the monster has a chest X-ray for example and is certainly the only time the villagers turn out to cheer Baron Frankenstein at the end.

It's not all quirkiness though, the oft used Universal horror traits are all present and correct and we even get a molten sulphur pit handily situated beneath Frankenstein's laboratory for added danger, extra chills and an inescapable finale.

Nordicdusk 22nd October 2020 05:35 PM

I love Lugosi as Ygor.

But then again i would :pound:

trebor8273 22nd October 2020 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nordicdusk (Post 638419)
30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 22

Attachment 228815

When their father goes missing two brothers reunite to pack up his old vhs store. Inside the locked office they find a vhs board game that they must play to find out what happened to their father.

Billed as an 80s throwback i didnt get any 80s vibe from this at all they tried to force it with an 80s synth soundtrack that didnt feels 80s at all and some neon pink lighting that again did nothing to add anything to the atmosphere. Most of the acting was pretty wooden and flat i get that the two brothers were estranged but they acted like two people that never met before and that really started to wear on me after awhile. One thing the film did get right was the gore it did look great with tons of blood and organs getting extracted with reckless abandon but that doesnt make up for the rest of the film which i honestly found boring.

Purley for the gore

That's being generous, one of the worst films I had seen in years, Barbara must of really needed the money.

Demdike@Cult Labs 22nd October 2020 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638439)
That's being generous, one of the worst film I had seen in years, Barbara must of really needed the money.

I'm with you on this one, Treb.

Dave Boy 22nd October 2020 06:10 PM

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Good slasher with some atmospheric scenes involving the 'Jester' walking the old school halls. Nice gruesome deaths for that group of unlikable characters.


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PIECES (1982)

Nice and gory chainsaw mayhem. The scene in the lift is just awesome!
Crazy ending scene. Don't mess with a patchwork girl, ha ha!

Demoncrat 22nd October 2020 06:31 PM

Pieces RULES. The lift scene :pound:

Beyond The Gates is DIRE AF. The Void pisses all over it IMHO.

Demoncrat 22nd October 2020 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 638435)
Son of Frankenstein (1939)

The third installment in Universal's Frankenstein saga and the final one to star the great Karloff as the imposing monster...this time wearing a natty sheepskin cut off shirt. Cast wise this is far superior to the two previous entries even though they are in the revered bracket whilst this generally isn't, although in my opinion it should be.

Basil Rathbone is excellent as Sherlo, er Baron Wolf Von Frankenstein whilst Bela Lugosi, who gives a fine performance and has a lot to do (interacts superbly with Karloff) as Ygor but Lionel Atwill almost steals the show with an eccentric turn as a police inspector with a noisy artificial arm.

In fact eccentric is the word that best describes this chiller. It's probably the only time the monster has a chest X-ray for example and is certainly the only time the villagers turn out to cheer Baron Frankenstein at the end.

It's not all quirkiness though, the oft used Universal horror traits are all present and correct and we even get a molten sulphur pit handily situated beneath Frankenstein's laboratory for added danger, extra chills and an inescapable finale.

Funnily enough, I've dug this one out as well. :clap:

bleakshaun 22nd October 2020 06:42 PM

The Long Hair of Death

A mother is burned as a witch and her eldest daughter is murdered after confronting the count about the reasons why. The youngest daughter, years later, marries the counts nephew and beings plotting revenge.
Barbara Steele is in it, that's all I need to say. It was a great horror film.
This marathon is starting to pick up now it seems. happy days

Demdike@Cult Labs 22nd October 2020 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by bleakshaun (Post 638447)
The Long Hair of Death

A mother is burned as a witch and her eldest daughter is murdered after confronting the count about the reasons why. The youngest daughter, years later, marries the counts nephew and beings plotting revenge.
Barbara Steele is in it, that's all I need to say. It was a great horror film.
This marathon is starting to pick up now it seems. happy days

A classic slice of Italian Gothic. Great choice.

bleakshaun 22nd October 2020 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 638449)
A classic slice of Italian Gothic. Great choice.

I was going to watch it in last years October marathon, but couldn't get timing right due to work commitments

MrBarlow 22nd October 2020 07:19 PM

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Snowbeast. 1977.

A ski resort in Colarado is besieged by disappearances and believe it to be the work of a wild bear when a body turns up clawed and some people think it may be a Yeti.

Another T.V. movie came my way and I didn't have much hope it be good yet I was surprised how enjoyable it was, the acting isn't spectacular but you go with what script you been given. Sylvia Sydney plays the owner of the resort who can't believe a Yeti is responsible until she sees it. The creature costume isn't the greatest as the budget must have been restricted, it was decently made and it is smart enough to knock over a set of tree logs, It's one i'd watch again.

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trebor8273 22nd October 2020 08:39 PM

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Day 20

A young man takes a holiday to get away from his problems on is way there he meets a young woman who is going to the same place. It doesn't take long before it becomes clear something is not quite right. Could it be the menacing bikers or the creepy little dwarf or is it the creepy and mincing doctor played by Michael Gough who characters are always mincing. We soon learn that the doctor is experimenting on young people and turing them into a army of controllable zombies, he also has a thing for beheading people, not seen a film with so many beheadings! I really liked the dwarf 7/10

Love this film as mentioned elsewhere was not keen on it first time but it gets better with each viewing. A strange substance is found in a abandoned church so group of various science students there professor and a priest set out too investgate.

They soon learn they are dealing with something as old as time and totally and utterly evil . Mixing science with religion and the metaphysical this a fantastic a creepy little tale. 8.5/10

Day 21
Another brilliant movie from the master , a small town is about to celebrate its centenary but a terrible wrong preformed in the founding of the town is about too seek bloody revenge from a eerie fog. The film oozes atmosphere and is one of my favourites of Carpenter. 9/10

How watching color out of space.

MrBarlow 22nd October 2020 08:52 PM

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Hellraiser IV: Bloodline. 1996

in the 22nd century, a scientist on a space ship tries to finish what his ancestors started by opening the puzzle box and out an end to Pinhead that has cursed his family since his ancestors created the box.

This one had me intrigued when it first came out on the history of the puzzle box and who made it then it went to present time and then the future, it did sound daft Pinhead being in space and looking at the world thinking the Garden of Eden, the acting may not be great except Doug Bradley, all Hail. The special effects and Make-up were done he even gets a dog. I'm with Shaun on a agreement first one will always be better, after this film (IMO) the franchise went further down the Sh@thole.

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Justin101 22nd October 2020 08:53 PM

976-Evil (1988)


Hoax: Once you've been to hell, everything else pales in comparison!
2020 waves from across the room!

OK, so I'll get this out of the way right away, to enjoy this film you have to disregard any and all logic, because 976-Evil does not make ANY SENSE WHAT-SO-EVER.

Also, it's SO 80s, like if you thought John Hughes was 80s think again, we're talking perms, high heeled shoes with turned up jeans, boys with highlights and porkpie hats, dangley earrings, neon lights, fog machines... Oh yeah, why was the boys locker room bathed in green neon light with fog coming from behind the shower walls lol... dungarees with no shirt underneath! The list goes on...

Obviously I enjoyed this one. It was silly, the special effects were painted directly onto the negative, the make-up effects were questionable but it also has a parrot that shouts 'not on the couch, not on the couch' haha. I also have a soft spot for Stephen Geoffreys and his cute face. FUN!

trebor8273 22nd October 2020 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by MrBarlow (Post 638461)
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline. 1996

in the 22nd century, a scientist on a space ship tries to finish what his ancestors started by opening the puzzle box and out an end to Pinhead that has cursed his family since his ancestors created the box.

This one had me intrigued when it first came out on the history of the puzzle box and who made it then it went to present time and then the future, it did sound daft Pinhead being in space and looking at the world thinking the Garden of Eden, the acting may not be great except Doug Bradley, all Hail. The special effects and Make-up were done he even gets a dog. I'm with Shaun on a agreement first one will always be better, after this film (IMO) the franchise went further down the Sh@thole.

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I always enjoyed this one while not a patch on the first two I enjoyed it in someway more than the third and was far superior to what followed , but saying that might give them all a watch. I did quite enjoy the last one not that shit fest with the who eat all pies Pinhead.

Justin101 22nd October 2020 08:56 PM

I like Bloodline as well, it's fun, I wouldn't call it good but I've watched it at least 4 times...

trebor8273 22nd October 2020 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638462)
976-Evil (1988)


Hoax: Once you've been to hell, everything else pales in comparison!
2020 waves from across the room!

OK, so I'll get this out of the way right away, to enjoy this film you have to disregard any and all logic, because 976-Evil does not make ANY SENSE WHAT-SO-EVER.

Also, it's SO 80s, like if you thought John Hughes was 80s think again, we're talking perms, high heeled shoes with turned up jeans, boys with highlights and porkpie hats, dangley earrings, neon lights, fog machines... Oh yeah, why was the boys locker room bathed in green neon light with fog coming from behind the shower walls lol... dungarees with no shirt underneath! The list goes on...

Obviously I enjoyed this one. It was silly, the special effects were painted directly onto the negative, the make-up effects were questionable but it also has a parrot that shouts 'not on the couch, not on the couch' haha. I also have a soft spot for Stephen Geoffreys and his cute face. FUN!

This should turn up for the weekend, where the rumours true he went into gay porn:lol:

Justin101 22nd October 2020 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638465)
This should turn up for the weekend, was it rumours of did he really go into gay porn:lol:

I was thinking that while I was watching it, but I couldn't remember if I was just getting confused with Screech from Saved By The Bell :lol:

trebor8273 22nd October 2020 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638466)
I was thinking that while I was watching it, but I couldn't remember if I was just getting confused with Screech from Saved By The Bell :lol:

Did he? Doesn't really scream porn star!

Justin101 22nd October 2020 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638467)
Did he? Doesn't really scream porn star!

I just looked it up, Dustin Diamond faked a sex tape, he used a double but imposed his face on it :lol: Stephen Geoffreys on the other hand did seem to have a bit of a career in the 90s staring in the sex industry before returning to horror films in the 2000's

trebor8273 22nd October 2020 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638468)
I just looked it up, Dustin Diamond faked a sex tape, he used a double but imposed his face on it :lol: Stephen Geoffreys on the other hand did seem to have a bit of a career in the 90s staring in the sex industry before returning to horror films in the 2000's

I was going to check but though better of it, for knows what I would of found!

Justin101 22nd October 2020 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638469)
I was going to check but though better of it, for knows what I would of found!

I only looked on Wikipedia :lol: never type that kind of thing into google haha

Nordicdusk 22nd October 2020 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638468)
I just looked it up, Dustin Diamond faked a sex tape, he used a double but imposed his face on it :lol: Stephen Geoffreys on the other hand did seem to have a bit of a career in the 90s staring in the sex industry before returning to horror films in the 2000's

Wasn't Dustin Diamond running a sex toy business or am i making that up.:lol:

MrBarlow 22nd October 2020 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nordicdusk (Post 638480)
Wasn't Dustin Diamond running a sex toy business or am i making that up.:lol:

Are you thinking of Daisy Diamond??

MrBarlow 22nd October 2020 11:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
In The Mouth Of Madness. 1995.

A insurance investigator is hired to find a missing novelist Sutter Cane, his hunt leads him to a town where nobody knows him or never speaks of him.

When I first saw this I never really appreciated the film and thought it was the worst film Carpenter done, however over the years I have grown to like it. Sam Neil plays the investigator hired by Charlton Heston and accompanied by Julie Carmen to find the missing novelist played by Jurgen Prochnow which slowly starts off his decent into madness as to what is real and what isn't. John Carpenter does what he does best add a lot of suspense to maddening horror and able to create monsters only he knows will shock us.

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MrBarlow 23rd October 2020 01:21 AM

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Faces of Death. 1978.

Dr. Francis travels the world to see how people die in different ways and how the body will be effected.

This mockumentary style does have the feeling of is it real or isn't it? This was banned in so many countries and sought out to see what the hype was about, yes it is badly outdated, I don't know what version I just watched but didn't remember seeing two pit-bull terriers fight when I had this on dvd. Some of it looks like it has been filmed on a found footage tape that has been lying somewhere gathering dust, still enjoyable to watch once every so often.

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Susan Foreman 23rd October 2020 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638465)
This should turn up for the weekend, where the rumours true he went into gay porn:lol:


Originally Posted by Justin101 (Post 638466)
I was thinking that while I was watching it, but I couldn't remember if I was just getting confused with Screech from Saved By The Bell :lol:


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 638467)
Did he? Doesn't really scream porn star!


nosferatu42 23rd October 2020 05:08 AM

Yeah sometimes you look at pornstars and think what the hell did i do so wrong in my past life...:rolleyes:

Demoncrat 23rd October 2020 11:15 AM

The Ghost Footage 2 (2013)

I only mention this one as the way the "spooks" appeared made me think of Sunn O))) tbh :lol:
The really scary thing about this one was finding out the lead actor was a beast. AHEM.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 23rd October 2020 11:20 AM


One of the top ten movies of the ‘90’s.Cracking film.

The tasty Jordana Brewster deserved a much better career,as did Chloe Duvall.

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