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Robert 19th November 2012 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by jamie_leigh44 (Post 292755)
She was bad as an officer, WORSE as a Social worker (especially after all her preaching to Jean Vernon) and even WORST as a prisoner! and i still maintain that what she does to Joan is like classroom bullying, no wonder Joan cant stand her! - and anytime Joan tries to be compassionate, Meg launches at her with her self righteous, obnoxious attitude...

you must be watching a different show to me. You make it sound like Joan was always nice and caring

jamie_leigh44 19th November 2012 12:57 PM

Joanie was just misunderstood :)

She was a good screw "straight down the line" - sure she had some issues including "suspected lesbianism" but usually she only retaliated when provoked... if people just did it Joan's way then things would have run much more smoothly... and i suspect Doreen enjoyed the black glove treatment... she certainly enjoyed Frankie :nod:


Robert 19th November 2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by jamie_leigh44 (Post 293594)
Joanie was just misunderstood :)

She was a good screw "straight down the line"

no she said she used to be - it was after the death of Audrey she went evil and corrupt
most of the things she does are not "misunderstood"

jamie_leigh44 20th November 2012 04:34 PM

Well, i guess she was a little bad, but not compared to the likes of Jock Stewart and Len Murphy - even Vera killed someone (albeit accidently) and didn't bother to report it. And Terri set up Kathy Halls death.

I just find the Character of Joan to have a lot of dimensions, and sometimes she was nice. - i really don't like the character of Meg Jackson-Morris, but to each their own! :cool:


ScottishMermaid 20th November 2012 04:51 PM

I have to agree that the character of Meg was really awful. She was simply 'too' good and it was always okay for her to bend the rules yet anytime someone else did, she was the first to mention it. Remember the drama over Jean Vernon becoming too involved yet she also kept visiting 'mum' whilst she was still a prison officer and then when she become the probation officer...well, she was terrible...she had someone live with her and became so personally was so stupid.

She also ignored the needs of the women on several occasions...leading to tragic suicides....simply because she didn't believe when other people told her that the girl was suicidal ( can't remember the character's name but one the Erica's kidnappers).

Like Jamie-Leigh said...everything that COULD happen to her...DID happen to her....yet she STILL REMAINED DEDICATED TO THE JOB! I found her extremely patronising, and seemed her only story-lines revolved around men, or something extremely tragic. What can I say...I hate the character, lol.

And much as I agree that Meg was a horrible woman...Joanie was fun, but she was most definitely not just misunderstood...hahahahah. She was a sadistic bitch...a fun, likeable sadistic bitch...but still a sadistic bitch, LOL. She had a select few who she truly cared for, such as her father, shane, terri, loreli...but she treated everyone else like trash...I thought it acceptable to treat Meg like trash...but poor wee Joycie.... :(

Meg - lol. She was a joke of a character.

jamie_leigh44 20th November 2012 06:23 PM

i don't really look at prison Joan as the whole character. Yes, i know she had a certain level of corruption to her, but understanding some of the reasons behind it help me to appreciate the character more...

For example, she's been brought up by her father (an army major) to succeed and raise to the top. this explains her strictness and determination. but her father couldn't handle her lesbianism, and this lead to her total self reliance. after not making it in the army, she became an officer... a good officer - straight down the line and she fell in love with a prisoner, but other prisoners killed her lover, Audrey, so she came to hate them for that.

So with no family, no lover, and only her job with prisoners she hated, she came to wentworth, and before she's been in the place 5 minutes Megs in Erica's office saying things like "a woman like that" to which Erica replies that they shouldn't pass judgement. so her workmates weren't exactly trying to welcome her. she did, however, seem to get along with male officers a bit better, like Len (to begin with) and Steve (to begin with).

Outside the prison, she began to have a relationship with her father again, of whom she only ever wanted approval and she finally got it... then he died... she had a relationship with Shane and came to love him and think of him as her son... then the courts declined guardianship.... she was welcomed into the family that fostered him, but had to give that up eventually for Shane's own good... showing she couldn't be selfish and had to let him, and the first family she'd been a part of, go.

TWO separate groups of prisoners and their cohorts killed the only two friends Joan ever truly had and loved... Hano (?) and Major. (yes i know the second one was done by Joan herself - but it wasn't exactly her fault) - she was taken hostage, been bashed, been framed, been bullied, been fired, been used.... but unlike Meg, never becomes a victim throughout it all...

Yes, she was a villain, but she wasn't as bad as she's painted... I think the character was well developed and thought out, and is certainly one of my favorites. there were instances when not only was she good to prisoners, she actually helped them, and she even tried to be good once but Meg put a stop to that with all her shifty eyes, giggling, bitching behind Joans back and "sexily" moaning loudly at every opportunity. to each their own...


ScottishMermaid 20th November 2012 06:50 PM

I would agree with all that...although understanding her behaviour certainly doesn't justify it....but still, she is a very likeable character and I agree very well written and even better played by Maggie Kirkpatrick...I think she really understood that role and made it what it was...not sure anyone else could have done it justice. I like when a character is fun along with being bad...I don't ever take to a character that is just purely bad...usually in Prisoner there is an element of fun to them, which makes me love them all the more...although I do sometimes wonder if they are actually SUPPOSED to be fun or if it is just my twisted sense of humour? LOL!! I mean, why do I find it so funny that Joanie cut Lexie's hair off? Or that Bea shot Nola in the head? LOL.....

Robert 20th November 2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by ScottishMermaid (Post 293964)
IMeg - lol. She was a joke of a character.

I would say maybe dull at times but wouldn't describe her as a joke of a character

ScottishMermaid 20th November 2012 09:32 PM

No? Well, each to their own I suppose. But I found her absolutely terrible, lol. Not quite as bad as doreen though....

arabiansergei 21st November 2012 03:15 PM

sorry I thought this was a thread about meg Morris.

Obviously not and it's another Joan Fergusson thread...

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