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Old 1st May 2011, 08:05 PM
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bdc bdc is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Belgium

Just seen Night of the Dribbler (1990) and wouldn't recommend it to people looking for a slasher.
It's basically 95% basketball team comedy (in a low budget "Airplane style") and 5% slasher inspired.

I'd say it's rather mediocre,not bad though.

Also watched Don't Go in the Woods (...Alone!) (1981).
After years of refusing to watch this on vhs,because I thought the cover was creepy looking,finally gave it a watch on the Code Red double bill dvd...
Fun but sometimes a bit messy and confusing (which makes the movie actually weirder) low budget backwoods horror.
Seems some people consider this film boring but I didn't experience any boredom as there's always something happening seeing that the woods are crawling with all sorts of goofy characters.
Also lots of black comedy and an incredible soundtrack!

Seems Code Red released it on this double bill 16x9 hardmatted because many people requested it but their older dvd is the correct fullscreen ratio.

Think I'll be picking up that one (which also has more extras) soon.

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