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Old 23rd July 2011, 01:32 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Looks like one of those early 90's 'erotic thrillers' that populated video shops in great proliferation. I'll go for the reverse artwork, which will hopefully be something a bit more classy.

I understand that Shameless want to shift as many units as possible and lurid covers undoubtedly facilitate this. But, consider this, if I were a casual punter and picked it up thinking it would be some sleazy epic and discovered that it wasn't, I probably wouldn't buy anymore Shameless titles. So this could work against sales of future titles, couldn't it?

Just making casual observations, I obviously don't work in the industry so I'm not sure about customer demographics and all that. I hope it does well for Shameless, but can't help feeling that the cover is a bit misleading. You can't have a cheap and tacky cover with the tagline 'Fulci's masterpiece', it just doesn't work. I know the cover is aimed at casual shoppers, but that being the case, how many would even know who Fulci is? Makes the tagline a bit redundant if it's aimed at high street shoppers.
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