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Old 17th October 2011, 10:28 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Blog Entries: 21

also rewatched Inferno[/COLOR] at weekend, it truly looked lovely on my new tv, the colour!! felt a bit kinder towards McCloskey, wasnt as bland a performance as i remembered....just a very mental film, sadly ruined in part for myself by emerson faux classical "score"...which he has to abandon in favour for a Goblin lite theme (which comes in at just the wrong place....and people still say they like MOT???? get ****ing real.

also reappraised....
Zombi Holocaust for unfussy a easyjet version of ZFE, still you can always watch mcculloughs pained expression for laughs...i did
The Call of Cthulhu...wish i could find my Dunwich Horror, would make a great double how NOT to adapt HPL and HOW TO adapt...etc. Still the best version of his stories, until ive seen the Whisperer in Darkness
It's Alive! No, not the killer baby one. this is an odd blend of fishy madness and the serial killer, from 69 as far as i can make out, it lurches from flashback to "present time" with no care....i loved it. like a substandard lovecraft ripoff for Barney fans.

and no, my sodding Big Racket DIDNT come.
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