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Old 12th November 2011, 12:32 PM
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oaxaca oaxaca is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: West Mids UK

Roger Moore & Timothy Dalton are my 2 favourite Bond actors, for different reasons.

Roger Moore is just a class act. Super actor, totally tongue-in-cheek. I wouldn't call him slimy at all, but very smooth. He added levity to the roles and some much needed entertainment. Many of Connery's films were too serious for their own good. And I only began to really like Connery after he hit 50, grew a beard and had roles in films like THE NAME OF THE ROSE, INDY JONES LAST CRUSADE, JUST CAUSE, etc

Dalton on the other hand was probably the most talented actor ever to play Bond. He should really be a much bigger name than he is.
*Charles Bronson makes Duke (Juan Fernandez) swallow his Rolex Watch*
Duke: "I'm dying!"
Bronson: "No you're not... But you are gonna have to stick your head between your legs to tell the time."

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