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Old 18th December 2011, 02:22 PM
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Prince_Vajda Prince_Vajda is offline
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Originally Posted by Handyman Joe View Post
Watched the Suspiria blu ray last night. Few things to get off my chest! Firstly the naysayers are right - this is a crap blu ray transfer. Constant flourescent feel, like it was filmed under football stadium lights, really disappointing as there times where it was bang on and looked great. Hopefully the commentary/documentary will make up for it. Secondly, the movie itself - is it me or is it showing its age? That damn fake bat and shit skeleton at the end - totally take you out the movie. The pacing is poor and the dubbing ropey. There's still plenty to enjoy (soundtrack will never be topped) but the idea this is some kind of unimprovable masterpiece is a myth. Bring on the remake I say!
I know that we are all entitled to our opinions, but please don't exaggerate! I've just checked my Nouveaux Pictures Blu-ray of Suspiria - anybody calling this Blu-ray's transfer 'crap' must be on the wrong track.
This is a good transfer, with vivid colours, good detail, and a genuine HD look. I really can't see why anybody would complain about this disc.

As for the movie: I agree. Suspiria has never been one of my personal Argento favourites, as its pace is indeed a bit languid. But it's a good film anyhow!

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