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Old 2nd April 2012, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
I only saw 1st two series of Prison break when it was first shown on tv ...then might be wrong it was taken by sky for the 3rd ...didnt have sky at the time so missed the rest..
Im now working my way through it and just started the last series (4)
And im lost could some one explain few things to me or does it do the explaining as the series goes on

In the 3rd series Tbag and bellick get caugh during the escape and put back inside so does sucra....
And Sarah gets killed lincoln saw her head in a box and his son was there when it happend...

Now cue series 4 first episode Tbag bellick sucra r all out of prison and there mention of sarah being alive ???
Ive just rewatched all 4 season in a space of a week, When Bellick, T-bag and Luchero are put back inside Sona, T-bag takes over the prison and causes a riot which resulted in the burning down of Sona which allowed Sucre, T-bag and Bellick to escape, Cue season 4, Bellick and Sucre have made it across the border back into the U.S and T-bag hires a group of mexicans to help him cross into the U.S. It was a bit of a cop out but i guess due to the 2007 writers's strike they only had 13 episodes for season 3 so had to explain it all in a sentence during one of the early episodes of Season 4. Hope that helps.

As for the Sarah being alive thing, It's mentioned by Gretchen that Sarah actually escaped capture and her death was fabricated and used as Leverage to make sure Michael broke whistler out of prison. The reason she was dropped from season 3 is because Sarah Wayne Callies got pregnant and the writers decided to kill her off then decided she added something to Michael's character and brought her back. to behonest the first few episodes of 4 are abit crap but as soon as it gets going it gets awesome.
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