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Old 26th May 2012, 12:51 PM
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pedromonkey pedromonkey is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: The Capital Of Wales...
Blog Entries: 12

here's a few films i've watched in the last week or so...

THE DARKEST HOUR: One of the worst films of the year, badly written, directed and acted with only some interesting Visual FX to keep any form of interest in the film. Had a neat premise that was never capitalized on and the film makes some major mistakes. Avoid.

THE GREY: I was looking forward to this but for some reason found myself looking for other things to do while it was on which eventually caused me switch the film off around the hour mark, that's not to say i think it's a rubbish film, i just don't think i was in the right mood to watch it, will give it another go soon.

DIE HARD: Awesome! nuff said

FOUR BROTHERS: interesting take on the blaxploitation genre that updates it to modern detroit. Great soul soundtrack and some pretty good performances from all involved. Has some pretty good action scenes too.

BLOOD CAR: Low budget indie horror comedy about a car that runs on blood, not especially funny or horrific but passed the time nicely. Worth a look if you find it on the horror channel.

SHOOTER: Mark Wahlburg is a sniper set up by a shady government agent played by Danny Glover in an assassination plot. Well made with some good action scenes but went on far to long. The plot was done much better in 1995' Most Wanted but worth a look for action fans.

THE KILLING MACHINE/ICARUS: Dolph Lundgren plays former KGB assassin now working for the russian mob in America who botches a hit in Hong Kong and finds a contract has been placed on his head. Actually a pretty damn good action thriller, less full blown action movie and more crime/thriller. Lundgren is actually quite a charismatic actor. Check it out.

CHRONICLE: Really interesting take on the superhero genre, more a rise of a super villain than the usual comic book style movie. Goes very dark towards the end and pretty much turns into AKIRA. Definitely worth a look. Recommended.

WAR OF THE DEAD: Action/horror hybrid set in WW2 involving nazi zombies. Very well made with some really good camera set ups and some really well choreographed action scenes. The plot should have looked more into the idea of the key and maybe have been a bit longer. Andrew Tiernan was miss cast as the lead as his American accent is terrible. Recommended fun popcorn movie though.

IRON SKY: Absolutely mental sci-fi comedy war movie about the nazi retreating to the moon in 1945 and returning 70s years later. Some of the comedy falls flat but if you look past some of those jokes and look at the ideas behind the film, it's actually a really great film. The Special FX are fantastic and there is a full on space battle during the finale. Definitely worth a rent.
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