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Old 17th August 2013, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by troggi View Post
"Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" is one of my all time favourite films and I watch it at least once a year!

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"Rocky Jones, Space Ranger: Crash of Moons" (1954)
The blurb in the "SCI-FI CLASSICS" booklet says that this was originally a why weren't they broadcasting this during the school holidays instead of "Champion the Wonder Horse"! It goes on to to add that

I loved it: hokey science, terrible acting, worse dialogue, even worse special effects and very short skirts! 15/10 for the little Prince who wouldn't shut up!

"Dr Terror's House of Horrors" (1965)
I quite like "portmanteau movies" and this offering from Amicus is great BUT am I missing something? Where's the titular "House"?

16/10 for that great double act, Roy Castle and Kenny Lynch!

"Deathwatch" (2002)
I'd forgotten that I'd already seen this some time ago and really didn't twig it until Kris Marshall (Pvt. Barry Starinski) started masturbating!

Solid film, Andy Serkis' psychotic soldier is as stand-out as all his psychotic characters are but his ending is worth watching!

17/10 for the best trained barb wire in films!
Spooky I'm watching dr terror at the moment !!
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