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Old 21st August 2013, 10:39 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


Marky Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington play two criminal types, neither of whom realize the other is not what they seem. They rob a savings and loan and walk away with a little over $40million in cash that belongs to some very shady people and things start going really wrong.
This one arrived at cinemas with little or no fanfare, but being that I like Denzel Washington movies I thought 'what the hell' and gave it a go. It's nothing original but it does it with enough style to be entertaining. One of the bad guys is played by Edward James Olomos who is very understated and cool, the other is played by Bill Paxton who probably give one of his best performances. The opening has references to both Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia and Pat Garrett and Billy the kid.

Overall very entertaining and i'll be looking out for it on Blu-ray!

Kick ass 2.

James King gave this a shitty review. James King got it Very, Very wrong. Probably more twisted than the first, thankfully not AS twisted as the comic, Kick-ass 2 pleased me a lot. Very funny but still not afraid to go very dark in places either. Seemed to be a real crowd pleaser as well given the reactions of the audience I saw it with.
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