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Old 6th March 2016, 02:54 PM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

Finally got round to watching two films that I'd been meaning to get around to for ages.
Mad Max Fury Road.
What a disappointment! Shite of the highest order. Big chase out into the back of beyond, acting of the lowest common denominator - especially the four girl breeders who give "wooden" a bad name, followed by a big chase back - amazingly missing the swamp that stopped them on the way out. No story, no background, except for the briefest of flashbacks and all the style of a Warner Bros cartoon. The only thing going for it is that it ended quite quickly.

The Green Inferno
Slightly better than the above but as I watched it straight after Max, even an Ed Wood film would have appeared a masterpiece. Cannibal films had their time and place and unless you're going to go balls to the wall, then why bother at all? You don't even get to know what the fate of the leader of the eco-hug a tree-wankers is. Did he live? Did he die? Does anyone including Roth even care? Nods here and there to other (better) cannibal films and the ending of Ferox tagged on for no discernible rhyme or reason whatever. Ever so slightly better than Cannibal Terror.

Watching these reinforced why I collect films from the 70's and 80's more than the modern mediocre crap that we're bombarded with nowadays.
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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