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Old 4th January 2024, 10:01 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Lethal Weapon 4. 1998.

The duo basically start off facing against someone with a flamethrower and machine gun then Roger becoming a butt of a joke 9 months later and then facing off against a Chinese Triad. Danny and Mel are bouncing off each other with the humour while Joe Pesci sneaks in with some comedy and shows his acting abilities while talking serious to Riggs. Chris Rock turns up but isn't a loudmouth or overly annoying where the mute button comes in handy. Jet Li is the antagonist who says very little and can be a decent bad guy in his first American produced film. This may seem a bit over the place as during production there was a few technical the script not being finished but for what it's worth this was a decent fourth film in the franchise.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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