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Sarah@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 11:58 AM

I'm just waiting on a response from Arrow on this. I will have all the facts for you ASAP so please hang on.

Baseball Fury 3rd August 2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 171133)
Haha. Catch 22 - if No one buys them, then in circulation they will stay. :eek:

Exactly! There going to go out of circulation because poor suckers will buy them and have to sort out the problem (if they're even aware of it) themselves. Will retailers return them to Arrow as faulty or just stick it back on the shelf?

greg_,monster17 3rd August 2011 12:03 PM

Hence why I ended up with a B&W as no one wants to risk it, which is why they should have been recalled (or still being replaced) I may write a letted at some point no 100% sure atm. you would think they made sure after such a long time all B&W versions had been removed as the majority of people buying these arrow films are fans of the director or of this type of cult cinema if you will. And changing the directors vision clearly is a big deal.

Sarah@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 12:20 PM

I've now heard back from Arrow and everything they are able to tell me is below.

Arrow no longer have any discs left for the replacement program at all so it has, indeed, ended earlier than the original date of 1 September. Arrow can only apologise for this. As I said in the other thread, there was a last minute surge of people when the end of the program was announced and their supply of discs ran out faster than anticipated, even when they made some extra ones available.

The corrected version has been with retailers for months however there are still some rogue b&w copies out there and this is beyond Arrow's control. They can't recall the stock as, unfortunately, there is no way to tell the difference between the b&w stock and the corrected stock. At any rate, product recalls are usually reserved for dangerous products, not films.

If you purchase a copy and discover it is the b&w stock, it is at your chosen retailer's discretion whether they exchange it or not and will be in line with their own returns policy. Again, this is something that is outside of Arrow's control and so it may be worth checking with your retailer before you purchase, what their stance on this is.

Again, Arrow is very sorry they have run out of stock for the replacement program earlier than anticipated but it could not be helped and it's not something they could keep running indefinitely.

Vampix 3rd August 2011 01:10 PM

Looks like I'll be sticking with my Grindhouse DVD until some other company releases The Beyond on BD. :(

platostotal 3rd August 2011 01:10 PM

Yeah, I accept that Arrow acted in the way they saw best, and are miles ahead of most other companies... But surely it's great P.R. to tell it's customers that no matter when they buy a product of Arrow and it's not what it should be, they will move mountains and kick arses to get them the right product, even if it means splitting a box open and removing a disc to send to a punter, even if they lose a unit, so come on Arrow there can't be that many B/W copies out there, so step up and get a cheer from your consumers intsead of a bleak silence, it'll do your sales and reputation the world of good, trust me.

Daemonia 3rd August 2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Vampix (Post 171189)
Looks like I'll be sticking with my Grindhouse DVD until some other company releases The Beyond on BD. :(

Same here. With so mnay variables at play and no guarantee whatsoever that you'll be able to get a replacement, you could end up buying it again. And what if the second purchase is also a faulty disc? How many time are we expected to buy this before getting a 'proper' release? Sorry, count me out. I can't be doing with all this nonsense.

As product recalls are only for dangerous items, as Sarah says, it shows how unimportant it really is. So Arrow won't mind if we don't buy it, it's not all that important.

Prince_Vajda 3rd August 2011 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Daemonia (Post 171191)
Same here. With so mnay variables at play and no guarantee whatsoever that you'll be able to get a replacement, you could end up buying it again. And what if the second purchase is also a faulty disc? How many time are we expected to buy this before getting a 'proper' release? Sorry, count me out. I can't be doing with all this nonsense.

As product recalls are only for dangerous items, as Sarah says, it shows how unimportant it really is. So Arrow won't mind if we don't buy it, it's not all that important.

Did you buy a bucket full of sarcasm today? :lol:

But plato is right (and you, too, up to some point) - the premature ending of this replacement programme really might harm Arrow. First an indisputable flaw of the release, then outstanding customer service, and now? Whoom, some people are left holding the baby. :rolleyes:

Arrow should keep up the outstanding service: produce some more replacement discs, keep up the replacement programme until 31 December 2011, make all online retailers add a note to their product description ("You can replace the B/W-version until 31 December 2011") and cheat the gallows.

This certainly does cost money - but it will keep old customers and win new supporters for this amiable little company. The current situation is unrewarding and might backfire on Arrow. :nono:


the blob 3rd August 2011 01:46 PM

I think this will backfire badly. For instance, the first thing Amazon will do if they get too many complaints and returns is withdraw it from sale while under investigation. The very least that should be done is the distributor informing outlets that the B&W ones are faulty and to accept returns because they are faulty in essence.

Being 'at the discretion' of retailers for a mistake by Arrow that should never have really happened is not on really.

Daemonia 3rd August 2011 01:50 PM

Yes, I suppose the sarcasm button got pushed a bit too hard there. :lol:

I'm not an Arrow hater, beleieve me I'm not. But this situation is frustrating. Was going to order this tomorrow, but now I won't be. Surely Arrow can understand our hesitation and frustration with this situation? It makes buying this title something of a lottery. People are reporting that they're still receiving incorrect copies from the major retailers, so they're obviously still very much in circulation. Sorry, but money's tight - and definitely too tight on a gamble like this.

greg_,monster17 3rd August 2011 02:27 PM

I think I can agree with everyone above after experiencing this problem first hand my self. If they really care about customers they should have done more. They say they have done all they can ... well not really a lot more could have been done. Giving a customer a "sorry" won't fix the problem. The disc replacement should have been extended to the end of the year at least.

z0mbi3v1ru5 3rd August 2011 02:38 PM

I just wanna say.. I feel for you guys. I hate feeling ripped off. Hope something good becomes of your situations... Best of luck.

Prince_Vajda 3rd August 2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by greg_,monster17 (Post 171207)
I think I can agree with everyone above after experiencing this problem first hand my self. If they really care about customers they should have done more. They say they have done all they can ... well not really a lot more could have been done. Giving a customer a "sorry" won't fix the problem. The disc replacement should have been extended to the end of the year at least.


Originally Posted by z0mbi3v1ru5 (Post 171212)
I just wanna say.. I feel for you guys. I hate feeling ripped off. Hope something good becones of your situations... Best of luck.

Don't start turning this whole subject into a free-for-all. Arrow has done a lot. Customer service has been outstanding so far, especially concerning The Beyond. Don't sweep this under the table! :nono:

However, it really would be wise for Arrow to listen to what some members have said here. Stoping the replacement programme may be cheaper for the time being, but it could become quite expensive in the future. :(


z0mbi3v1ru5 3rd August 2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda (Post 171225)
Don't start turning this whole subject into a free-for-all. Arrow has done a lot. Customer service has been outstanding so far, especially concerning The Beyond. Don't sweep this under the table! :nono:

However, it really would be wise for Arrow to listen to what some members have said here. Stoping the replacement programme may be cheaper for the time being, but it could become quite expensive in the future. :(


Im not turning anything into anything. It is what it is. I DONT feel ripped off. In fact, I more than appreciate arrow replacing my copy. Few companies would have corrected a mistake, Arrow did, and for that, Im very, very appreciative. I've stated that before. But, it's a big deal to me. And obviously, to them. I was just showing sympathy. If that means something else to you, then you took it the wrong way.

the blob 3rd August 2011 04:23 PM

As an example, I've had a first pressing of Momentum's Let The right One In with out the lossless track for ages so this all reminded me to deal with that. Here's the reply I just received.


Thanks you for contacting us regarding your copy of Let The Right One In. Luckily you're still in time to get a replacement copy of LTROI. If you could provide me with your proof of purchase and your postal address I'll happily put one in the post for you as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

My original order despatch date? Oct 4th, 2010!

I appreciate they are a larger company but this is nearly a year later, and even longer since those initial discs went out to retailers. Release date was March 2009 so well over two years.

Baseball Fury 3rd August 2011 04:32 PM

I'm quite annoyed that I haven't been told to be fair, as no-one from Arrow has told me that the replacement program is over by responding to my email. Do they assume that if they don't answer it, I'll just go away? It's not like they know I'm a forum member and get my info from here!

But I also blame myself for not sorting this out sooner!

I've also got the LTROI blu, and didn't even know about a lossless issue. I'd have a look, but my proof of purchase is LONG gone, haha.

greg_,monster17 3rd August 2011 05:12 PM

I understand where your coming from, yes they responded to me, but they did start ignoring me after my second email and didn't really resolve anything as im still stuck will my B&W beyond disc. so I will likely write to them and would urge anyone who is annoyed who still needs a sepia copy to do the same. A written response tends to make company's listen more to there customers.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 06:46 PM

Oh dear.
I now have two b&w copies.:(

And here's the next problem-I put one on sale on Amazon.
I now need to tell the buyer it's the wrong version.....I wonder if he'll still want it.....?

greg_,monster17 3rd August 2011 07:01 PM

you have two b&Ws ... thats what i'm afraid will happen to me again arrow say there are only a few B&W in circulation but as far as I can see across the forum everyone seam to still be getting the wrong version still (including myself)

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 07:22 PM

Anyone want to trade the other one? :lol:

the blob 3rd August 2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper@Cult Labs (Post 171355)
Anyone want to trade the other one? :lol:

1p posted recorded delivery?

Prince_Vajda 3rd August 2011 07:23 PM

Well, let's hope that Sarah's last post was not Arrow's final word on this subject. :(


Nosferatu@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper@Cult Labs (Post 171355)
Anyone want to trade the other one? :lol:

If I had two correct discs, I would mate.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 3rd August 2011 10:39 PM

I know you would buddy.:cool:

Daemonia 4th August 2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda (Post 171357)
Well, let's hope that Sarah's last post was not Arrow's final word on this subject. :(


Seems that way, Prince. Not that I have anything against Sarah, you understand, but some reassurances from Arrow would have been nice. But I guess they're busy people. Ah well. Never mind.

Could I suggest some kind of official notice that people could use when trying to explain to retailers what the problem is? Damn, this seems like a lot of work just to buy a film!

Sarah@Cult Labs 4th August 2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Daemonia (Post 171630)
Seems that way, Prince. Not that I have against sarah, you understand, but some reassurances from Arrow would have been nice. But I guess they're busy people. Ah well. Never mind.

Been away from my computer being a student for huge chunks of today I'm afraid guys so sorry for being quiet on this. I do both part time and unfortunately have not yet mastered the art of cloning! ;)

Will see if I can have more info tomorrow for you - although if I do it won't be until later in the afternoon, if not Monday, so please be patient. I am trying to get more info to you but I have a lot of work to juggle - as do the guys at Arrow.

Sent from my HTC Tattoo using Tapatalk

kissoffboardy 5th August 2011 09:55 AM

I only came on here to find the contact email after receiving a copy of The Beyond from Amazon last week. Reading this latest development is very dismaying indeed & has definitely further damaged my view of Arrow, who seem like a terribly naive bunch.

It beggars belief that no-one considered that announcing a cut-off date would create a rush & thought to put a contingency plan in place to cope with that. I have been hanging fire on picking this up, but the thought of potentially jumping through hoops with a retailer from Sept 1st weighed up against a guaranteed replacement before that date seemed a no brainer & I ordered.

I think the point made earlier that this will strangle sales is very valid. It's obvious that incorrect discs are still very much in circulation, so who in their right mind is going to risk buying & very likely opening up a world of hassle for themselves? I want to buy a film & watch it, not mess around back & forth for several weeks struggling to find a correct version.

The bottom line has always been that the disc is faulty & that is Arrow's fault & not the retailer. The replacement campaign was a good move, but announcing a cut-off date thereby creating a rush that has meant Arrow can't honour that date is a complete own goal.

Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk

Roughale 5th August 2011 10:06 AM

Sorry kissoffboardy, but this seems like a mean post from someone of a competition label to me...

I know that the situation is not handled to perfection, but I can see the reason behind it, this is not a huge company like Warner Brothers who recently had to handle a pile of f$%§ed up LotR BD sets (German dub sounded like Disney as the DVD dub was used w/o realizing the consequences). So please, be fair and wait a bit, I bet that they are working on how to handle this bad situation, which I fear has got into company-damaging costs - I do not want to miss these great releases!

kissoffboardy 5th August 2011 10:35 AM

I hope they are working on it, as it is a very frustrating situation.

& no, I'm not from a rival label. I'm currently sat in a boring local government office contemplating some even more boring work.

I also disagree that my post is in any way mean. I admit that I'm feeling very let down by this deadline, but I'm stating the facts as I see them. I paid for the disc in good faith, thinking I had a safety net until Sept 1st. It now transpires that I was mislead in that. Stating this is the truth, not being "mean".

Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk

Baseball Fury 5th August 2011 10:44 AM

To be fair, everything said by KOB is a fact, I don't think there's anything mean about it, it just sounds like a very frustrated person.

I completely sympathise, as I am equally up the proverbial creek, except that I take as much blame on myself as I've had the disc since March and not done anything about it!

PS - Still not had an email from Arrow, which is maddening. That's the only thing I feel truly let down by, the rest of it is (for me) mainly my own fault, and doesn't affect my viewpoint of the company or their releases at all.

Prince_Vajda 5th August 2011 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by kissoffboardy (Post 171793)
I hope they are working on it, as it is a very frustrating situation.

& no, I'm not from a rival label. I'm currently sat in a boring local government office contemplating some even more boring work.

I also disagree that my post is in any way mean. I admit that I'm feeling very let down by this deadline, but I'm stating the facts as I see them. I paid for the disc in good faith, thinking I had a safety net until Sept 1st. It now transpires that I was mislead in that. Stating this is the truth, not being "mean".

Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk

I guess Rough just felt that your first post sounded quite unforgiving. It's understandable that you, Baseball and many others are not very happy about the current situation. The boys and girls at Arrow's aren't either, believe me.

Some recent announcements were indeed a bit misleading. It's a bit strange to announce a deadline first, just to tell people a couple of days later that all replacement discs are already gone. :fear:

But I am quite optimistic. Arrow have never let down their customers in the past so far, so I am sure they'll find an acceptable solution for all this confusion. :nod:


PS: @ Baseball: I wouldn't send you an answer at the moment if I were somebody in charge at Arrow's - as the situation is a bit mixed-up, I suppose. Let's wait and see!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 5th August 2011 11:28 AM

I'll pass on your concerns and see why your e-mails aren't being acknowledged. You should have an answer at the beginning of next week.

Roughale 5th August 2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda (Post 171798)
I guess Rough just felt that your first post sounded quite unforgiving. It's understandable that you, Baseball and many others are not very happy about the current situation. The boys and girls at Arrow's aren't either, believe me.

Some recent announcements were indeed a bit misleading. It's a bit strange to announce a deadline first, just to tell people a couple of days later that all replacement discs are already gone. :fear:

But I am quite optimistic. Arrow have never let down their customers in the past so far, so I am sure they'll find an acceptable solution for all this confusion. :nod:


PS: @ Baseball: I wouldn't send you an answer at the moment if I were somebody in charge at Arrow's - as the situation is a bit mixed-up, I suppose. Let's wait and see!

Exactly, you read my post well ;) I did not mean to attack anyone here who impatiently worries over this matter, I worry myself a bit as the promise for a replacement to be sent came shockingly short before the news that the replacement discs are all gone and a careful inquiry to Laura has not been replied to yet. But I keep my patience and hope for the best solution for all sides! Arrow must not suffer from this, I love the releases too much!

So I keep waiting, me, the incurable optimist, feeling like a stranger in my country :rockon:

fulci1971 5th August 2011 01:12 PM

just got an email from arrow saying they have stopped their replacement sheme for the beyond blue ray,so it looks like i am pretty much stuck with this 1 then

Roughale 5th August 2011 01:34 PM

I am almost too shy to report, but I got a reply from Laura now and I seem to have got one of the last replacement discs. But I am not selfishly laughing about this and put my energy into hopes for all of you not so lucky at the moment! Don't give up hope!

Daemonia 5th August 2011 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Roughale (Post 171825)
Exactly, you read my post well ;) I did not mean to attack anyone here who impatiently worries over this matter, I worry myself a bit as the promise for a replacement to be sent came shockingly short before the news that the replacement discs are all gone and a careful inquiry to Laura has not been replied to yet. But I keep my patience and hope for the best solution for all sides! Arrow must not suffer from this, I love the releases too much!

So I keep waiting, me, the incurable optimist, feeling like a stranger in my country :rockon:

Were you and Prince Vajda separated at birth? I'm so glad you've found each other now. Your syntax is shockingly similar! :lol:

trench 5th August 2011 02:19 PM

I think ending the replacement scheme and leaving it up to the consumer to sort out getting the proper edition themselves is Arrow's way of reminding us of the hassles and difficulties involved in obtaining the proper materials for a release.

Prince_Vajda 5th August 2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Daemonia (Post 171837)
Were you and Prince Vajda separated at birth? I'm so glad you've found each other now. Your syntax is shockingly similar! :lol:

Maybe. :p Judging from our shared forum history, Daemonia and me should be found in any encyclopedia - just search for the keyword "antagonism". ;):lol:



PS: Oops, you don't like tea, I forgot. A black coffee then, hm? ;)

Almar@Cult Labs 5th August 2011 02:46 PM

Let's just keep this thread to rage about The Beyond and not each other eh? ;)

Ta muchly.

Prince_Vajda 5th August 2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Almar@Cult Labs (Post 171857)
Let's just keep this thread to rage about The Beyond and not each other eh? ;)

Ta muchly.

We were all nice and cozy, weren't we? And besides, there's been so much rage here already - we thought it was time time for some loosening up. :lol:

Slightly off-topic, sorry. ;)


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