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Susan Foreman 11th March 2016 06:02 PM

Meet the new CEO at the BBFC:

BBFC welcomes new Chief Executive Officer | British Board of Film Classification

"New boss of the BBFC will be known by the title CEO, rather than the previous title Director, to better reflect that film censorship has become big business"

Boo Radley 11th March 2016 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 481089)
.. to better reflect that film censorship has become big business"[/I]

Isn't that the truth! :nod:

No one makes films worth censoring any more, the odd few mavericks that do are banned and shunned and instead we are bombarded with tepid PG rated shite for the masses. The British Censors now view and "recommend cuts for the age rating requested"- not censor it, you understand - before the film ever gets a release. They, and the Almighty Dollar, won the battle of censorship with hardly anyone noticing.

More and more, this version becomes the world wide release. The BBFCensors have become the world censors and artistic licence has been PC brainwashed into a bland spunk bubble of mediocrity and today's so called genre enthusiasts accept it with nary a murmur. Shame on us. :rolleyes:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 11th March 2016 07:39 PM

More often than not, the cutdown version of a film to secure a lower rating (12A instead of 15, for example) is exactly the same as US, where distributors will do the same so the film is released as a PG-13 instead of an R.

Introducing a 15A would make things interesting, but I don't know if for better or worse.

gag 11th March 2016 07:52 PM

ratings why cant they just leave them alone and leave them at the rating it was intended for, if the director made a 18 film and get censored for a 15 film then the director would have made a 15 film, but they didnt .

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 11th March 2016 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 481102)
ratings why cant they just leave them alone and leave them at the rating it was intended for, if the director made a 18 film and get censored for a 15 film then the director would have made a 15 film, but they didnt .

Simple answer: money.

Lower the age rating and you appeal to a wider demographic. Take Spectre for instance, which was cut down to hit the magic 12A rating. I can't see it having performed as well at the box office if it had aired in its original 15 rated version and the producers knew this too so opted for the lower rating. The BBFC would have been fine for the film to go out at 15 completely uncut so it's not a case of director's intent and the BBFC stifling it, it's actually completely the opposite especially where big blockbusters are concerned.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 11th March 2016 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 481105)
Simple answer: money.

Lower the age rating and you appeal to a wider demographic. Take Spectre for instance, which was cut down to hit the magic 12A rating. I can't see it having performed as well at the box office if it had aired in its original 15 rated version and the producers knew this too so opted for the lower rating. The BBFC would have been fine for the film to go out at 15 completely uncut so it's not a case of director's intent and the BBFC stifling it, it's actually completely the opposite especially where big blockbusters are concerned.

I know someone who wanted to take her 12-year-old son to see Deadpool, and asked me what certificate it was. If there was such a thing as a 15A, he would and watch it with her and films such as Spectre, The Hunger Games, Taken 3, The Woman in Black etc. would be released in the form the director intended.

gag 11th March 2016 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 481105)
Simple answer: money.

Lower the age rating and you appeal to a wider demographic. Take Spectre for instance, which was cut down to hit the magic 12A rating. I can't see it having performed as well at the box office if it had aired in its original 15 rated version and the producers knew this too so opted for the lower rating. The BBFC would have been fine for the film to go out at 15 completely uncut so it's not a case of director's intent and the BBFC stifling it, it's actually completely the opposite especially where big blockbusters are concerned.

yes im aware its money, was just a comment :nod::tongue1:
Then they release it on dvd / blu ray then few week/ month later again with the added bits or as they call it the bits censored or to rude to be shown at the cinema, their not stupid but its wrong and just a piss take really . .

Susan Foreman 10th May 2016 06:46 PM

Secrets from the BBFC examiners' archives | Den of Geek

Films discussed:

Alien (1979) - "A perverse view of the reproductive function"
Braindead (1992) - "Some teenagers (girls especially) are disturbed and upset by blood"
Clash Of The Titans (1981) - "Alive man seen burning in the middle of a fire"
Carry On Up The Khyber (1968) - "An endless stream of smutty jokes"
The Terminator (1984) - "The only love scene is lyrical, passionate and waist-up"
Day Of The Dead (1986) - "Keywords: cannibalism, zombies, splatter, macho values, mutilation"
Dr Who And The Daleks (1965) - " I have said, there are too many screams."
Footloose (1984) - "Absolutely not PG..."
Gremlins (1984) - "I hope we don't have to butcher a film that I rather enjoyed..."
Jurassic Park (1993) - "Obviously a must-see film for families and children..."
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - "Relatively low '****' counts"

Susan Foreman 6th June 2016 07:20 PM

Has cinema ever been so depraved and the censors so amoral? CLARE FOGES on the extreme violence, cannibalism and lesbian necrophilia in new film The Neon Demon

Oh - 'The Neon Demon' has been passed uncut by the BBFC

nosferatu42 6th June 2016 07:33 PM

What a bunch of knee jerking wusses the Mail are, some things never change.:rolleyes:
I kind of want to see the film more now.:lol:

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