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Rik 9th July 2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 351754)
Was going to watch dawn of the dead, what is the Argento like? But with pedromonkeys post might start watching the Star Wars films instead.

Recent viewings

Nightmare on elm street not much that I can't say about this film that's not already been said before. The best of the bunch and johnny depp's death still has to be one of the best and OTT kills in horror. 9.5/10

The 7th voyage of sinbad. Good little movie, but the star is and always shall be ray harryhausen special effects. Give me he's special effects any day of the week over today's CGI. 7/10

I watched A Nightmare on Elm St yesterday with the cast and crew commentary, still sits firmly up there in my top ten horror films!

PaulD 9th July 2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rik (Post 351757)
I watched A Nightmare on Elm St yesterday with the cast and crew commentary, still sits firmly up there in my top ten horror films!

That commentary is class. There's loads of little nuggets of behind the scenes info that Craven mentions, its really informative.

Rik 9th July 2013 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 351764)
That commentary is class. There's loads of little nuggets of behind the scenes info that Craven mentions, its really informative.

Yeah, only thing I didn't like was the fact everyone was recorded separately, obviously due to the amount of them involved, but I always enjoy the commentaries where they share anecdotes between them etc, my favourite has to the Tom Savini/Chris Stavrakis one on the cut UK DVD of Dawn of the Dead. That's the only reason I still have the disc

troggi 9th July 2013 09:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pedromonkey (Post 351748)
Had a bit of Star Wars binge since saturday.


I am in awe of you, what a great way to spend a weekend! WOW!

Alright I've caught my breath now, whew!

Attachment 114284
"Attack of the Monsters" 1969

A late 60s Gamera flick. Two boys stupidly board a spaceship that landed in the parkland. They are taken to a planet on the far side of the sun and lulled into a false sense of security by two beautiful alien Japanese girls who plan on eating their brains. Why? I don't know, maybe it's just some cultural thing.

Help comes in the shape of our friendly jet propelled turtle, Gamera, who fights the evil beautiful alien Japanese girls pet monster, Guiron! Gamera wins and the boys AND the Earth are now safe from evil brain eating beautiful alien Japanese girls. Hooray!

Great film, crap quality, I could see some colour but not much.

14/10 for evil brain eating beautiful alien Japanese girls!
I don't believe I just typed that line out instead of copying and pasting it from earlier. I could've saved my self a lot of work by copying and pasting it from earlier. I could've saved my self a lot of work by not typing out how I could've saved my self a lot of work. I'm hanging about with that Hermit too much, should get out more!

troggi 9th July 2013 09:54 PM

Bram Stoker's "Shadowbuilder"
D' you know I wasn't expecting much from this film but I really enjoyed it! :shocked:
The under-rated, imo, Michael Rooker as a sort of "assassin priest" on the trail of a demon released by another priest. The demon has to sacrifice a young boy during an eclipse.

A decent cast, script and effects, maybe a little heavy on primitive CGI (by today's standards, that is). You gorehounds will think it's a bit tame as there is little in the way of blood, guts and snot but anyone who likes a bit of "good vs. evil" should get on with this one!

15/10 for a cigar chompin' Tony Todd in an eyepatch!

grim 10th July 2013 02:13 AM

Haven't watched much this past month, but I have watched:

"Bad Biology" (on the horror channel) it was ok, the disembodiment reminded me of that lame Ron Jeremy comedy horror "One Eyed Monster"

"The Deadly Spawn" first time viewing. I thought it was a fun flick. Had the vipco version for years and finally decided to watch it after seeing the trailer on one of the 42nd street dvds, glad i did.

And finally

"The ABC's of Death" just finished watching it on blinkbox, extremely sick and funny. It was entertaining and some letters had me in stitches, especialy 'F' and the animated segment with the unflushable. Overall a great film to show your friends.

Bringer Of Funerals 10th July 2013 11:24 AM

Zombieland on blu. I heard there was plenty of fans out there that raved about it. So I bought it in a HMV sale on blu but never got round to watching it. Well on Monday night I finally got round to watching it. It was quite funny and some of them rules I suppose you could apply to a zombie apocolypse.

There was just a few problems, I didn't see the point of the Bill Murrey cameo and when they endered the theme park and turned all the lights on wouldn't they have seen that all the lights and music would have attracted the zombies. Other then that its became one of my fave zombie films.

trebor8273 10th July 2013 01:10 PM

Nightmare on elm street 2. Lot of people don't like it but i kind of do, still better than a lot of the sequels and at times has a dream like and surreal quality to it. But it is unintentional one of (or was it intentionally )the most homoerotic horrors of all time. Felt more like a possession movie to me. 7/10

Point break. What's not to like Gary Busey, Neo, Dr cox from scrubs,Lori Petty, the legend that was Patrick Swayze, car chases, skydiving , surfing and Neo firing his gun into the air while shouting ! 10/10

PaulD 10th July 2013 01:21 PM

I prefer Freddy's Revenge to Dream Warriors which I think is abysmal. Sure part 2 ignores the rules of its predecessor but at least it doesn't have the Wizard Master in it'

Slippery Jack 10th July 2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 351842)
I prefer Freddy's Revenge to Dream Warriors which I think is abysmal. Sure part 2 ignores the rules of its predecessor but at least it doesn't have the Wizard Master in it'

You have a real problem with the Wizard Master, don't you :lol: . . . ?!

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