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Nosferatu@Cult Labs 16th June 2013 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by JoshuaKaitlyn (Post 347326)
Red Tails (2012) As much as I like the arial combat scenes the crappy dialogue (the villainous Germans dialogue was just plain laughable "Die you foolish African!"), and the way scenes cut and fade into the next reminds me of a cheap TV movie!

I saw this while ago and didn't notice/remember the way each scene faded into the next as I was becoming increasingly bored by the horribly clichéd dialogue, obvious CGI and historical inaccuracies. It's not one I want to revisit to check out the filmmaking techniques employed by Anthony Hemingway!

Slippery Jack 16th June 2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by JoshuaKaitlyn (Post 347326)
and the way scenes cut and fade into the next reminds me of a cheap TV movie!


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 347352)
I saw this while ago and didn't notice/remember the way each scene faded into the next

You mean the same as Star Wars ...? Must be a Lucas thing, think he nabbed it from saturday morning tv serials or something . . .

demonknight 16th June 2013 01:53 PM

The Creeping Flesh

Bit of a slow burner for me but the last thirty minutes or so
the pace really picked up. Excellent performances from the two
leads,especially Cushing. What an actor. Lee was on top form
too. Loved the ending. It could have come right out of a Tales
from the Crypt story. It was my first time seeing this movie, and
yes it did make an impression on me. Great stuff. Watched
an episode of The Sopranos after so I went to bed on a high :nod:

Zann 16th June 2013 02:26 PM

Killer Nun

Underrated Nun Nasty! Lovely looking BD from Blue Underground. Effective score, great atmosphere and a giallo-esque twist at the end :pop2:

Demdike@Cult Labs 16th June 2013 02:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Goatman Murders (2011)

A group of friends end up stuck in the wilds of Maryland and fall victim to the legendary Goatman.

Made on a small budget, The Goatman Murders was originally released Stateside as Deadly Detours in 2011. Although it was made on a budget of under $10,000 the film has so much going for it. After a fairly basic couple of opening murders we are at the mercy of the amateur actors on their way to Florida. For half an hour. This could have been the stuff of nightmares in its own right, however the acting comes across quite naturally and the dialogue seems more ad libbed rather than scripted allowing a sense of realism, rather unlike many of this type of film with actors reading poorly written lines. In all fairness i think i've had one or two of the conversations in the film with my mates. In fact some of it was downright hilarious because of this. One scene made me laugh with more gusto than any comedy in recent memory.

Once the Goatman reappears we suddenly understand where the budget went - blood - and lots of it. The kills are inventive and on screen at all times. Ranging from an axe in the skull to an arrow through the mouth and entrails sloshing to the ground. Then it arrives, the final set piece, or as many will see it, coup de grace, as our lone survivor boards a bus of blind people out on a day trip. I'm not going to spoil what comes next, but will say that had this film come out in the early eighties the DPP may have had one or two issues with it.

The film is short. It clocks in at 65 minutes plus end credits. This isn't a problem for me if the film has made proper use of its running time, as frequently horror films can end up far too long, thankfully The Goatman Murders is a short, sharp, snappy, piece of work that doesn't need an extra twenty minutes of padding.

Its fair to say i might not have loved this as much had i not just finished the BCI Blood Bath set which features 12 films all of a similar budget to The Goatman Murders, but most were lacking this films sense of fun.

This film won't appeal to all on here, imagine Don't Go in the Woods, but more ludicrous, however those who can enjoy cheap and cheerful film making are sure to love it.

At £3 from Asda you really can't go wrong.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 16th June 2013 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 347368)
You mean the same as Star Wars ...? Must be a Lucas thing, think he nabbed it from saturday morning tv serials or something . . .

In the Star Wars films, Lucas uses screen wipes – something he 'borrowed' from Akira Kurosawa. Was that the same in Red Tails?

bdc 16th June 2013 05:19 PM

Dominion Tank Police (1988)

"In a dystopic pollution ridden future, the tank police fight for law and order and cause massive collatorol destruction along the way."

Overall I found this really enjoyable with act I and II setting up the characters as wacky but sympathetic and act III and IV exploring darker territory.

Still fresh after all these years (I couldn't believe how good the old dvd looked btw) and a lot of fun imho. :thumb:

Can't wait to get started on New Dominion Tank Police (1993).

AMV Dominion tank police - YouTube

keirarts 16th June 2013 05:20 PM

Man of Steel.

Great fun. Avengers is still the #1 comic book movie but this superman film is certainly worth watching. Henry Caville is great as Superman, Michael Shannon is brilliant as zod (as he is in almost everything he's in) though poor Lawrence fishburne is sadly wasted as Perry white.
This is certainly much better than the dreadful Grenn lantern and the dissapointing dark knight rises.

Slippery Jack 16th June 2013 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 347387)
Was that the same in Red Tails?

I have no idea. I just assumed that was what you lot meant describing the sceen transitions in Red Tails . . .

Zann 16th June 2013 07:09 PM

The Devil's Backbone

Great movie, prefer it to Pan's Labyrinth which was too magical and wind-in the-willows fantasy filled for my tastes.

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