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Handyman Joe 27th December 2011 05:17 PM

Saw Eurekas Touch of Evil Blu ray this afternoon - first of many viewings, what with all the cuts/commentaries. Incredible film, looks amazing, Janet Leigh is hot, Orson Welles disgusting, Charlton Heston heroic - a noir masterpiece and a must buy. Roll on Repo Man and Two Lane Blacktop!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 27th December 2011 05:25 PM

I really liked The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec and Phurious, you're the first person I've come across who didn't like it! I found it to be a brilliant fantasy film plenty of good laughs, well orchestrated action set pieces and extremely good performances..

I hope there's a sequel as I'd love to see how the characters develop in another adventure and what happens to her sister.

The Extraordinary Events of Adele Blanc-Sec Blu-ray Review

Scyther 27th December 2011 05:33 PM

Venus In Furs last night. Loved it! Probably my favorite Franco thus far. :rockon:

Phurious 27th December 2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 206078)
I really liked The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec and Phurious, you're the first person I've come across who didn't like it! I found it to be a brilliant fantasy film plenty of good laughs, well orchestrated action set pieces and extremely good performances..

I hope there's a sequel as I'd love to see how the characters develop in another adventure and what happens to her sister.

The Extraordinary Events of Adele Blanc-Sec Blu-ray Review

Eeek! I'm not being contrary I promise :)

I think it displayed way more potential than it actually delivered, which can often be the case with the beginning of a series, so perhaps a sequel will be more promising on the story front.

But for me personally I thought the set pieces were quite shoddy, in fact I'd go as far to say that The Mummy did a better job of portraying a fantastical ancient Egypt and it's phantasmagorical creatures in an early 20th century setting.

By no means an awful film for me, just a disappointment when I'm aware of what Besson has been capable of directing previously (a touch of the Argento here methinks, although Besson's writing and producing credits have lent themselves well to some cracking action flicks of recent years).

Phurious 27th December 2011 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 206078)
I really liked The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec and Phurious, you're the first person I've come across who didn't like it! I found it to be a brilliant fantasy film plenty of good laughs, well orchestrated action set pieces and extremely good performances..

I hope there's a sequel as I'd love to see how the characters develop in another adventure and what happens to her sister.

The Extraordinary Events of Adele Blanc-Sec Blu-ray Review

Re. your review and the 'nudity' issue. Scenes like that have no sexual connotations in France really, boobs and bums are a common sight on day time TV and adverts and the general outlook on nudity is nowhere near as prudish as the UK and the BBFC.
Like you rightly pointed out I think it's purely subjective and the BBFC are probably covering their arses (no pun intended) - I mean that whole bath scene was alluded to earlier in the film and one could argue that it's an integral part of the story, the fact that the viewer gets a flash of a Blanc-Sec in the nuddy is neither here no there really - well that's what I reckon anyway.

wongfeihung62 27th December 2011 08:10 PM


Prince_Vajda 27th December 2011 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by wongfeihung62 (Post 206121)

Did you like them? Boring or entertaining? :decision:


wongfeihung62 27th December 2011 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Prince_Vajda (Post 206122)
Did you like them? Boring or entertaining? :decision:


NOTD - Average remake.

TKWTGA - Classic kung fu with the Venoms, great stuff.

nekromantik 28th December 2011 01:25 AM

I cant wait to see Dragon Tattoo reboot.
it looks very good and Fincher is a very good director!

Tonight I saw A Lonely Place To Die, this this was a very good flick and surprised it did not get a wider release! I missed it at FrightFest although its more of a thriller really. Very good acting and well made flick.

Scyther 28th December 2011 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 206142)
I cant wait to see Dragon Tattoo reboot.
it looks very good and Fincher is a very good director!

Tonight I saw A Lonely Place To Die, this this was a very good flick and surprised it did not get a wider release! I missed it at FrightFest although its more of a thriller really. Very good acting and well made flick.

Fincher is a very good director, but in my opinion the Dragon Tattoo remake still looks like a shot-for-shot redux, a la Let Me In or (gasp!) Van Zant's Psycho

In other words, I'll probably pass. :rolleyes:

keirarts 28th December 2011 07:06 AM

Decided to watch something a little classier last night, started off with the excellent all the presidents men, the 2-disc special edition I bouight off a car boot many moons ago, still excellent.

Second up was grizzly man on blu-ray, once again a film i've already seen but endlessly re-watchable.

Slippery Jack 28th December 2011 09:24 AM

The Living and the Dead

I'm always up for a bit of 'crazy folk in old houses' (Psycho, Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny, and Girly, Spider Baby, Grey Gardens...) but I found this quite dull. I wasn't keen on the directors overuse of sub-Requiem for a Dream style sped-up long takes set to grating music - just to underline how damn INSANE the protagonist is. Thought it did a disservice to Leo Bill's decent performance, though even that got a bit one-note towards the end. Hoping to enjoy the director's Red, White, and Blue more . . .

gag 28th December 2011 09:43 AM

Watched house of the Devil last night
Quite enjoying it despite it being slow and not up to much, But as soon as they caught here and tried to use her for the rituals etc for some reason i kind of got bored and lost interest, Ending did not apeal to me what so ever and not sure why cant give a explanation.

nekromantik 28th December 2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Scyther (Post 206143)
Fincher is a very good director, but in my opinion the Dragon Tattoo remake still looks like a shot-for-shot redux, a la Let Me In or (gasp!) Van Zant's Psycho

In other words, I'll probably pass. :rolleyes:

Its meant to be much closer to the book then the Swedish version and meant to be much darker! Also they changed the ending and added a different story so dont sound like a complete shot by shot remake :)

antmumford 28th December 2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Scyther (Post 206143)
Fincher is a very good director, but in my opinion the Dragon Tattoo remake still looks like a shot-for-shot redux, a la Let Me In or (gasp!) Van Zant's Psycho

In other words, I'll probably pass. :rolleyes:

It's not a remake though, Fincher hasn't even watched the Swedish version. He's just created his own version of the novel and according to reviews its a lot closer to the book and many people are saying its a better film to the Swedish one too. I haven't read the book or seen the first film/tv adaptation so looking forward to seeing Finchers film with fresh eyes

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

Baseball Fury 28th December 2011 02:48 PM

Over the Xmas holidays I've watched Ratatouille, Home Alone, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lion King, The Bourne Ultimatum, The Snowman, Tron: Legacy, Into The Wild, NL's Christmas Vacation and It's A Wonderful Life.

Good times!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 28th December 2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Scyther (Post 206143)
Fincher is a very good director, but in my opinion the Dragon Tattoo remake still looks like a shot-for-shot redux, a la Let Me In or (gasp!) Van Zant's Psycho

In other words, I'll probably pass. :rolleyes:

Trust me, it isn't a shot for shot remake, but a very different film with much more suspense than the 'original'. Let Me In wasn't a shot for shot remake of Let The Right One In either but, like this new release of [/B]The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo[/B], a different film based on the novel.

Let Me In is inferior to[/B] the Swedish film but, in my opinion anyway, Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo[/B] is better than its Swedish counterpart, mostly because it was made for a theatrical release and not a cut down version of a two-part TV film.

In short: don't pass up the opportunity to see it on the big screen as it is a film with great sound and visuals.

James Morton 28th December 2011 03:40 PM

What films have you seen recently?
last night saw TROPIC THUNDER and THE HEARTBREAK KID on tv
very funny films
got the former on dvd and the latter on bd, because the BBFC objected to the 'donkey scene' which is censored on the dvd...stupid
especially as the donkey is a she and wearing a strap on and the woman next to it is her owner, didn't the BBFC listen to the commentary?
a case of blu ray bribery!

sawyer6 28th December 2011 03:42 PM

Watched The Artist yesterday.Highly recommended for all the fans of the silent era and old Hollywood

Gojirosan 28th December 2011 03:46 PM

A Canterbury Tale - got the ITV DVD for Xmas. Superb film.Better than I remembered. It shot up my all-time list.

VicDakin 28th December 2011 09:24 PM

Planet of the Apes: 5-Movie Collector's Edition [Blu-ray]
5 Attachment(s)
Planet of the Apes: 5-Movie Collector's Edition [Blu-ray]
Trying to erase the memory of Rise by rewatching these again on blu

Demdike@Cult Labs 28th December 2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by VicDakin (Post 206280)
Planet of the Apes: 5-Movie Collector's Edition [Blu-ray]
Trying to erase the memory of Rise by rewatching these again on blu

Rise is excellent Vic, sorry to disagree, my favourite blockbuster of the year by far. Not seen Captain America yet though. Or Transformers but the only way i would watch that is if its on when i go on holiday for a month to the Playboy mantion.

pedromonkey 28th December 2011 10:15 PM

watched Back To The Future on blu last night, it's mouth wateringly beautiful in HD, only problem i had was that you could now clearly see the that Doc. Brown of 1985 has prosthetics on his face other than that....awesome!!! On to part 2 (the greatest film ever made) tonight....

nekromantik 29th December 2011 12:08 AM

Just been to see Mission Impossible 4
yeah I know its cheesy action but it was enjoyable and I quite liked it :)

Frankie Teardrop 29th December 2011 01:02 AM

Hi guys. This is my first post.
To begin on a slightly cliched note perhaps - "Don't Open Till Christmas", the new transfer from Mondo Macabro, which I watched well before all the present-spewing in the hope that a few dead Santas would see me through (I should point out that I'm at least as much of a Sh*tmas-phobe as the santa slayer at work in the movie). London, mid-eighties - Father Christmas, in his department store / kid's party guise, is being murdered by a masked assailant "whose eyes seem to smile" - thirteen times over, by various means bridging the gap between public toilet castration and Caroline Munro disco performance. Edmund Purdom is the cop on his tail. A couple who probably look(ed) like Torvil and Dean provide a "relationship - as - narrative - device - so - the - kills - can - happen". Mild-moderate sleaze occurs. Murder seems like padding. Everything is slightly disjointed and teeters on the brink dividing boring / hilarious - Dick Randall's usual gift to the world, and, although this is less mad than 'Pieces' or 'The French Sex Murders', it at least has a special quality related to its time and place - it's as greasy as fish ' n 'chips wrapped in page 3 of some scummy tabloid, and probably as appetising (to most, although obviously I didn't hesitate to upgrade my old Film2000 version).

gag 29th December 2011 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 206281)
Rise is excellent Vic, sorry to disagree, my favourite blockbuster of the year by far. Not seen Captain America yet though. Or Transformers but the only way i would watch that is if its on when i go on holiday for a month to the Playboy mantion.

Cant stand films like Captian Americe, Transformers etc no matter how good people say they are ...Hated transformers one. Hollywood wham bang Action over hype shite..Only type of films i like in these style is Spiderman and Superman.

darthelvis 29th December 2011 09:31 AM

I'm with Demdike I loved Rise of & look forward to the next sequel. Andy Serkis work on it was outstanding. Watched the extras on the blu ray last night.

Make Them Die Slowly 29th December 2011 09:51 AM

"Bridesmaids" certainly better than "The Hangover II". I really enjoyed this even the bits when it went heavily into chick flick land.

Paul@TheOverlook 29th December 2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 206335)
"Bridesmaids" certainly better than "The Hangover II". I really enjoyed this even the bits when it went heavily into chick flick land.

I agree, it's very good.

mercury 29th December 2011 12:55 PM

Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Witches of Oz. I quite liked this, story-wise:pop2:
Santa Claus the Movie:)
Jack Frost(Michael Cooney) :lol:
Jack Frost 2....Maybe the worst film I have ever seen:nod:
Mac and Me:)
To the Devil a Daughter...I really enjoyed this until the end where it seems the producers ran out of time and money and just ruined a great film:(

Slippery Jack 29th December 2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by mercury (Post 206368)
Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Witches of Oz. I quite liked this, story-wise:pop2:
Santa Claus the Movie:)
Jack Frost(Michael Cooney) :lol:
Jack Frost 2....Maybe the worst film I have ever seen:nod:
Mac and Me:)
To the Devil a Daughter...I really enjoyed this until the end where it seems the producers ran out of time and money and just ruined a great film:(

I like how the final film is clearly an antidote to the previous stuff :lol: . . .

Gojirosan 29th December 2011 01:32 PM

I really wanted to like Bridesmaids as the cast was so great. But it was a huge disappointment. Uninspired and formulaic and, worst of all, just not funny! Only the amazingly talented Melissa McCarthy kept me watching it right through to the end. Such a shame.

And talking of frivolous comedy: last night I watched St Trinians 2 The Legend Of Fritton's Gold which was a pleasant way to pass the time. I liked the St Trinians reboot and this sequel was a perfectly acceptable bit of fluff to follow it. It was pleasingly absurd. Rupert Everett was wonderful as ever. And the lovely Zawe Ashton was great.

Also: Tamara Drewe, which was an excellent Stephen Frears comic adaptation. Genuinely evokes the classic cliché "funny and touching". Far surpassed my expectations. The cast (especially Tamsin Grieg) were brilliant.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: I like Burton's version. This was the second time I'd seen it and it was a decent enough way to spend a wet afternoon. Not as disturbed and dark as Mel Stuart's version, but nicely different. Yeah, good fun.

Scyther 29th December 2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Gojirosan (Post 206378)
I really wanted to like Bridesmaids as the cast was so great. But it was a huge disappointment. Uninspired and formulaic and, worst of all, just not funny! Only the amazingly talented Melissa McCarthy kept me watching it right through to the end. Such a shame.

My fiancee was saying the same thing, and I've heard this sentiment repeated often by others who were disappointed!

Demdike@Cult Labs 29th December 2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gojirosan (Post 206378)
And talking of frivolous comedy: last night I watched St Trinians 2 The Legend Of Fritton's Gold which was a pleasant way to pass the time. I liked the St Trinians reboot and this sequel was a perfectly acceptable bit of fluff to follow it. It was pleasingly absurd. Rupert Everett was wonderful as ever.

Fully agree, both films are a lot of fun.

wongfeihung62 29th December 2011 05:16 PM

BLACK DYNAMITE - Spoof of all those Blaxploitation movies, with Michael Jai White as the titular hero. Imagine Jim Kelly crossed with Fred Williamson with a dash of Jim Brown. Lots of big afro's, bigger collars, deliberate bad acting and you sort of get the gist.
Any film that has a final nunchaku showdown between BD and President Richard Nixon has my vote. :rockon:

Baseball Fury 29th December 2011 06:29 PM


I bloody love Black Dynamite, it's infinitely rewatchable.

I watched Horrible Bosses last night off Sky Box Office, and I thought it was excellent. All three male leads were brilliant, Kevin Spacey chewed up the scenery left right and centre and Jennifer Aniston looked unbelievably hot, which was impressive in itself. It was funny, (relatively) grounded in reality, and Jamie Foxx's cameo cracked me up. Much MUCH better than The Hangover.

Hubba hubba

Demdike@Cult Labs 29th December 2011 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Baseball Fury (Post 206435)
Much MUCH better than The Hangover.

A hangover is much better than The Hangover. :nod:

Mojo 29th December 2011 06:55 PM

BBC horror double bill!

The Stone Tape

I remember being scared shitless by this when I watched it on its (only) showing back on Boxing Day 1972 ( :eek: )
Nigel Kneale was brilliant at combining sci fi / horror and he succeeds here again. Highly recommended.

Lost Hearts

Another one that scared the hell out of me on original transmission. The ghostly kids are creepy as hell. One of my favouriritre BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas.

Slippery Jack 29th December 2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 206441)
BBC horror double bill!
Lost Hearts

Another one that scared the hell out of me on original transmission. The ghostly kids are creepy as hell. One of my favouriritre BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas.

Is that the one with the ghost kid playing the hurdy gurdy? Creepy's the word :eek: . . .

Gojirosan 29th December 2011 09:55 PM

Black Christmas (2006) - oddly, considering my love for Bob Clark and the original being one of my favourite genre pictures, I thought this remake was OK! I only really watched it because I worship at the altar of Michelle Trachtenberg, but it turned out to be an affable little bit of kitsch.

It's silly, obviously, but at least it tries to be. Dabbling with being tongue-in-cheek (to the point of comedy at times) really helped to cover up the more derivative and dull aspects of the story. The performances were great, the film being well cast and it was decently paced and not too long.

Obviously, the film and it's "spell out the backstory" is not going to hold up in direct comparison to the original, but I really thought this was one of the better remakes of classic horror films there has been.

Pleasantly surprised.

Captain America The First Avenger
- something of a stark lesson in mediocrity. Passed the time, I suppose.

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