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PaulD 13th March 2013 08:50 PM

Recent viewings:

Movie 43 - I knew it would be bad but the negative reviews instilled an overwhelming curiosity in me. I should have known better. Cinematic cancer.

Seven Bloodstained Orchids - really solid Umberto Lenzi giallo. Nice visual flourishes and interesting enough plot as far as these things go. I think I prefer the likes of Spasmo and Knife of Ice but this is still really great.

New York Ripper - The violence still makes me wince (especially the broken bottle scene) and the twists and turns and red herrings are as entertaining as ever. The ending is horribly nihilistic and bleak and doesn't get any less horrid on a rewatch

Resident Evil: Extinction/Afterlife - these 2 blurred together into one vaguely entertaining brainless popcorn actioner for me. A result of watching them after each other I suppose although the severe lack of directorial nous in both installments is also to blame. They're enjoyable enough as throwaway fodder and it was kinda fun spotting the characters and monsters from the game but there's nothing more to them than that.

Resident Evil: Retribution - utter garbage. It feels like a video game with characters going from one level to the next and the appearance of older, dead characters from previous films has no impact whatsoever. There's far too many scenes of people shooting at each other and although thinness of plot was always an issue with this franchise this film doesn't even attempt to have a story.

Maniac - I was certain I'd seen this before but it transpired I hadn't. This is one of those films whose reputation precedes it somewhat and I have to admit to hardly being enthralled by it. The tone was suitably sleazy and murky and of course the Savini effects were second-to-none but it just doesn't have the psychological depth I was expecting. I also didn't care much for Joe Spinell who comes off as a seedier version of Ron Jeremy and struggles to carry the weight of the film. It's not a bad film as such, just by no means the best example of this sort of thing

- Really interesting Russ Meyer film which has 60 minutes of bawdy sexual satire then a thoroughly odd last 10 minutes of political commentary. The usual top-notch camerawork and excellent editing are there and Erica Gavin is fantastic in the titular (teehee) role.

Justin101 13th March 2013 08:56 PM

I have watched Fantastic Mr Fox which was totally enjoyable, the voice acting is brilliant and the stop motion animation is genius - had a grin on my face for the whole film, so good, I'd recommend to everyone.

Then I watched Room 237... I was expecting to like this, but my god, the people interviewed for this documentary about the hidden codes in The Shining are deluded, some of the things they were coming out with was making me cringe - you could think up any madcap scenario and look for evidence in The Shining and pass it off as gospel truth because no-one can dispute it. Kubrick is laughing somewhere...

Metallicbomb 14th March 2013 01:13 AM

Earlier watched
Resident Evil
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Extinction

PaulD 14th March 2013 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Metallicbomb (Post 327771)
Earlier watched
Resident Evil
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Extinction

I went through the 5 films in the franchise over the last week or so. They' varying quality, to put it nicely.

Metallicbomb 14th March 2013 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 327772)
I went through the 5 films in the franchise over the last week or so. They' varying quality, to put it nicely.

I know they have divided fans but I love them all well accept for Retribution because I haven't seen it yet:pound:

PaulD 14th March 2013 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Metallicbomb (Post 327773)
I know they have divided fans but I love them all well accept for Retribution because I haven't seen it yet:pound:

That was the one I really disliked and was just utterly bored by.

fuzzymctiger 14th March 2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by J Harker (Post 327631)
Watching ParaNorman. Bit disappointing if I'm to be honest. Wanted to like this more, started off good too.


Slippery Jack 14th March 2013 09:25 AM

The Church

Really liked this. I was surprised how restrained it was, largely favouring atmosphere building over monster shocks (though it delivered a decent share of those too!). Think the second half was a little messy – looked like it was struggling not to repeat Bava’s Demons with the folk trapped in the building, and seemed to flounder around in search of an ending. Also thought it was odd how Thomas Arana just vanished from the film. It looked like he was being set up to be the chief baddie, then, nothing? But on the whole I liked it: great energetic direction, good score, superb location, some imaginative demonic imagery. Yup, this one’s a keeper.


Definitely NOT a keeper! I only watched this in the hope of some ‘so bad it’s good’ entertainment, but I just found it so very dull. Even as a generic TV movie cop drama I would’ve switched off less than halfway in. I’d heard very bad things about Brody, but I actually didn’t think he was that bad, even as the killer! It was just the total lack of imagination and ambition that killed it. Terrible anti-climactic non-ending too . . .

Rik 14th March 2013 09:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Still not seen Giallo, and I can't say I'm in any great rush to either. As for The Church, I've loved this ever since its debut on VHS all those years ago, don't think my mum was too impressed renting it for me because of the cover!

Attachment 103393

Justin101 14th March 2013 01:00 PM

I loved the VHS cover of The Church and was always intrigued by it - i did buy an ex-rental in the original big box but have long since lost all of my VHS, I have the BU version of it now with a rather boring cover in comparison.

Dave Boy 14th March 2013 01:09 PM

Battle For The Planet Of The Apes (1973)

Rabid (1977)

trebor8273 14th March 2013 02:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Recent viewings.
edit also start the x-files from the first episode

Invid Ninja 14th March 2013 02:31 PM

So an odd batch here I've watched over the past week:

Halloween III (1982) Oddly, only just got around to this one for the first time. A real horror oddity certainly, but solid fare nonetheless. Have to say though, Carpenter and Howarth's soundtrack sounds almost like a direct precursor at times to Brad Fiedel's original Terminator score. Just an observation, I'm sure everyone has seen this film. :)

Escape To Athena (1979)

Bizarre and tonally all over the place, this is a marmite action adventure in the tradition of The Guns Of Navarone and Where Eagles Dare (the latter being of my favourite action films ever). I still thoroughly enjoyed this, comedic issues aside. Some gorgeous cinematography, well paced action and hell even an out of place super catchy disco song from Heatwave for the end credits. Not for everyone, but fun fluff. :)

Robot Jox (1990)

Saw this on a 35mm print, what can I say but do you like stop motion robots, over the top Cold War stereo types and bro fists? Well here you go. :laugh:

Wild Geese II (1985)

Now here is a sequel noone seems to talk about, most appear to hate it. Yes it has very little to do with the thoroughly entertaining original but for me I still was surprised to find a well made and tense espionage thriller with a palpable atmosphere. Peter Hunt's direction is pacey as well as assured and the cast is a fun to watch mixed bag. A nice surprise. :)

Happy viewing people. :popcorn:

SShaw 14th March 2013 04:56 PM

Back home after a couple of days working in France and so I watched Urban Explorers. I like this, you can read my Fantasy Film Fest thoughts over on my Diary thread. For those who saw it at Fright Fest, they remembered the sub-titles on the blu-ray ;)

Followed Urban explorers with Chained by the wonderful Jennifer Lynch. This is another film that you can read more about over on my diary thread (Fright Fest 2012).

bdc 14th March 2013 07:27 PM

Return of the Dead (1979)

My first Shaw Brothers horror anthology was a nice surprise.
Enjoyed this one and think fans of other older horror anthologies (like for example the Amicus ones) may also enjoy this one.

Two of the tales feature naked female ghosts and there's some lovely underwater photography. ;)

jiraffejustin 14th March 2013 08:25 PM

I recently watched Demons, because it was getting a lot of votes in the 80s poll. I should have payed attention to what else the people voting for it voted for: The Evil Dead. A movie I truly despise :doh: Not to take a shot at the people that voted for it, but I just couldn't get behind either of those movies. Demons played out like The Evil Dead in a movie theater.

Slippery Jack 14th March 2013 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 327952)
Demons played out like The Evil Dead in a movie theater.

The problem with that being . . . :confused:

jiraffejustin 14th March 2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 327959)
The problem with that being . . . :confused:

Crap. I forgot to add: "For some, that would be the ultimate compliment. For me, it's a condemnation. " :tongue1:

Slippery Jack 14th March 2013 08:53 PM

What's wrong with you, son? Doncha like FUN :tongue1: . . . ?

Metallicbomb 14th March 2013 08:57 PM

Just watched
Resident Evil: Afterlife (Watched In 3D)
Resident Evil: Retribution (Watched In 3D)

jiraffejustin 14th March 2013 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 327977)
What's wrong with you, son? Doncha like FUN :tongue1: . . . ?

I'm beginning to wonder that myself! I don't like Creepshow or Return of the Living Dead either. I love Re-Animator though.

And if you are talking about the band Fun, no, no I do not like fun. ;)

Metallicbomb 14th March 2013 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 327774)
That was the one I really disliked and was just utterly bored by.

Just watched Retribution and really enjoyed it I wouldn't say it was better or worse than the others as I think they all bring something to the table.
But what I liked about this one is how they brought back familiar faces as well as new characters and included scenes from the other films in flashbacks and in new scenarios but every has there opinions :nod:;).

Slippery Jack 14th March 2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 327984)
I'm beginning to wonder that myself! I don't like Creepshow or Return of the Living Dead either. I love Re-Animator though.

And if you are talking about the band Fun, no, no I do not like fun. ;)

Well I'm with you on ROTLD and the band Fun :nod:

How about Street Trash . . . ?

Invid Ninja 14th March 2013 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Metallicbomb (Post 327985)
Just watched Retribution and really enjoyed it I wouldn't say it was better or worse than the others as I think they all bring something to the table.
But what I liked about this one is how they brought back familiar faces as well as new characters and included scenes from the other films in flashbacks and in new scenarios but every has there opinions :nod:;).

Plus Retribution has the most blatant thievery from Aliens this side of Bruno Mattei's Terminator 2 aka Shocking Dark. :laugh:

jiraffejustin 14th March 2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery Jack (Post 327986)
Well I'm with you on ROTLD and the band Fun :nod:

How about Street Trash . . . ?

I'm yet to see Street Trash, it's a little bit shameful actually, because it's been sitting on the shelf for awhile now. I keep telling myself to watch it, but then I'll turn on the TV and mindlessly watch hours of sports instead of it.

keirarts 14th March 2013 09:13 PM

Bunny game...

ok, the black and white photography and soundtrack made it feel a little like a mid nineties american indie film, but I actually found the film to be pointless rubbish trying to pass itself off as art. Its just my opinion but I never found any real purpose to the movie and found it ultimately quite BORING.

Personally i'd rather watch baise moi which at least felt like it had some sort of direction and meaning to it. Not a good movie.

Metallicbomb 15th March 2013 01:50 AM

Late night viewing:lol:
Wrong Turn
Wrong Turn 2

JoshuaKaitlyn 15th March 2013 09:28 AM

From 1930:

City Girl
Looney Tunes: Sinkin' in the Bath Tub
Abraham Lincoln
The Golf Specialist

trebor8273 15th March 2013 03:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Last nights viewings

House 1
Bill and teds excellent journey
Bill and Teds bogus journey

tele1962 15th March 2013 06:09 PM

Dredd 3D Blu Ray today, what an excellent film. PQ & AQ were fantastic. Highly recommended.:clap:

SShaw 15th March 2013 07:39 PM

I watched Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission tonight an enjoyable if largely derivative made for TV sequel to the original. The film misses Lee Marvin, who is replaced by Telly Savalas' Major Right. Its not clear if he is supposed to be the same character (its a different name, but he mentions that he has previously led two previous "dozen" missions. The German blu-ray has an English language soundtrack and is presented in the original 1.33:1 ratio. I have The Fatal mission queued up next :)

Hawkmonger 15th March 2013 09:56 PM

Double bill of:

Oz: The Great steaming pile of wank....wait. Oh dear god this was bad, just exruciating for 99%* of the time. Avoid, just avoid. 'Shudder'


Maniac (2013) Faired FAR better. What a truely great take on a classic horror film, one of the greats in fact. Recomended. :nod:

*The remaining 1% comprised Bruce Campbell's cameo(s) and the single minuet of Evil Dead homage...really, in a PG movie.

Justin101 15th March 2013 11:10 PM

Just finished watching Eyes Wide Shut, re-affirms Kubrick's sublime film making, as if it needed a reminder. It's funny that a film that lasts 2hrs 40mins where not a lot actually happens can keep you glued to the screen for its entire duration.
I didn't enjoy it as much 12 years ago when I rented it, but I think I was just too young to appreciate it. It is most definitely a grown up film.

Laban 15th March 2013 11:31 PM

Metallicbomb 16th March 2013 01:49 AM

Just watched
Wrong Turn 3
Wrong Turn 4
Wrong Turn 5
I must say I think Wrong Turn 5 has a great performance from Doug Bradley playing a right bastard (again:lol:) and I hope if they make a 6 they bring him back.

Beyond72 16th March 2013 10:42 AM

Happy Birthday to Me

How has this not been remade? I would have thought it's contrived/Scooby Doo like plot would make it ripe for the modern slasher film.

Jaws 2

The Horror is far from over! Fours years after the great white shark terrorized the small resort of Amity, unsuspecting vacationers begin disappearing in an all too - familiar fashion. Only one mans knows the truth...

Now tell me that doesn't sound like your average slasher film. (Esp with it's focus on isolated teens.) :lol: Anyway a couple of scenes still have the power to make you jump! :blush:

SShaw 16th March 2013 03:59 PM

Heavy snow again this morning here in Bremen so another Saturday warming my hands over my blu-ray player. So far I watched Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission, the third and final T.V. sequel. I enjoyed it, surprisingly I didn't recall the fact that one of the dozen was a woman this time round, or perhaps I didn't see it before.

I also watched The Corridor which makes good use its sound design to create a real feeling of unease. I saw this at Toronto After Dark in 2011, so you can find more of my thoughts about the film over on my Diary thread.

trebor8273 16th March 2013 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Metallicbomb (Post 328349)
Just watched
Wrong Turn 3
Wrong Turn 4
Wrong Turn 5
I must say I think Wrong Turn 5 has a great performance from Doug Bradley playing a right bastard (again:lol:) and I hope if they make a 6 they bring him back.

five!!!' I thought there where only 2 movies

Demdike@Cult Labs 16th March 2013 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 328415)
five!!!' I thought there where only 2 movies

Platostotal has been doing stills from the whole series on The Film Stills Thread.

Broaden your thread viewing Trebor. :lol:

trebor8273 16th March 2013 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike (Post 328425)
Platostotal has been doing stills from the whole series on The Film Stills Thread.

Broaden your thread viewing Trebor. :lol:

So what are the sequels like thought the first two where ok

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