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Demdike@Cult Labs 11th August 2018 07:07 PM

5 Attachment(s)
The £3 cd's from the Big Finish sale arrived yesterday.

Should be a hoot hearing Leslie Phillips playing Dr. Knox in the Gothic horror Medicinal Purposes. Also surprised to see Maryam d'Abo is in the Ice Warrior tale Frozen Time and the excellent James Purefoy plays Dracula in Son of the Dragon. Not to mention Claudia Christian in the Cyberman story The Reaping.

Susan Foreman 12th August 2018 04:41 AM

August 12th: Today in WHO-story:

1911 - Gordon Richardson (Squire in Doctor Who and the Silurians)
1912 - Sonnie Willis (Cyberman in The Moonbase and an extra in The Underwater Menace, Spearhead from Space, The Dæmons, The Green Death and The Deadly Assassin)

1921 - Dermot Tuohy (Brownrose in Terror of the Autons)
1922 - Fulton Mackay (Doctor Quinn in Doctor Who and the Silurians)
1936 - Michael Coles (Ganatus in the movie Dr. Who and the Daleks)
1947 - John Nathan-Turner (Producer [1980-1989]; Production Unit Manager [1977-1980]; floor assistant on The Space Pirates, The Ambassadors of Death and Colony in Space)

1948 - Penny Casdagli (Jall in Destiny of the Daleks)
1965 - Staz Johnson (comic strip artist for Doctor Who Magazine)

2003 - Anne Tirard (Locusta in The Romans and the Seeker in The Ribos Operation) aged 86

2004 - Alec Wallis (Bowman in The Sea Devils and Warner in Revenge of the Cybermen) aged 83; Peter Woodthorpe (Joey Oxford in the BBC Radio spoof documentary Whatever Happened to Susan Foreman?) aged 82

2011 - Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode Six ('The Middle Men'): 4.6 million viewers

1982 - Issue 68 of Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel)

2010 - Issue 179 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)
2014 - The Fifth Doctor Box Set (Big Finish Productions)

2015 - Four Doctors, Part One ((Titan Comics); The Warehouse (Big Finish Productions)
2016 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 160 (Big Finish)

1963 - Waris Hussein met with Brian Hodgson from the Radiophonic Workshop to discuss possible sound designs for the TARDIS; Donald Wilson sent a memo to Sydney Newman, recommending that Doctor Who shouldn't be recorded in Lime Grove Studios

Demdike@Cult Labs 12th August 2018 02:37 PM

Pic of the Day # 568
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The Cyberleader from Revenge of the Cybermen (1975)

Gothmogxx 12th August 2018 10:53 PM

Season 15 was a total let down compared to what came before it, especially the last 3 Seasons. The only Story I really liked was, to my complete surprise, The Invasion of Time. Does it have issues, like the budget? Sure but it was at least enjoyable. Tom was at his very best, pretending to be arrogant and like a bad guy. And I enjoyed the scenes inside the TARDIS, yes they needed to stop reusing certain sets again and again but the thing is, at least it was fun to watch. The only really annoying thing was the Sontarans, who long after the amazing Linx in Time Warrior, look terrible without the helmets (though its only brief times when you see their face).

The rest of the Season? Well The Horror of Fang Rock was average, nowhere near the classic its held up as. The Invisible enemy was likewise average, but I think I preferred it slightly more.

Image of the Fendahl should, by all accounts, be a masterpiece. It does have that gothic horror feel and its first episode, even bits of the second one, come off as good. The direction was nice and the whole thing had the potential to be very atmospheric. It definitely looks good. But it’s boring. Really, really boring.

Sun Makers was a funny concept. A complete contrast to the gothic horror stories. Neither great nor bad, again its just average, which is more than what I can say for the single worst Story I have ever watched.

That story, if you want to know, is Underworld. Holy sweet Jesus. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? I mean look... The Web Planet is bad but you know what, they tried. They really tried their hardest and I genuinely respect their ambition to try what they did (hey in all fairness it has a solid first episode as well). It fails for the most part but they tried. Even something I hate, like Deadly Assassin, has at least, some redeeming factors. The Master looks good (albeit used badly), Tom is good in it...

But nothing, NOTHING in those stories comes close to this. For the first time in the marathon, I almost feel asleep. Even the worst stories before this, which includes Space Pirates, never made me feel this way.

It starts out promising. Episode one is the most bearable of the lot, as it introduces interesting concepts like the reason for the Time Lords' policy of non-intervention.

Then they crash into the Planet of CSO, and everything goes off the rails in a way I thought not possible. I know I keep hyping it up as so bad but it really is!

The heavy use of CSO means the director is hobbled into using static shot after static shot, and the CSO is so unconvincing (K-9 traveling through rocks, parts of Trogs disappearing) that it completely destroys any willing suspension of disbelief. Even the worse of the CSO in Pertwee's time was better than this. Even the Planet of the Spiders which I thought was the absolute worst in terms of CSO until this travesty.

The Trogs are drab, one-dimensional, unengaging characters dressed in drab smocks. Their slave masters aren't much better. The Seers, once unveiled, are laughable (I had to google the names, usually I can remember them, but this time I gave up).

Mad computer? If you can it right fine but its just an inferior Face of Evil in that regard.

It’s not just the CSO. It’s not just the characterization. It’s not just that this is a story that takes the hackneyed mad computer and does precisely nothing new with it (unlike the wonderful Face of Evil.) It’s not just the woeful direction, the feeble enemy, the way in which even Tom and Louise are dragged down from their lofty pinnacle. It’s not just that it’s so bloomin’ dull from the first second to the last.

Its that this might just be the one Story, where NOTHING at all works. All of it is a problem

So... I think this is a first in the marathon, but I'm giving this a 0 out of 10. I haven't even seen Time and the Rani, Timelash or The Twin Dilemma, which according to a top 200 Stories poll, are the only three worse than this one.

Worse than this? I dread to think... Until early July, I have done nothing but watch Doctor Who and little else as part of this marathon. As much as I enjoy it, I have planned a break several times and failed to take it. When Troughton finished I wanted to stop for a month except "No, Spearhead From Space is next, UNIT, the Brig, Silurians, the masterpiece that is Inferno". Then by Pertwee's ending, I was gonna try again but i'm like "Its really good for a while yet, you've got Genesis of the Daleks and gothic horror coming up". So I watched those three Seasons and planned to stop for a bit but I hadn't seen a lot of Season 15, or in the case of the ones I had seen, it had been about 10 years since I watched them. Intrigued, I continued and found myself let down, though not out. Unfortunately, Underworld sealed the deal. Underworld made me resolve to take a break from this after I finished the rest of the Season for over a month, it was that bad.

Before that though, I had to watch Invasion of Time. What a masterpiece compared to what just come before:lol::lol::lol: Perfection? No, But between great characters, a wonderful performance by Tom Baker, a good Story, a wonderful twist with the Sontarans and the chase in the TARDIS... I'll certainly take it over Underworld. The only bad things are the Sontaran faces and Leela's lame departure but a good Season final and the best of the Season.

I love this show but I didn't regret that break. I ordered loads of 80's slasher films + Cannibal Ferox and enjoyed watching something different. I've also started re-watching the Friday the 13th's, which I'm still doing. Its felt great.

So, over a month later, today I watched The Ribos Operation and loved it. As I see it, its unquestionably better than most of the last Season except perhaps Invasion of Time. The script is one of the best, it has great actors, great sets and a good start for Romana.

Its good to be watching Doctor Who again :woot::woot:

iank 12th August 2018 11:12 PM

Inflation was so bad, and the show's budget so low, that they quite literally ran out of money for cave sets in Underworld. :scared:

Ribos is marvellous, but I couldn't disagree more about Fang Rock and Fendahl.

Susan Foreman 13th August 2018 07:07 AM

August 13th: Today on WHO-story:

1904 - Bartlett Mullins (Second Elder in The Sensorites)

1941 - Susan Jameson (Fenella Wibsey [Fourth Doctor companion, BBC Audio adventures])
1950 - Jane Carr (Computer in the BBC Radio 4 story Slipback)
1979 - Helen Dickson (post-production editor on Doctor Who and Class)

2017 - Victor Pemberton (writer of Fury from the Deep; script editor on The Tomb of the Cybermen; Scientist in The Moonbase; creator of the Sonic Screwdriver; partner to The Abominable Snowmen guest actor David Spenser) aged 85

2011 - Best of the Doctor (BBC America)

1981 - Issue 56 of Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel)

1987 - Issue 128 of Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel)

2001 - The TV Movie (DVD - region 2)
2003 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth (DVD - region 4)

2009 - Issue 128 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)

1963 - Sydney Newman respond to Donald Wilson's memo regarding Doctor Who being recorded at Lime Grove Studios, agreeing with the studio's limitations and doing what he can to change the studios
1969 - A meeting was held regarding regarding the writing process of the first three episodes of The Ambassadors of Death
2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Max Warp took place
2011 - Recording of Big Finish's Bernice Summerfield story Road Trip took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 13th August 2018 06:32 PM

Pic of the Day # 569
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Frances Barber as Madame Kovarian in A Good Man Goes to War (2011)

Demdike@Cult Labs 13th August 2018 07:47 PM

Big Finish are adapting two classic comic strips to audio, both starring Tom Baker.

The Iron Legion and The Star Beast. Both originally produced by legends Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons.

The Iron Legion is excellent.

Susan Foreman 14th August 2018 05:41 AM

August 14th: Today in WHO-story:

1918 - Patsy Smart (Ghoul in The Talons of Weng-Chiang)

1934 - Vernon Dobtcheff (Scientist in The War Games; Big Finish Productions actor - Dadda Desaka in The Cradle of the Snake, Shamur in The Children of Seth, Jorenzo Zorn in The Genesis Chamber, Sibelius Crow in the Jago & Litefoot story The Necropolis Express and Professor Heinrich Schumann in the Counter-Measures story Threshold); Trevor Bannister (Korbin Thessinger in the Big Finish audio Nocturne)

1938 - Hilary Tindall (Marion Clements in the stage show The Curse of the Daleks)
1955 - Gillian Taylforth (BBC EastEnders' Kathy Beale in the BBC Children in Need special Dimensions in Time)
1969 - Paul Driscoll (writer of The God Complex research as part of Obverse Books' The Black Archive series)
1970 - Alexander Armstrong (Mr. Smith in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End and the Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures and Reg Arwell in The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe)

2011 - Let's Kill Hitler prequel (webcast mini-episode)

1980 - Issue 44 of Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel)

1986 - Issue 116 of Doctor Who Magazine (Marvel)
2008 - Issue 77 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)

2013 - Issue 327 of Doctor Who Adventures (Immediate Media Co.)
2014 - Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition: Year of the Doctor (Panini Comics UK)
2015 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 133 (Big Finish)

2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Brave New Town took place

2011 - Recording of Big Finish's Bernice Summerfield story Legion took place
2017 - Recording of the Big Finish audio anthology The Tenth Doctor Chronicles took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 14th August 2018 09:44 AM

Pic of the Day # 570
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Ace (Sophie Aldred) in the clutches of the creepy Josiah Samuel Smith (Ian Hogg) and Mrs Pritchard (Sylvia Syms) in Ghost Light (1989)

Susan Foreman 15th August 2018 05:26 AM

August 15th: Today in WHO-story:

1925 - Roma Woodnutt (Nola in The Underwater Menace)

1945 - Nigel Terry (General Cobb in The Doctor's Daughter); William Lindsay (Zargo in State of Decay)

1963 - Con O'Neill (Huw MacLean in the Class story Co-owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart)
1966 - Philip Meehan (dubbing editor on the Comic Relief special The Curse of Fatal Death)

2011 - Noel Collins (Pat Rowlinson in Battlefield) aged 74

1964 - The Reign of Terror, Episode Two ('Guests of Madame Guillotine'): 6.9 million viewers

1991 - Timewyrm: Exodus (Virgin Books)

1996 - Return of the Living Dad and The Shadow of Weng-Chiang (Virgin Books)
2008 - Agent Provocateur (IDW Publishing)
2014 - Zygon Hunt and Revenge of the Swarm (Big Finish Productions)

1963 - Carole Ann Ford visited BBC Television Centre to have costume fittings and make-up tests for Susan Foreman
2003 - Recording of Big Finish's 40th anniversary Doctor Who story Zagreus took place

Susan Foreman 15th August 2018 12:56 PM

Apparently, this years Children In Need thing is going to feature a specially recorded skit, rather than a clip from an upcoming episode or the Christmas special

Presumably this will have Bradley Walsh hosting a 'Doctor Who' episode of 'The Chase' (but NOT the one with the Daleks!)

Demdike@Cult Labs 15th August 2018 01:04 PM

Pic of the Day # 571
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The Ice Warriors as seen in The Monster of Peladon (1974)

Susan Foreman 16th August 2018 05:43 AM

August 16th: Today in WHO-story:

1928 - Murphy Grumbar (Dalek [1963-1974]; a Mechanoid in The Chase, Arcturus in The Curse of Peladon and an extra in The Three Doctors and Carnival of Monsters)

1934 - John Standing (Big Finish Productions actor - Fenric in Gods and Monsters, and Professor Threadstone in Vampire of the Mind)

1935 - Janet Henfrey (Miss Hardaker in The Curse of Fenric and Mrs. Pitt in Mummy on the Orient Express; Big Finish actress - Mrs. Vanguard in the Jago & Litefoot story The Spirit Trap and Doctor Petherbridge in the audio anthology Breaking Bubbles and Other Stories)

1942 - John Challis (Scorby in The Seeds of Doom and the 'Rosser' incarnation of Drax in the Big Finish audio The Trouble with Drax)

1997 - Robin Wentworth (Professor Gilbert Horner in The Daemons) aged 82

2002 - Real Time, Episode Three (webcast)

2007 - Issue 36 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)

2012 - The Wheel of Ice (BBC Books); issue 282 of Doctor Who Adventures (Immediate Media Co.); The Masters of Luxor (Big Finish)

2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Skull of Sobek took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 16th August 2018 03:08 PM

Pic of the Day # 572
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Michelle Gomez as Missy (right) along with her companions Nardole and Bill in World Enough and Time (2017)

Susan Foreman 17th August 2018 05:58 AM

August 17th: Today in WHO-story:

1953 - Stephen Flynn (Grigory in Revelation of the Daleks)

1960 - Karen Gledhill (Allison Williams in Remembrance of the Daleks and Big Finish Productions' Doctor Who spin-off Counter-Measures)
1968 - Helen McCrory (Rosanna Calvierri in The Vampires of Venice)

1990 - Graham Williams (Producer [1977-1980]; co-writer of The Invasion of Time and City of Death [under the pseudonym David Agnew]; writer of the unmade TV story-turned-Big Finish audio The Nightmare Fair; director of Nightmare of Eden [uncredited]) aged 45

1993 - Bill Smith (extra in The Gunfighters)
2007 - George Giles (Guard Captain in The Curse of Peladon) aged 76

1968 - The Dominators, Episode Two: 5.9 million viewers

1989 - The Ultimate Evil (Target Books)

1995 - Zamper and Invasion of the Cat-People (Virgin Books)
2006 - Issue 373 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics UK)

2015 - The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure (Big Finish)
2017 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 213 (Big Finish)

2005 - The winning entry for Blue Peter's Design-a-Monster competition was confirmed as the Abzorbaloff, which would appear in Love & Monsters
2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Zygon Who Fell to Earth took place

2009 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Book of Kells took place
2011 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Renaissance Man took place
2017 - Recording of Big Finish's audio anthology The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 17th August 2018 12:00 PM

Pic of the Day # 573
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The Master (Anthony Ainley) de-scarecrows himself in The Mark of the Rani (1985)

Susan Foreman 18th August 2018 06:13 AM

August 18th: Today in WHO-Story:

1925 - Brian Aldiss (writer of the short story Umwelts for Hire)
1938 - Roy Boyd (Driscoll in The Hand of Fear)
1940 - Barry Justice (King Charles IX in The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve)

1941 - David Bache (extra in Earthshock, Revelation of the Daleks and The Trial of a Time Lord)
1945 - Paul Alexander (Clockwork Soldier in The Mind Robber)
1948 - Joseph Marcell (John in Remembrance of the Daleks)

1956 - John Debney (music composer on the TV Movie)

1993 - Maia Mitchell (Taphony in the K9 story Taphony and the Time Loop)

1985 - Reg Lever (Joker in The Celestial Toymaker) aged 81

1991 - Barbara Leake (Mrs. Farrel in Terror of the Autons) aged 88

1995 - James Maxwell (Jackson in Underworld) aged 66
2001 - Tom Watson (Ramo in The Underwater Menace) aged 69
2010 - Madeleine Mills (Vana in The Krotons) aged 69
2016 - Michael Napier-Brown (Arturo Villar in The War Games) aged 79

1994 - Strange England (Virgin Books)

1997 - The Bodysnatchers and The Ultimate Treasure (BBC Books); The Happiness Patrol (VHS)
2003 - Earthshock (DVD - region 2)
2005 - Issue 360 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics UK)

2011 - Torchwood: The Men Who Sold the World (BBC Books); issue 231 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)

1995 - Matthew Jacobs submitted a draft script for the TV Movie
2011 - Recording of Big Finish Productions' audio adventure Trail of the White Worm took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 18th August 2018 02:35 PM

Pic of the Day # 574
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Dalek zombies from Asylum of the Daleks (2012)

Susan Foreman 19th August 2018 06:34 AM

August 19th: Today in WHO-Story:

1931 - Hilary Sesta (Fortune Teller in Snakedance)

1948 - Jim Carter (Brother Bernard in the Big Finish audio The Book of Kells)
1960 - David John (Derek in Survival; Big Finish Productions actor - Liam McShane in The Reaping, Bank Robber in the Sarah Jane Smith story Comeback and Pete Stepney in the Jago & Litefoot story The Flickermen)

1969 - S.P. Krause (writer of the K9 stories Regeneration, Liberation, The Fall of the House of Gryffen, The Custodians, The Last Precinct, Hound of the Korven and The Eclipse of the Korven)
1977 - Callum Blue (Lord James Marchwood in the Sarah Jane Adventures story The Eternity Trap)
1979 - Joshua Hale Fialkov (writer of IDW Publishing's comic strips Run, Doctor, Run, As Time Goes By and Space Oddity)

2017 - Brian Aldiss (writer of the short story Umwelts for Hire) died the day after his 92nd birthday

2011 - Torchwood: Miracle Day, Episode Seven ('Immortal Sins'): 4.48 million viewers

1993 - Birthright (Virgin Books)

2004 - Issue 347 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics UK)

2010 - Issue 425 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini); issue 180 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)
2015 - Four Doctors, Part Two (Titan Comics)
2016 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 181 (Big Finish)

2005 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Cryptobiosis took place
2009 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Deimos/The Resurrection of Mars took place
2011 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Oseidon Adventure took place

Demoncrat 19th August 2018 10:20 AM

The Sweeney (S2, Ep 7 "Hit And Run")

I mention this one here because Patrick Troughton is the main tearaway here, with Micheal Sheard in a supporting role ... as a teacher!! :lol:
Pat's a right nasty bleeder in this an' all ... and his sheepskin jacket is de riguer for the period :nod:

Demdike@Cult Labs 19th August 2018 11:45 AM

Pic of the Day # 575
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The Ghosts reveal themselves in the 2006 story Army of Ghosts.

Susan Foreman 20th August 2018 06:18 AM

August 20th: Today in WHO-story:

1909 - André Morell (Marshal Tavannes in The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve)

1916 - Bernard Archard (Bragen in The Power of the Daleks and Marcus Scarman in Pyramids of Mars)

1918 - Michael Godfrey (Captain Pike in The Smugglers)
1921 - Roy Godfrey (Tramp in The War Machines)
1932 - Anthony Ainley (The Master [1981-1989]; Tremas in The Keeper of Traken)

1943 - Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor; Himself in the 50th anniversary spoof The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, Walton Winkie in the Big Finish audio Zagreus, the Foot Doctor in Do You Have a Licence to Save This Planet? and Doctor Colin Dove in the PROBE story The Zero Imperative)

1955 - Hilary Ryan (Rodan in The Invasion of Time)
1962 - Sophie Aldred (Ace [Seventh Doctor companion]; Big Finish Productions actress - Captain Duck in Zagreus, Miranda in the Bernice Summerfield story Beyond the Sun, Dave Stone in the Bernice Summerfield story Many Happy Returns and Lady Bow'n in the Iris Wildthyme story Iris at the Oche; Mari in Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans and the P.R.O. in the PROBE story The Zero Imperative); James Marsters (Captain John Hart [Torchwood villain])

1968 - Matthew Chambers (Hal Korwin in 42)
1969 - Barnaby Edwards (Dalek [2005-TBC]; writer, director & actor of Doctor Who audio adventures from Big Finish and the Adventure Games series)
1970 - Adrian Bower (Steffan in the Big Finish audio Survival of the Fittest)
1971 - David Walliams (Gibbis in The God Complex and Quincy Flowers & Ned Cotton in the Big Finish audio Phantasmagoria)
1983 - Andrew Garfield (Frank in Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)

1991 - Betty Bowden (Meg Seeley in Spearhead from Space) aged 86
1993 - Sydney Arnold (Perkins in The Highlanders) aged 93
1997 - Bill Mitchell (Newsreader in Frontier in Space and Zor in the Argo Records story Doctor Who and the Pescatons) aged 62
2010 - Robert Rowland (extra in The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

2009 - Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Doctor (BBC Three)
2011 - Best of the Companions and Best of the Monsters (BBC America)

1992 - Nightshade (Virgin Books)

1998 - Another Girl, Another Planet (Virgin Books)
2009 - Issue 129 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines); issue 412 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics UK)
2012 - Planet of Giants (DVD - region 2)
2015 - Issue 490 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini)
2016 - Erimem: Buccaneer (Thebes Publishing)

1963 - Work began on the first Doctor Who title sequence
2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Sisters of the Flame took place
2009 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Deimos/The Resurrection of Mars took place
2015 - Recording of Big Finish's Torchwood story Uncanny Valley took place

Susan Foreman 20th August 2018 11:46 AM

No further info at the moment, but I have had the following message from one of my FB chums:

"Having a not very good Monday, and then get lovely news about an upcoming Doctor Who release

Season 19 blu-ray set. Its not been officially announced yet but early copies of DWM have the announcement and a pack shot"

Demdike@Cult Labs 20th August 2018 11:57 AM

Yeah it's odd that DWM arrived on a Monday morning. It's usually Thursday.

Season 19 has a couple of really good stories in Earthshock and The Visitation and possibly Kinda depending on my mood but the rest are all merely okay except for Timeflight which is pretty poor.

If they wanted a fifth Doctor season i would have gone for season 21.

Rob4 20th August 2018 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 585633)
Yeah it's odd that DWM arrived on a Monday morning. It's usually Thursday.

Season 19 has a couple of really good stories in Earthshock and The Visitation and possibly Kinda depending on my mood but the rest are all merely okay except for Timeflight which is pretty poor.

If they wanted a fifth Doctor season i would have gone for season 21.

i'm not a fan of cgi enhancement but if they do something with the papier mache snake in Kinda i wouldn't disapprove :nod:

Susan Foreman 20th August 2018 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rob4 (Post 585642)
i'm not a fan of cgi enhancement but if they do something with the papier mache snake in Kinda i wouldn't disapprove :nod:

The DVD release in the 'Mara Tales' boxset comes with the option of either watching the story with the original effects, or watching the story with new CGI effects

JAMIOUSE 20th August 2018 06:25 PM

Yeah not the best Davidson season but it has some okay stories, I should probably give more love to Davidsons era as he was my first Doctor. I wonder if the plan is to put out every Doctors first season before returning to their next one, are Colin and Sylvester next?

Andra Jai 20th August 2018 08:05 PM

This is the season that helped me make up my mind on buying the blu-ray releases.

The 5th Doctor has always been my favourite with only one story (Snakedance) that I didn't like. Having already got every Doctor Who dvd release I knew I would be unable to resist buying his seasons on blu-ray especially with the added documentaries.

As a huge fan 80s DW, I hope they continue the range with a few more seasons from this time period as it's these that I watch more than anything else.

iank 20th August 2018 09:54 PM

I haven't bought the (error-riddled) first one yet. :tongue1:

Demdike@Cult Labs 20th August 2018 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by iank (Post 585680)
I haven't bought the (error-riddled) first one yet. :tongue1:

I wouldn't bother until they sort it out.

Demdike@Cult Labs 20th August 2018 10:03 PM

Pic of the Day # 576
1 Attachment(s)
A Mummy from the classic Tom Baker story The Pyramids of Mars (1975)

Susan Foreman 21st August 2018 09:08 AM

August 21: Today in WHO-story:

*NOTE* For the first time since starting this, today's entry has been a struggle! I have not been able to locate any births, deaths or episodes to note!!

1975 - The Green Death (Target Books)

1980 - The Keys of Marinus and Nightmare of Eden (Target Books)
1986 - Slipback [Paperback] (Target Books)

1997 - Ship of Fools (Virgin Books)
2015 - Toby Hadoke's Who's Round 134 (Big Finish Productions)

1963 - Jacqueline Hill visited the BBC Television Centre to have make-up tests and costume fittings for her role as Barbara Wright; Verity Lambert met with Peter Brachacki to discuss set designs for An Unearthly Child
2006 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Blood of the Daleks took place
2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Dead London took place

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 21st August 2018 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 585693)
August 21: Today in WHO-story:

*NOTE* For the first time since starting this, today's entry has been a struggle! I have not been able to locate any births, deaths or episodes to note!!

Your efforts are appreciated all the same. I've been really enjoying these. :nod:

Demdike@Cult Labs 21st August 2018 11:41 AM

Susan would have got a 'like' from me had she just posted The Green Death Target cover and left it at that. :nod:

Susan Foreman 21st August 2018 03:02 PM

Season 19 Blu-Ray trailer

Susan Foreman 22nd August 2018 06:03 AM

August 22nd: Today in WHO-story

1921 - Robert Marsden (Abraham Lincoln in The Chase and an extra in The Mind of Evil)

1925 - Ivor Salter (Morok Commander in The Space Museum, Odysseus in The Myth Makers and Sergeant Markham in Black Orchid); Honor Blackman (Professor Laskey in The Happiness Patrol and Queen Anahita in the Big Finish audio The Children of Seth)

1959 - Mark Williams (Brian Williams [Rory Williams' father]; Maxwell Edison in the Big Finish audio The Eternal Summer)

1978 - James Corden (Craig Owens)

1997 - Jake Dudman (Big Finish Productions actor - Samuel Computer in The Helliax Rift, UNIT Radio Operator in Storm of the Horofax, Arcking 12 Computer in the War Master story The Good Master and narrator of The Tenth Doctor Chronicles and The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles)

2016 - Michael Leader (extra in The Leisure Hive, The Visitation, Mawdryn Undead and The King's Demons) aged 78

1964 - The Reign of Terror, Episode Three ('A Change of Identity'): 6.9 million viewers

1986 - Special Effects (Arrow Books Limited)

2002 - Ghost Ship (Telos Publishing); issue 321 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics UK)

2008 - Torchwood The Official Magazine Yearbook 2008 (Titan Books)
2013 - Issue 464 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini)

1963 - Verity Lambert met with James Bould to discuss a story which eventually became Planet of Giants, which he eventually didn't write
2002 - Recording of Big Finish's Bernice Summerfield story The Dance of the Dead
2003 - Recording of Big Finish's 40th anniversary Doctor Who story Zagreus took place
2006 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Phobos took place
2007 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Return to the Web Planet took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 22nd August 2018 11:59 AM

Pic of the Day # 577
1 Attachment(s)
Following yesterdays no show, here's a lot of monsters (Daleks, Cybermen, Autons, Hoix, Sontarans and Sycorax) from The Pandorica Opens (2010)

trebor8273 22nd August 2018 06:39 PM

Are they going to do more copys of season 12, I should of waited before I sold mine as it's going for silly money now.

Demdike@Cult Labs 22nd August 2018 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by trebor8273 (Post 585865)
Are they going to do more copys of season 12, I should of waited before I sold mine as it's going for silly money now.

The word is yes. When? Who knows?

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