To celebrate the 30th birthday of the greatest secret agent the world has ever known and one of Britain’s best loved animated characters, Danger Mouse, this September FremantleMedia Enterprises is releasing Danger Mouse – The Complete Collection 30th Anniversary Edition as a 10-disc DVD set featuring every single episode of Danger Mouse and, for the first time ever, in the correct screening order. The collection also comes with a brand new extra feature exclusive to this release, the never-seen-before featurette “Danger Mouse And Friends”.

First broadcast on 28th September 1981 and starring David Jason as the intrepid hero and Terry Scott as his faithful but bumbling assistant Penfold, Danger Mouse was an instant hit with children and adults alike and has since become a national institution. The show’s enormous popularity was confirmed when it ranked third in Channel 4’s poll of the 100 Greatest Kids’ TV Shows, just behind The Simpsons and The Muppet Show, respectively, and ahead of the likes of Bagpuss, Scooby-Doo, Wallace and Gromit and even Doctor Who!


Operating from a secret base concealed in a post box on a quiet corner in Mayfair, Danger Mouse and Penfold are committed to fighting evil and villainy wherever they raise their ugly heads. Their commanding officer and the Head of World Security is Colonel K, a gruff and absent-minded old chinchilla who remains in contact with his two best agents by a videophone linked to Danger Mouse’s flat and car. Amongst all the world’s villains, their number one arch-nemesis is a despicable toad known as Baron Silas Greenback. Assisted by his pet caterpillar, Nero, and a skinny Italian crow with a heart as black as his feathers, known as Stiletto, Greenback is known in criminal circles as the greatest evil genius in the universe because of the brilliant inventions and diabolical schemes he uses to make his dream of ruling the world a reality. Only Danger Mouse and Penfold stand between the Baron and world domination.

Produced by the BAFTA and Emmy award winning Cosgrove Hall Films (The Wind In The Willows; Postman Pat; Chorlton And The Wheelies; Terry Pratchett’s Truckers) and also featuring the very first appearances of that other much-loved animated character, Count Duckula, Danger Mouse – The Complete Collection 30th Anniversary Edition is the ultimate DVD release for Danger Mouse fans.

Danger Mouse – The Complete Collection 30th Anniversary Edition (cert. U) will be released on DVD (£49.99) by FremantleMedia Enterprises on 26th September 2011.

Special Features include: Danger Mouse And Friends; pilot episode; interviews with Brian Cosgrove and Mark Hall; exclusive behind-the-scenes footage; Danger Mouse game; original theme tune ideas; biographies; stills galleries.



Totally genuine photograph of me doing work experience.

Would you Adam and Eve it, it’s another Weekly Cult Labs Newsletter! Top banana me ol’ china plate. I’ve been down ye Olde London town this past week, if you haven’t guessed already, working for a Scriptwriting Agency. It’s not too hard but by golly it leaves me cream crackered! So I apologise in advance if this week’s edition is a little lacking or goes all a bit Pete Tong; it’s been a long, long day. My brain has turned to mush (more than usual). But fear not me ol’ muckas for this week is full with awesomeness, crammed with links and bubbling over with all the latest news. So, run up the apples and stairs, unhook the dog and bone and take a butchers at this as I guide you through the world of Cult Labs and hang my head in shame at this lame attempt at speaking cockney. Good show, old bean.


What with last week's riots, the police are still a little tied up.

To be honest, there doesn’t seem to be that many great titles out this week. Good things come to those who wait, as they say (whoever they are) and that’s certainly true with the upcoming Shameless releases and the new ArrowDrome label underway. But in the meantime, if you’ve still got the munchies for a great new horror film drenched in gore and boiled in blood then look no further than this week’s Wreckage (Chelsea Films, DVD). Starring Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad, Last House On The Left), Scoot McNairy (Monsters) and Kelly Kruger (Mysterious Skin ), this low budget film tells the story of a group of friends whose car breaks down. Cliched you say? Ok Mr. Smartypants, I guess advicing them to get their car fixed and get out of there A.S.A.P. would be the best idea? Wrongo! For it just so happens there’s a serial killer on the loose and he fancies himself some killing! With an recommended retail price of only £12.99 this new horror film is one to check out if you get the chance.


Let the countdown begin! It’s only 10 more days until Hatchet 2 (Arrow Films, DVD & Blu-Ray) is finally released here in the UK. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The sequel to the incredibly popular slasher film hits shop shelves very soon  – why not celebrate in style by pre-ordering and having a slasher-thon in the next 10 days? A slasher a night! Halloween, Slaughter High, Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Sleepaway Camp, Child’s Play, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, My Bloody Valentine, Hatchet and climaxing with Hatchet 2. Perfect! And for all you horror fans out there reading this, if that’s not enough then be sure to visit the film’s official blog and mini-forum dedicated solely to this gruesome slasher.

The only prison you'll never want to leave - it's that addictive!

Or if horror isn’t your cup of tea, no problem! The 29th of August also sees the release of the much loved cult phenomenon Prisoner: Cell Block H Volume 9 box set (Shock Entertainment & FremantleMedia Enterprises). Horray! Full of drama, comedy tension and fantastic characters and storylines this infamous television show just keeps getting stronger and stronger. If you’re a fan of this show then it goes without question that this box set is a must have. New to the programme? Well, what better place to get stuck in! Come and join in the conversation over at the Prisoner forum, say hi to the other inmates…or we’ll set ol’ Vinegar Tits on you and carry you off to isulation. It’s your choice.


So what else has been happening with Cult Labs? More specifically what’s been going on in the ever-growing forum? Well, let me tell you. Here’s just a few of the best new things the forum has to offer this week.

Choose ArrowDrome’s Sci-Fi Color! As I’m sure you’re all well aware off, Arrow Video had recently announced a new mini-label, ArrowDrome (click here for their official announcement). With planned films including McBain, The Man With The Severed Head, The Cheerleaders and Dawn and Day Of The Dead, reversible covers and extras quite literally oozing over the top, these clearly are the best DVDs you’ll be able to buy on a budget. Forget the saying ‘a bang for your buck’! These releases are more like a-massive-damn-firework-display-complete-with-free-biscuits for your buck. But Arrow needs your help in designing the cover art for these new titles. So far the colour red is for the horror ArrowDrome films, orange is reserved for action, pink for those naughty films and, taking a page out of Shameless’ notebook, yellow for gialli. But what about sci-fi? This is where you come in – head on over to the poll here and pick which colour best suits this genre of releases.

  • Choose ArrowDrome’s Sci-Fi Color! As I’m sure you’re all well aware off, Arrow Video had recently announced a new mini-label, ArrowDrome (click here for the official sub-forum). With planned films including McBain, The Man With The Severed Head, The Cheerleaders and Dawn and Day Of The Dead, reversible covers and extras quite literally oozing over the top, these clearly are the best DVDs you’ll be able to buy on a budget. Forget the saying ‘a bang for your buck’! These releases are more like a-massive-damn-firework-display-complete-with-free-biscuits for your buck. But Arrow needs your help in designing the cover art for these new titles. So far the colour red is for the horror ArrowDrome films, orange is reserved for action, pink for those naughty films and, taking a page out of Shameless’ notebook, yellow for gialli. But what about sci-fi? This is where you come in – head on over to the poll here and pick which colour best suits this genre of releases.
  • Reaper ask’s Should Arrow Re-Release Zombie Lake as a Special Edition? Well. Give the man an answer! I voted yes – sure the film isn’t exactly Citzen Kane or The Godfather, but for me this slice of undead naziploitation is a perfect piece of cult sleaze. Complete with the living dead Nazis (wearing vomit-green facepaint, naturally), ‘dead’ bodies that breath and acting more wooden than a forest full of Daniel Radcliffe-trees, this film would make a great Arrow release. But what do you think? Do you agree or think we’re both crazy. Let us know here. Heil. Got any of your own suggestions for what you’d like Arrow or Shameless to release? Why not let us and them know by clicking this or that.
  • Cult Labs regular and all round great guy Pete has created a great thread for those wanting to take a break from all the Cult chat . Post up your funniest pictures! There’s some great stuff up there already, from Riot satire to a poop concious canine. The perfect place to spend those moments when you should be working, but the boss isn’t looking.


He may be a pscyhopath, but he sure has great fashion sense.

It’s been a brilliant week for competition winners on the Labs lately. Firstly a HUGE congratulations to everyone who entered the uber Super Comp allowing you to design the merchandise t-shirt for Brad Mill’s (paranoidbrunnette) upcoming thowback slasher film The Legend Of The Psychotic Forest Ranger. He announced via video – straight from the film’s premier! – that ckatz‘s design won! He also, rather generously, decided EVERYONE who entered the competition could get the t-shirt absolutly free (excl. P&P)! So, if you did enter, don’t hesitate to either get in contact with myself or Brad! And here’s a picture of the murderous ranger himself sporting the winning design. Awesome! And don’t forget to support this independent little film as best you can by visiting it’s Facebook group.

And a huge well done to Baseball Fury, DryJack and the blob for winning The Lost Bladesman in last week’s competition. For a chance to win something yourself, head to this week’s comp in my Comp Corner for all the details. This week’s prize is the aforementioned Wrecked. Just click this.

ALSO! For everyone who has won something in the past few weeks, I’ll be heading into the office this coming Thursday (the 25th) just before Frightfest kicks off, to post any outstanding prizes. If you have any questions or anything you wanted sorted, just give me a PM!


Take it away BioZombie!

Now is that a double bill or what?!

The Scala Forever Season is still chugging along in London, with a frankly brain- exploding amount of cult classics (also there’s a little thing called Frightfest starting on the 25th August). However, there’s load of other stuff going on too, so below are
some of the best cult cinema around the rest of the country this week.

Cult film demands to seen on the big screen with an appreciative audience, so head over to The GrindHouse Project and give in to that demand (or else).

Woo! Thanks BioZombie! For you all Shameless fans out there – who isn’t one! (besides ol’ Mary Whitehouse perhaps) the Scala Season BioZombie mentioned may be of particular interest. Showing not only the brilliant Frightened Women (a shameless fav of mine) but ALSO Lucio Fulci’s incredible masterpiece (and upcoming release) Don’t Torture A Duckling! Be there or…don’t. But if you’re not, you’re missing out!

Well that’s it for another cram-packed newsletter. I’m off to bed.

Don’t forget…

There are so many ways you can get involved with all the cult film fun at Cult Labs:

o Join in the debate on the forums.

o Sign up to the newsletter (if you haven’t already!).

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o Check us out on MySpace.

Toodle pip.


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