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seagullsovergrimsby 27th September 2015 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 462829)
Loads have been brought back - Ice Warriors, Sontarans, Autons, The Great Intelligence, Silurians, Macra, The Master.

If you could stay awake the Doctor always mentions he's met them before.

What a nitemare for her to be encased in a dalek and only able 2 say "EXTERMINATE!!!!". Didn't WATCH all of the Episoad. :confused:

hivemind 27th September 2015 11:13 AM

Finally, at last, a two-parter that I actually enjoyed. The Daleks had a sense of threat that in the past wasn't so evidential in previous stories, and Capaldi and Bleach were fantastic together. The effects look more effective than before. Overall I was impressed with story and the production values of Dr Who with this opener. It seems the message has finally got through to Steven Moffat about the Daleks. Thank God that Moffat dispatched those shitty Tele-tubbie Daleks and finally stuck to the tried and tested RTD, 1960's model Daleks. My overall rating for the story would be 8/10. A decent, and effective story that doesn't quite deliver the superb mix that Tom Baker's Genesis of the Daleks delivered in terms of story,but this was a worthy attempt that certainly produced some great moments. I would have this two-parter over Stolen Earth and the rather horrendous Journey's End everytime. Written by none other than Russell T. Davies. Considering he (Russell) left Davros screaming in rage at the end of Journey's End like a child who's lost his dummy. This Moffat two-parter was everything Journey's End should of been.... Roll on next weeks underwater base under seige...

Susan Foreman 27th September 2015 09:02 PM

BBC sued over Who first drew the evil Dalek mastermind Davros | Daily Mail Online

"A friend of Mr Clark said: ‘Steven was 16 when the episode was aired. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his creation on screen. It was a mixture of emotions. He was excited, confused and angry.’

The teenager, who by this time was working in his local branch of Halfords, contacted solicitors but it went no further because he had lost the copies of the competition entry.

However, 20 years later, he found them hidden in a set of family encyclopedias. He wrongly believed too much time had passed for another claim, although over the years he has sent several letters to the BBC asserting his rights over the character."

So, 'Genesis Of The Daleks' was first aired in 1975, that's 40 years ago, and he has only just got round to suing the BEEB!

gag 27th September 2015 09:29 PM

Im slightly amused by his comments
He go for the which ever sum is the largest but money aspect is not my primary motive??? :pound: of course not eh!!!

Experts believe that if Mr Clark can prove otherwise, he stands to earn tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. One legal source said: ‘He is asking for damages or a pound-for-pound equivalent for all the profits generated by the character since he was introduced to viewers in 1975. The likelihood is that he will go for whichever sum is the largest.

The money aspect of it is not my primary motivation. I am proud of the character I created and I just want my work to be recognised.

Susan Foreman 28th September 2015 07:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The Who Shop - Doctor Who Merchandise,

The Who Shop
39-41 Barking Road
Upton Park
London E6 1PY

Demoncrat 28th September 2015 10:59 AM

Enjoyed the opening episode. Felt that the concluding part was less enthralling.

Mojo 28th September 2015 01:03 PM

I have to say I thought that Saturday's concluding episode was terrific. The Doctor / Davros confrontation was brilliant - Moffat's writing here was top notch. Add to that the vocal and facial emotions by Julian Bleach were extraordinary.
The Jenna trapped in a Dalek situation was also a highlight. Definitely one of my favourite Capaldi episodes.

Susan Foreman 28th September 2015 02:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Please use this idea for the next Muppet movie

Susan Foreman 29th September 2015 09:43 AM

"Philip Morris, who rediscovered episodes of two Second Doctor serials, has revealed to fans that the milestone third episode of The Web of Fear was also found – before being stolen!"

Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews / Philip Morris: Web of Fear 3 "Bought by Collector" | Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews

Susan Foreman 30th September 2015 05:56 AM

Just in time for Christmas!

Doctor Who: The 10 Christmas Specials [Blu-ray]: David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Nick Frost, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Michael Gambon, Katherine Jenkins, Kylie Minogue, Catherine Tate, Billie Piper: D

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