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Susan Foreman 8th March 2017 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 524037)
I read it and was going to castigate gag for posting irrelevant bollocks. :nod:

But instead you posted, stating that Susan Foreman was 'a weak character' who was also 'Rubbish in the Five Doctors as well'!

Hardly seriously reprimanding someone!!

Demdike@Cult Labs 8th March 2017 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 524040)
But instead you posted, stating that Susan Foreman was 'a weak character' who was also 'Rubbish in the Five Doctors as well'!

Hardly seriously reprimanding someone!!

That was nos i replied to though not gag.

I ended up just ignoring gag.

gag 8th March 2017 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 524034)
Did people actually read the article?

It's nothing to do with 'Doctor Who' - it's two actresses who have been seen together at the Paris Fashion Show!

:pound: i was waiting to see if any noticed I read it but posted it for bit of fun :lol:


U got to have a laugh :tongue1:

Sorry ...............or am I. :rolleyes:

iank 8th March 2017 08:14 PM

Filming on the Xmas special, which marks the exit of Peter Capaldi and (long overdue) Steven Moffat, wraps in June.
Can't be long now till we find out who the new Doctor is...

Susan Foreman 9th March 2017 06:11 AM

RIP Terry Nation, died on March 9th, 1997

Not only did he create The Daleks, writing:

"The Daleks" (1963)
"The Dalek Invasion of Earth" (1964)
"The Chase" (1965)
"Mission to the Unknown" (1965)
"The Daleks' Master Plan" (co-written with Dennis Spooner, 1965)
"Planet of the Daleks" (1973)
"Death to the Daleks" (1974)
"Genesis of the Daleks" (1975)
"Destiny of the Daleks" (1979)

he also wrote

"The Keys of Marinus" (1964)
"The Android Invasion" (1975)

I think it's safe to say that, without him and his input, the show would never have survived beyond the first few episodes

Demdike@Cult Labs 9th March 2017 09:26 AM

Pic of the Day # 55
1 Attachment(s)
The Dominators (1968)

Susan Foreman 10th March 2017 07:08 AM

Totally agree. To my mind, this is the major problem with Nu-Who

Demdike@Cult Labs 10th March 2017 10:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The End of the World (2005)

Demdike@Cult Labs 10th March 2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Susan Foreman (Post 524194)
Totally agree. To my mind, this is the major problem with Nu-Who

Okay lets look at the facts.

I also agree the Doctor shouldn't mess with human women. However aside from ten and Rose he hasn't. It could also be said that the Doctor was coming off the back of the greatest war ever where he'd seemingly lost everything, would you miserable people deny him love again even with a chav human woman.

The scene where Amy snogged the 11th Doctor was just so wrong, but he wasn't the instigator of that at all and seemed embarrassed by it all. Since then over five years ago we have had nothing like that.

Going back to the Doctors who are quoted - if 6 hadn't tried to kill his companion ten minutes after meeting the very sexy Peri, who knows what might have happened, and well, 7, was just a spoon playing tit ;) So neither of these two were actually Mr. Charisma when it came to the ladies. I think they are just jealous.

Susan Foreman 10th March 2017 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 524203)
It could also be said that the Doctor was coming off the back of the greatest war ever where he'd seemingly lost everything, would you miserable people deny him love again even with a chav human woman

As far was we know it, The Creature From The Black Lagoon was the last of his species, so is it acceptable for him to lust over Julie Adams? And as for King Kong (as far as we know, he was the last of his species), was it right for him to be besotted by Faye Wray?

Of course not - they are different breeds

If you make any kind of argument that the above suggestions are acceptable, you have to make the same argument for Bodil Joensen in the legendary 'Animal Farm' - different species falling in love with each other

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